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Everything posted by annabel

  1. Though Bo and Hope were my jam back in the 80s, I never actually thought Peter Reckell was that much of an actor, but he is knocking it out of the park. I don't understand why the buildup took so long and this is all being so rushed though. I would rather have seen maybe two days of Bo in captivity, a day or two of the Steve rescue and then lots and lots of time in Salem. Instead it was what, at least six weeks before Bo got back to Salem and now the brain tumor will probably get him by the end of November. Terrible pacing.
  2. Why does anyone think it's a good idea for Hope to be in that house, especially leaving her there alone. Let her go stay with Doug and Julie, or why was it that she didn't go to Jennifer's? Hell, even Victor's would be better than being in the house where she was almost murdered. I wondered too who are the people at the surprise Bo party.
  3. My station goes from the last scene to the Corday Productions card. And after that it's local news. No previews. I had no idea about any Bo stuff.
  4. This is pretty annoying. My local affiliate doesn't show previews and now y'all are going on about something that should technically be in the spoiler thread. Thanks a bunch. /sarcasm
  5. Will Lexington is an excellent friend. He was great with Layla (unpacking the boxes was a very thoughtful thing to do), calling Gunnar out (while sitting on the couch eating ice cream out of the carton), and mostly with Avery. I loved the impromptu lullaby. What Juliette said to Layla about forgetting/pretending the relationship had ever happened sounded like she was talking to herself as much as Layla.
  6. I think how Bo will leave again is a spoiler, so please don't post any answers here, go to the spoiler thread. It was awful to watch, but it was also gratifying that Hope did not just gracefully succumb to being strangled like she did in all Aiden's fantasies (? I hesitate to call them that but can't think of a better word), but instead fought back like hell. I think she did go for her gun downstairs but it got knocked aside. How will it all play out on Monday? I guess Ciara and Chase are with Doug and Julie for the evening.
  7. OK, so it's early November in Salem USA, and the women are dressed for all seasons. In the scenes at the square Ciara is in a sleeveless dress with a gauzy wrap that she doesn't even keep over her shoulders while at the same time Julie is wearing GLOVES and a giant cowl. I know the temperatures are crazy all over, but wouldn't one of them have been either really hot or really cold?
  8. Kayla was a nurse back in the day, and sometime between 1989 and a couple of years ago when I started watching again she became a doctor. I don't know if she was in medical school on camera or if she just showed up back in town as an MD.
  9. OMG they all look so young, Bo /Hope, Steve/ Kayla, Justin/Adrienne. But they also all look pretty much like they do today. They have all aged well, and if they have had work done apparently they've consulted Susan Lucci. (per some comments on the old TWoP boards Erica Kane was born in 1962, to which I responded "I am older than Erica Kane???")
  10. Well, Petunia and Shesajar, you are obviously better and stronger people than I am, because when people mispronounce my name after they've met me it immediately makes me dislike them. It's not that difficult! It's two syllables! I've told you how I pronounce it! It's my NAME!!! If you cannot get this simple thing about me right I have no interest in knowing you. I guess the Caroline/Carolyn thing bugs me so much is because I have a young friend with one of those names who feels the same as I do about GET MY DAMN NAME RIGHT!!!
  11. Some of the Bo/Steve plane going down stuff was unintentionally hilarious. I swear, whenever they showed Patch gripping the arms of his seat it looked like SN was rocking the seat for all he was worth. It seemed incredibly awkward for Caroline (NOT Carolyn Julie, what is wrong with you) to be delivering Hope's wedding dress. Shouldn't that have been maid of honor Kayla's job? Although KA did some fantastic "in the background" acting while Caroline was going on and on about Bo. Daniel Cosgrove is breaking my heart. I agree with whoever said that if it wasn't for Chase that Aiden would probably kill himself, rather than go through with killing Hope. He was grasping at straws with the Dimeras today. ETA: agreed that SORASing Chase and Ciara should have waited until after all this goes down. How are we supposed to connect with the grief, unbelief, whatever emotions of two actors we don't even know? Plus, how cute would it have been for little Chase and Ciara to be hosting the wedding day brunch?? I don't know what those in charge are thinking sometimes.
  12. YES!! Remember them in the tub and he goes underwater???
  13. Seriously?? I posted in another thread about her extremely weird hairdo the past couple of days. I actually tried to recreate it myself, just to see why anyone might think this was a good idea, pulling hair from the back of my head forward over my ears and then twisting it all in the back. It wasn't anything I'd ever leave the house looking like, but it was better than Abigail's
  14. WTF was that "hairstyle" on Abby today? I ffd through most of it, but it looked like she had hair from the back of her head pulled forward over her ears so the ends stuck out and then the front pieces pulled to the back of her head ponytail-like. WTF!!!
  15. I don't even have any history with Gabi, but she and Sonny at the apartment was one of the only times I've felt anything all week. OK, few. I've also liked Sami, Marlena and Sami, Adrienne/Sonny/Justin, and Brady, but only when he was at Marlena's. I haven't actually cried though. I can't say that this is because I've only been back to the show for about a year plus and therefore do not have enough connection to these people. This was my show in the 80s. I still have great affection for Marlena, Hope, Kayla, Adrienne, Justin. In comparison, I watched OLTL regularly for several years in the early 2000s, quit almost entirely for several years, and when I started up again I had not been watching for long when we had The Day of the Hat, which was followed by several days of the best television I'd seen in years, most which involved people I did not know well and/or was not terribly invested in, but nevertheless had me sitting on my couch in a puddle. That was good writing. This, for the most part, is not.
  16. Not exactly a star, but as Rick Kitchen confirmed upthread, the Chase Jennings actor is playing the son on The Grinder. I was not sure at first it was the same kid, but he is pretty good. His hair is darker, sort of red, and he looks looks like he has grown a bit, he really does not look lke Aiden's casper-kid. Since he probably last filmed on DOOL in maybe late spring and these shows are maybe a few months old it makes sense that he looks older and healthier.
  17. Oooh. I have never cared much for Kate, and if Sami and Stefano got into some sort of unholy alliance into making her pay? I would probably like that.
  18. I hadn't thought about killing Will as being homophobic, but apparently others have. Vulture article, sorry don't know how to link
  19. Title of this thread OK , since you are paying attention here, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE change it to sands (plural) and "the" not "a", also "as", not "like" As sands through the hourglass these are the days of our lives
  20. Do not know how I managed to do that three times, nor do I know how to fix it. Sorry
  21. I have no love at all for Will, but today made me terribly sad, and also somewhat sick to my stomach. I will stick with the show through the celebration the characters are planning, though possibly not long after that.
  22. I have no love at all for Will, but today made me terribly sad, and also somewhat sick to my stomach. I will stick with the show through the celebration the characters are planning, though possibly not long after that.
  23. I have no love at all for Will, but today made me terribly sad, and also somewhat sick to my stomach. I will stick with the show through the celebration the characters are planning, though possibly not long after that.
  24. I found this out thanks to the spoiler blowup that prompted the entire board getting locked last week, but if someone managed to escape that, shouldn't these last few posts be in a spoiler thread instead of here?
  25. I think Trevor is doing great. I smile and laugh out loud and sometimes even cheer. He is extremely likeable.
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