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Everything posted by annabel

  1. I hated Antonio/Jessica. He was just a terrible person, not a good romantic partner and really, borderline abusive. I don't know if he ever would have actually hit her, but Jess was right to be scared of him. Yet the show kept insisting that he was a nice guy and a hero. Boo on that. I also hate KdlR.
  2. I just caught up on the episode thread, and man, this a nice place to be!
  3. Original Lucky and Liz was such a wonderful story. Remember him sleeping on her bedroom floor so she would feel safe?
  4. I was intending to come back to the show for the few days that JJ is appearing, but everything else I read in the episode thread has nixed that plan. I will just wait for Nashville to come back in the fall and hope that Avery and Juliette get back together
  5. Not watching, but yay to hypotoad and peach
  6. I like Theresa (though I would prefer if her name did not have the unnecessary h) and do not like Chad, so I am fine with them not interacting.
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Daniel and Nicole were together before all this. Whatever happened or didn't while they were roasting to death really has nothing to do with Daniel at all. Except OF COURSE IT DOES. Because EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS MUST INVOLVE DANIEL SOMEHOW. Yuck. I hate the character, the actor, and everything to do with him. I even hate Parker by association, and children should not be hated. Unless you are Spencer Cassadine. Then all the hate is allowed.
  8. It's very Jack Devereaux hair, which works on Matt Ashford, but not on this kid (sorry I do not know his name), which has me hopeful Jack will come back!!
  10. Is Mac the only person who unreservedly hates Sonny at this point? I would say maybe also Jax, but he has not been around in so long. Not that we see much of Mac, but he is still in PC, right?
  11. I will also ask this in the spoiler thread, but when will JJ show up and how many shows will he appear on? Everything y'all are describing sounds so damn dreary I don't want to tune in a minute earlier than absolutely necessary
  12. Anne seems like the kind of person who decided years ago that this was her look and no one will ever get her out of those wrap dresses or do something different with her hair.
  13. I have always loved KdP and I really like Jen Lilley, and I really really WANT to like Eve and Theresa, but the writing makes it so very very hard. Eve needs a job and a friend or two and something to do that is not at all Horton-related. I hesitate to say she needs a love interest, because really, who is there? Theresa needs something, ANYTHING, to do that is not all about Brady. Someone upthread mentioned Munchausen (sp?) by proxy, which could be interesting if written well, but would likely just be a cringe-inducing disaster.
  14. Yes, that Tony and Emma claim to not remember Holly/Bill is about like Ron claiming he does not remember Live Week and the Hell No wedding from OLTL.
  15. Not watching, but wondering what is being referred to here?
  16. I was rather surprised to hear Victor call Kim imbecilic, considering how besotted he was with her back in the day. I don't see this cozy foursome (plus Tate and the silent nanny) lasting long however. And I actually liked Maggie today!!
  17. My favorite was when Jindal said "let me say this real slow so that even Hillary Clinton can understand" and Jon was like WTF dude, no one thinks Hillary is stupid. Some of the pictures of Jindal looked weird though, maybe they were drawings instead of photos? He used to look incredibly young and in some of those he looked like an ancient marionette. Richard Lewis actually seemed calm to me as opposed to how I remember him.
  18. Mods, please let me know if I am out of line or put me in another thread, but this and a lot of comments about Abigail lately just seem grossly expressed and unnecessarily crude. I realize she is an unpopular character here and I mostly FF through her myself, but a lot of this borders on being really ugly, and I like to think we are better than that here.
  19. Marlena today again with the long tail white shirt and shorter sweater. This orange seemed a little longer and not quite so WTF as the blue from a few weeks ago, but Doc, really, WTF??
  20. Would Michael be ALLOWED to give AJ to Sonny? He was granted legal custody and is her legal guardian. I'm not sure he could just turn around and give her to the person who was DENIED custody. Even if that person is her supposed biological father (there has not yet been DNA testing of AJ against Sonny, right?)
  21. The whole time Hope and Rafe were talking I kept thinking "not such a smart thing to be doing in a curtained booth where you have no idea who is sitting behind you." Of course Show did not take advantage of this.
  22. Nope, it played out exactly like that. MIchael felt bad because Lucy said he took Avery away and now thinks he should forgive and move on but doesn't know what his first move should be. Sabrina says he should give Avery back. I was so pissed. Seriously????? I am so glad I am not watching. I might have done an Elvis on my poor television set and I do not even own a gun.
  23. I think Xander is actually pretty scary. Nothing he is doing would make any sense to a sane person, but he has been done wrong and by god everyone will pay. Seriously, this is all because Nicole pretended to be interested in him?
  24. Frons would NEVER have put up with this ELQ stuff though. He hated business stories, thought they were boring and uninvolving for the audience or some such whatnot, which was why there was so little ELQ, BE (OLTL) and Chandler Enterprises (AMC) during his tenure.
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