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Everything posted by annabel

  1. Is this end of her storyline? Ava cannot get off my tv quickly enough. Have never understood why ANYONE thinks TB is an interesting or good actress.
  2. This months-ahead taping schedule is absurd. Lighten up, give everyone a few weeks off, get back to several weeks ahead. I don't understand why this is supposed to be a good idea.
  3. My only experience with this Jordi person was when he was on AMC trying to get with Kendall and pretending he wasn't and he always looked like his pants were painfully too small. I did not like him AT ALL. Was he the original actor in this role? MBE has terrific legs!! I could have done without the little hip-placed pocket flaps, but the pink was great on her. I would have liked Theresa's dress if it was an inch or two longer and didn't stand out like she was wearing a crinoline. Why does Brady keep taking his sunglasses OFF when he thinks there is something he wants to see better? Dude, you are on a beach. Sunglasses are your friend.
  4. Hope said she was going home, which at the moment is Jennifer's house. Is she going to walk in on Eric and Jen? Is the dream-woman Marie Wilson? Wasn't MW somehow involved in the Aiden's wife backstory a year or so ago? Could it be the same character? Or maybe it is just not Marie Wilson. I have been confused before. Perhaps Chase did not rape Ciara as in penetration but abused/violated her in some other way. It seemed weird that he texted her. Maybe she fought back and he ran off but of course she still feels traumatized. I have a lot more thoughts about this but don't want to open up a whole can of worms until we have a better idea of what actually went down.
  5. Just listened to Trevor having a delightful conversation with Terry Gross on Fresh Air.
  6. The whole Chase/Andre thing is just coming across really strangely. Chase should know better than to be so trusting of a Dimera, and I really don't get what Andre's ulterior motive in befriending Chase is.
  7. I have never really NOT liked Jennifer, but I was gone for a couple decades. I am liking her very much now, though after the pill stuff is over I wonder what they intend for her to do. Maybe she could get with Deimos, that might be fun
  8. Oh, right, I forgot about the fire. And since it just happened like two days ago that kind of says a lot about the state of the current storytelling. A house fire should be a big fucking deal, not something that barely registers.
  9. I will sit at the table who enjoyed Ciara's spot today, I liked hers best. Although I did wonder where she was sleeping, does she have a fainting couch in her bedroom? That didn't look like the living room couch.
  10. Desi can stay home and raise her baby, I didn't find any of her pieces entertaining.
  11. I LOVED Ride of the Valkyrie playing as flames started to shoot straight up out of the backpack. However, I am as tired as Jennifer about: anything Ava, John finding out about his family (I FFd these two storylines), Hope in vengeance mode, Andre doing just about anything, and this was just today. Also, yesterday didn't we see Rafe finally pack it in and leave the station? Today he is back at his desk. Continuity should be your friend.
  12. MsTree, you take that back right now!!! *small voice* (how old is the theoretical patch/ava spawn? not watching for years, totally missed ava's first go-around, thank god) Tamara Braun is just as terrible here as everything else I've seen her do.
  13. So what is Eve's exit storyline? She just doesn't come back from escorting Claire to NYC and is never mentioned again? Too damn bad, as Kassie had some sparks with A, I thought she and Wally showed promise and I would have loved to have seen her with Vincent!! Instead we get Abby and Chad, Belle and Phillip and the awfulness that is everything involving Ava. Lucky us.
  14. Do any of you think Claire is a good singer? To me she doesn't sound like she is hitting the right notes. She's no Adele, that's for sure.
  15. I would totally watch an hour-long "making-of", all that dashing around from set to set and costume changing. This was pretty impressive. I didn't watch The Wiz or Peter Pan, but I think The Sound of Music would have benefitted from an audience like this. I think even on PBS when they broadcast stage plays there is an audience.
  16. Don't know this for sure, but I have sort of gotten the impression that Joe Mascolo is done. Also, as much as I loved Tony many years ago, Thaao is also put a fork in it time
  17. But how much do they even matter? Jacob Young has a daytime Emmy, so do Maurice Benard, Steve Burton and Natalia Livingston!!! Tony Geary won his last two or three for extremely hack work. Yes, it's nice when our favorites get nominated and then maybe win, but sometimes they're not exactly in the most illustrious company.
  18. Who kneels in the grass to have their picture taken like that? is what I think every time they show that stupid photo in Maggie's living room.
  19. I don't know why they recast Roman with Josh Taylor, but back in 80s he played a character named Chris Kositchek, who owned a bar/restaurant called Shenanigans and was good buddies with Bo. He also dated Kayla for awhile before MBE was Kayla. I don't know what happened to him, I wasn't watching then.
  20. Once on AMC when Greenlee was depressed she hung out at home for a few days in a tshirt and leggings and pink fluffy slippers. It was very refreshing to see a character dressed like most of us are when we're at home.
  21. Trevor needs to not button his jacket during the standing-up segments or get some better fitting jackets.
  22. VINCENT IRIZARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is all.
  23. Yes, but isn't also a cafe? I was sort of under the impression that it was a coffee hangout during the day and turned into a bar at night.
  24. Why is Steve so convinced that a baby sold on the blackmarket is having a terrible life? Wouldn't someone who wanted a baby so badly they were willing to shell out major $$ for one treat it pretty well?
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