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Everything posted by annabel

  1. No, there are probably still a couple/three loose diamonds in Daniel's couch. Which Parker will find and swallow, leading to a big medical story that he is not Daniel's son at all!! See how easy that was? Who do I contact to get my check??
  2. Yeah, I still don't understand how he and Maggie got together, but he has been great, if somewhat annoying sometimes, through the past week or so.
  3. Also, aging about 8-10 years in a few weeks time would freak anyone out. Ciara not smiling is the least of my concerns here.
  4. Steve knocked on the door, Hope called who's there, Steve said it's Steve, Hope said leave me alone and he shook his head and left. Why didn't he just yell Jennifer, Eric and Brady have been in a car accident. They are all in the hospital, and Daniel Jonas is dead. Hope might have cared about that. Jennifer is her beloved cuz and Eric is her nephew. Dunno what sort of relationship she has with Brady. Also Hope just left her giant pages of crime-solving out on the coffee table for Ciara to find when she wakes up. I was waiting for Ciara to ask Mom, what's all this? Let me know if anything I should know about happens in the Ava storyline; even in FF TB is unbearable.
  5. I have said before that I was not a Kayla/Patch fan back in the day, but they are really doing it for me right now. More of that would be good. I don't know what Tamara Braun is supposed to be doing, but could she go do it someplace else please. Cannot stand even looking at her.
  6. OMG, any suggestion that RK-K be cast in ANYTHING pretty much negates the rest of the argument. Let the man run his airport, just keep him off my tv.
  7. OMG, I just now pictured Linda Dano falling through a skylight, or Kristina Wagner. Who was Felicia on this show? Who here has ever known anyone named Felicia? I also have not ever known anyone named Carly.
  8. Yeah, budgets used to be huge. I still remember a quote from Marcy Walker back when Cruz and Eden were in their heyday "my vacation check is more than my dad makes in a year." I doubt ANYONE on soaps makes that kind of money anymore.
  9. Could people PLEASE stop posting spoilers in this thread??? It says right in the title, NO SPOILERS, yet upthread folks are chatting it up about who dies in the car crash. I had no idea who it would be (actually I am so unspoiled I didn't even KNOW there was going to be a car crash until it was mentioned here) and when they showed Jennifer at the end I actually said out loud "oh my god, is it going to be Jennifer?" CURRENT plots. TODAY's show. Go somewhere else to discuss the future please. Sorry to be so bitchy, but I do not read spoiler threads because I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW, so when stuff just pops up here casually, like it's common knowledge, when it hasn't even happened yet it just annoys me to no end.
  10. Not clothing, but Marlena's hair has been looking AWESOME lately. I first noticed it when John was making her stand under the mistletoe last week and yesterday with Abby it looked really good too.
  11. I don't get the Ann love, nor do I understand what is so great about Kate. I don't care for either actress, so my dislike probably starts there. I love the Horton tree, I am glad Chase got an ornament; that poor boy needs to know people love him and want him around since he seems to have no family of his own. It reminds me of when OLTL totally missed the boat folding Riley into Nora's family when his murderous father either died or went to prison. It would have made sense for both of them. Instead, I think Riley went off to rehab, never to be heard from again. Claire is not a good singer!! I heard a couple flats when she was singing with JJ today, so I don't get why Eve was gushing all over her the other day. I also hated how Eve kept calling her sweetheart, honey and beautiful, all terms she used to adress Paige. I love KdP, but her in this role is just not doing it for me. Oh, ETA that I think Eve and Justin are so far very cute together, and since I also love Wally..
  12. Why is JPL a "soap opera superstar"? This is only his second role after OLTL, right? Did he win a lot of awards or other stuff I am unaware of? Someone mentioned last week that there is an extreme resemblance to Scott Reeves and now that's all I can see. They have the same leathery-face thing going on, it is almost uncanny.
  13. Carrie is Roman and Anna (oh, I really miss Anna, she and Tony were my first DOOL jam), Sami is Roman and Marlena, and Belle is Marlena and John, do I have it right? So Carrie and Belle are not related except they share a sister. I found it hilarious earlier in the week when it was posted that AS is 39 and MM is 38; didn't teenage or early 20s Sami kidnap baby Belle?
  14. Please tell me TB is not around for very long, because she is making me FF Kayla, who I really didn't care much for back in the day but she is now one of my favorites. Does Longmire (what is this show, when is it on, why does it require A to have this appalling facial hair) not have a budget where they could spirit glue this thatch to his chin while filming and allow him to be clean-shaven IRL? Abby's knob ontop of head hair looked ridonk. I realize the actors probably don't have much to say about wardrobe, but are they not allowed to look in the mirror and say "this hairdo? No." I will say again, who thought John and his past with Eduardo would be a compelling story? As others have pointed out, we've gone down this road with John before. Another rewrite of his history is just not interesting. And really, what does it matter at this point? I would rather watch him and Marlena really explore their issues, they do have rather a lot of them. And where does Eduardo go from here? I have loved A since Cruz and Eden and this is just not doing it for me.
  15. And furniture stores now deliver in the middle of the night? This monthday is getting ridiculous. A new day please!!
  16. I actually would not be surprised if we don't see or hear anything about Ben ever again.
  17. I realized today that there is something about TB that reminds me of Michelle Trachtenberg, who I also cannot stand. It was when she was smiling so self-satisfiedly into the mirror (and this was in FF, I do not intend to watch any of her scenes.) They both always project this air of thinking they are all that, and really, they are not.
  18. Actually, I think as of yesterday we are still on the day of Bo's funeral, which was the day after Bo died, which was the day after Hope and Aiden's wedding, the attempted strangulation, and Bo's return. I don't know why all this stuff has to be packed into two/three days time, unless it is so it can line up with the Abigail storyline, so she and Ben were not in the cabin for weeks on end (again, Salem-time). In which case I would have much preferred that Abigail stay pregnant for a month or two and let all the Hope/Aiden/Bo/aftermath stuff play out in a more reasonable time frame. I don't care about either Abigail or Chad and have zero interest in big-headed baby's paternity. I have never liked Tamara Braun and am not at all looking forward to her stirring up trouble for Patch and Kayla (she was on the show previously, right? Is she playing the same character?) I have always liked A Martinez, but I hate his facial hair and don't know why anyone would think that whatever past he and John may or may not have shared would be a compelling story.
  19. I also am fine with the way Hope is behaving. She thought she had moved on, that guy tried to kill her, Bo shows up, then dies. She can be as crazy as she wants to be. Also, Kristian Alfonso is looking great.
  20. It would be awesome if they actually did burn up. I don't think that Chad is all that as some here do, and I don't care at all about Abby, though her arms are pretty great.
  21. I think even Hope and Roman and Rafe (and maybe even NewAbeDaughterCop) know, and no one really cares, because that's how the show rolls these days.
  22. Wally and Kassie are kind of fun, no? Two actors I love. When is Vincent Irrizary supposed to show up?
  23. I loved all the flashbacks, but I do wish they had showed Bo on his motorcycle at the end of that long plantation driveway. And maybe them lounging around in the 1880s outfits afterwards. And if "Tonight I Celebrate My Love" had been played at least once, or maybe just softly in the background throughout? Good job though. Kristian has always been lovely, but I think she is one of those women who grows more beautiful with age. She is so stunning now. Don't start messing with your face Kristian!! And Peter Reckell is one of those guys whose looks benefit immensely from facial hair, and the more the better. I liked the more beard he had this time around before Patch told him to clean himself up. And today it looked like he had even LESS beard, and also less hair on his head. Maybe in addition to killing him the tumor is sapping his hair follicles. Farewell Bo, RIP, until the storyline requires you to come back from the dead. I had no idea that I will actually miss you.
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