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Everything posted by annabel

  1. We don't ever see anyone actually WORKING, like at an actual job, so where they are supposedly employed does not matter much to me.
  2. I have mostly enjoyed the shows this week with lots of characters interacting with each other. I have not enjoyed any scenes with the Three Idiots and their guns and knives and tying people up and talking about revenge and payback. Yuck. That is not entertaining.
  3. There is much less nicknaming which I appreciate. I used to just scroll on past posts that had a lot of names I did not recognize
  4. Not that I really care, but how was it that JJ put Clyde in prison and it is kate's fault? I honestly do not remember Also, I think Claire did refer to John as grandpa and not uncle Show has a lot of good actors and lot of good characters and a lot of GOOD HISTORY involving said actors and characters. So why are we watching this??
  5. I don't think Mami broke her hip, I think someone else broke their hip and Mami went off to look after them. Claire needs to stop asking permission. She has graduated highschool, is presumedly 18, she can do what she wants. I was not watching when Brandon Beemer was on before, but damn he and Kristian look gorgeous together.
  6. I thought Clyde was in prison in Florida, so I was surprised when Marlena showed up to visit him the other day. So where are they all? Wouldn't the good people of Salem (policeman Roman and mayor Abe at the least) be informed if Orpheus was being housed right outside of town? And now Xander is in their little gang? Orpheus is better than any of this Awesome to see Kassie, I did not know Eve was showing up. I don't remember her and Nicole ever interacting before though. I know we were all Why can't Eve and Nicole be friends?
  7. I am mildly interested in Orpheus, but if he's going to be in cahoots with Clyde, no thanks
  8. Is Lucas wearing a plastic Clark Kent wig? His haircut is terrible. Who the hell wears 4" heels just hanging around at home Jennifer? Never liked Rory and haven't missed him. Judi Evans looks terrific. Missy Reeves has pretty good arms. Too bad Deimos and Justin have to be at odds. Wally and Vincent are two of my favorites going back decades and they both look great and it would be fun if they were buddies.
  9. Yesterday Claire referred to "Uncle Phillip" and I cannot figure out any way for them to be related. I have liked Kate's outfit, but anyone not a teenager/earlytwenties should be wearing ugly pale green nail polish. I don't care for that patch of color that shows up in her hair either. I actually don't care for her at all.
  10. Is this supposed to be the big build-up to the Olympics break? Unless a lot of terribly interesting stuff happens next week I can't imagine caring enough to sustain my interest over two weeks of no shows. I've already pretty much decided that my daily soap hour is now going to be spent watching The Wire, since I haven't yet. After that, well there's plenty of shows I've never watched.
  11. Weren't Judi Evans and VI on Guiding Light together? They didn't really interact together, but she was grinning like hell
  12. Oh, I would love to see Theresa kick Victor in the balls. And then just lay into him about all the (unwarranted) grief he's caused her for awhile. And Maggie and Brady would just have to watch, since there would be no defending him
  13. Who cares?? Certainly not me. I probably won't be back after the Olympics. Use this time to do a rewatch of Gilmore Girls or The West Wing, or maybe watch something I haven't before but have always wanted to like The Wire
  14. Having people shoot other people point blank seems a little tone-deaf given what's been going on in the world lately.
  15. OMG, I hadn't noticed the Kristen Alderson thing, but in that photo, YESSSSSSS I do (or did) like KA, she just had a terrible character to play on GH. I will give her a chance in the next thing she does
  16. Does Stefano keep popping up so that Joe Mascolo can keep up his health insurance? If so, I have to give props to Ken Corday for showing more class than JFP did years ago with Anna Lee.
  17. Laverne Cox seems pretty smart. I'm sure that as soon as she realized she was going to be in the public eye in a big way and would get to make a difference she sought out as much good advice re: speaking and such as she could.
  18. Also, if it's so hot,why not put your hair in a ponytail or pile it atop your head? And not expend unnecessary energy by dancing. And Rafe is sitting outside by himself with an icebucket of beers?
  19. OH MY GOD IT IS ALL SO INCREDIBLY BORING!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry for yelling.
  20. I have never cared for either Lauren Koslow or the character of Kate, but I do love me some Thaao, though I don't much care for Andre either. Why didn't Chloe just say, hey Deimos is right here in my living room? Forgot to mention this the other day, but her cleavage on Friday was a bit much for just hanging out at home. Please, let John quickly find out that Summer killed Random Dude and she is immediately imprisoned and offscreen forever. Oh, Dario's role can also be discovered and he can leave as well.
  21. I remember seeing Real awhile back and being all "well HELLO Taggert", but cannot remember the context. Why was he there and would there be a reason for him to show up again?
  22. I don't understand the point of the mask, her face looks very not-burned. When they first showed her in it I figured this would be how to introduce the next actress, terrible burns, plastic surgery, yada yada yada, then she just took it off the other day "oh I can take it off for a few minutes at a time". What is it for????? And just in typing this out I have spent more time thinking about this than anyone at the show has.
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