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Everything posted by annabel

  1. I actually liked that Theresa did not throw a fit about Summer, but still, she needs to leave like yesterday (she is the absolute WORST) and HER HAIR IS SO HORRIBLE. I am sorry I keep mentioning this all the time, but even if there was SOMETHING at all to like about her, it would be impossible because HER HAIR IS SO HORRIBLE. I apologize for all the yelling. Can you tell I do not like her or her hair??
  2. Maybe it's written into their contracts? I don't read GH stuff anymore, but everyone used to practically turn somersaults about how awesome Tony Geary and Maurice Benard were, even when what we were seeing them doing on our screens was absolutely terrible.
  3. I will love it if Chad comes home to find Abigail throwing a match on an empty bed that then goes up in flames. Bonus points if the mansion actually burns down. Not terribly attached to Thomas at this point, so if he doesn't survive I will not be too bothered. Go away Summer, far far away. Never to return or be mentioned again. Far far away. I don't know if I've disliked a character this much so immediately since Arabella Carey's introduction on AMC.
  4. Theo is the best. And I can't help thinking that with his big ears and awesome smile that he would be great Barack Obama casting some point down the line.
  5. I was not even really much of a Patch/Kayla fan back in the day, but damn, if they are not hands down the best thing on the show right now, even with not much story to go on. I want Kayla's purple pajamas. Who is Maggie's doctor grandson? I wish they were doing something else with VI, as I have always liked him, don't like Kate, and Deimos so far is not exactly someone to root for. Summer and her terrible terrible hair need to go far far away and never be mentioned again.
  6. Has John Aniston always been so hunched over? I feel pain in my back and shoulders when I look at him. I have had back problems all my life and always try to stand up straight, shoulders back.
  7. Shawn Christian has got to be at least 10 years older than Marie Rogers, so I do not understand this retcon at all.
  8. I wish Trevor had asked something about the Supreme Court nomination. He could have phrased it like "so since I' m not from here, I don't understand, why do you have to wait for the next president to make the people's choice? Didn't the people already choose Obama?"
  9. This used to come up on OLTL with the Vega boys and their mother all the time. It is "mami", the spanish, not "mommy" the english.
  10. I was wondering where Marlena was when Steve and Rafe were at the PD and it seemed they had come back from somewhere that hadn't worked out, since she had been all adamant about coming along. So it was awesome when she showed up. And then clocked that guy and the looks she and Steve exchanged were priceless. GO MARLENA!!
  11. Marlena was awesome, I also really liked Hope and Ciara (and Theo and Claire.) Claire is a really good friend to Ciara, but has she called Hope "grandma" yet? I think either she or Theo referred to her as Claire's grandmother in conversation today, but it would be nice to see the two of them recognize it.
  12. I mostly liked this, but I DID NOT like the judge confessing to Vera, I would have preferred a voiceover. I also did not like Vera hooking up with Lombard, I would not be dropping my panties if I was on Murder Island.<br /><br />I also did not like that so many of the "crimes" were actually MURDER. In the book the whole point was that what these people had done was not prosecutable. But stomping someone in a jail cell? Murder. Holding a pillow over someone"s face? Murder. Letting a small child swim out farther than he can maybe not swim back from? Bad judgement or devious intent maybe but not murder
  13. I was not watching when he was around before, but the combination of this actor I do not like and he's apparently a con man with Summer? that's what I've gathered from comments, I FFed their scenes and will continue to do so. Way to make me want to keep watching, show. Kayla and Hope together is always terrific.
  14. I don't even like Maggie all that much and I feel bad that she's being saddled with Summer and therefore I will be missing some of her scenes. This is one of the main problems with such an accelerated shooting schedule: they've already got four or five months of Summer's storyline taped, and no real chance to drop a character that is just not working out (though, frankly I don't know how or why anyone thought this would be interesting or entertaining.)
  15. I was distracted by the woman in the background of the second coffeeshop scene with Dean and his actor buddy who was totally into her phone. Was that really such a big thing back in 2005? I didn't have one then, so don't really remember.
  16. Yay for Ben in the window!! Bonus points if Abigail actually faints and he runs away before anyone else sees him. I'd be fine with him lurking around for awhile without anyone else ever seeing him and making Abby seem crazy.
  17. Ciara and Joey are cousins. There's probably some sort of once-removed thing between Joey and Claire, since Claire's grandfather is Joey's uncle.
  18. Rape, murder, cutting with knives. Whatever happened to Love in the Afternoon? I'm about done here. Does anyone know if Y&R or B&B is worth my time? I know GH isn't. Actually I know Y&R isn't either, as my sister who'd been watching for over 40 years recently quit. And I watched a bit of B&B last year or so when Susan Flannery was doing her exit story and I'm not sure that's for me either. Except for a few weeks here and there, I have had at least one soap in my life since high school. Thinking that I will never have one again makes me sad.
  19. But this is good for him how? Trump would go off on his own so Mittens would get even less votes than he did the last time.
  20. Me too! I wonder if Spinbrush had any idea what they were buying into.
  21. We are asked to suspend disbelief for so much that I don't see why we could not accept seeing flashbacks of WN as Roman. I think GH did this when Lila died. The terribly miscast Jed Allen was playing Edward at the time, but they showed scenes of Lila with both the previous Edwards, which was good since there was so much history there and none with JA.
  22. I'm starting to question if I really need a daytime soap in my life. I've been watching at least one for over 40 years except for the few months after OLTL ended and before the OLTL characters showed up on GH. I didn't feel particularly bereft during that time, and I haven't watched GH in over a year. I am just so uninterested in everything that's going on now, there really isn't a single storyline that I am invested in. VI is always fun to watch, but since he only gets to interact with Philip and Victor that's not too entertaining. I will always love KA, but what's going on with her is not too great either. The cast is too big, this was one of my gripes when I was still watching GH.There are characters/storylines that get dropped for what seems like weeks, yet we now also have Marie Wilson with hair so terrible I can barely pay attention to the boring-ness of what's going on in her scenes, and Jordi Whatshisname who will almost certainly end back up in Salem too. At least it seems like SWMNBN might be really most sincerely dead.
  23. As long as Ciara was still wearing the same outfit I was holding out hope that she would tell someone and go have a rape kit done. But now she has changed clothes and probably showered, so oh well. Why refer to JPL as "the soap superstar"? Was he ever on anything other than OLTL? He never won any awards for that I don't think. This is VI's fourth or fifth soap at least, and from what I've seen over the years he's always been great.
  24. I think that it is the Spencer Cassadine actor playing the young Rob Kardashian on the F/X OJ show.
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