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Everything posted by annabel

  1. I agree with everyone who has commented about the extremely fast turnaround. It makes me wonder if GH could do the same, and I think not, because they have had vets wandering in and out for several years and have been unable to give any of them anything worthwhile to do. And for anyone who wants to relive mid-80s Patch and Kayla without actually watching clips, be sure to check out Dandesun's summaries as she watches for the first time over on the Previous Plots thread.
  2. Dande, I am having such fun reading your summaries of the old days, please keep it up!! Do you know what year you are in at the moment?
  3. Justin, I need for you to stop this RIGHT NOW, or all the good feelings I have about seeing Wally back on a regular basis are going to go away FAST. Please writers, don't ruin him.
  4. I honestly don't remember Hope calling Bo "Brady" back in the day, so much so that it was surprising to me when I heard her doing it when I would tune in once in awhile after their heydey. But then I have never found it endearing to call a loved one by their last name (see B&B; Ridge; "Logan")
  5. When did Hope start calling Bo "Brady" instead of "Bo". She still refers to him as Bo when talking about him, but when did she start calling him "Brady" when talking to him. It seems confusing to me, especially since there is Brady Black, who everyone calls Brady, not Black.
  6. I actually HATE "sweetness" and was never a fan of Patch and Kayla. I have unexpectedly liked Kayla whenever she has shown up in the past year or so, though I don't know how/why/when she became a doctor.
  7. I would love it if, when Bo shows up, Hope is all oh, hello, Ciara would love to see you, got to go, I have dinner plans. But I do not get to have nice things.
  8. So, Chippings, what did you think?? I have been back for a year or so after literally decades away and I love that people I originally knew way back when are still walking around. And more to come!!!
  9. What??? Why??? That is not her name!!! I hate it when people mangle my name, really it's not that difficult, why has she put up with it??? Apologies for all the excessive punctuation, but this is a seriously touchy subject with me.
  10. I am getting super annoyed at all the mispronounciations of Caroline's name. The other day in the hospital Julie kept calling her Carolyn and today Victor did it too. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME NAME. Read your scripts people. Unless the writers are getting it wrong, in which case boo on them.
  11. Except in what jurisdiction do the witness and the questioning attorney (I thought Scotty was the DA, why is he defending Franco?) essentially get to have a conversation about the witness's actual identity? Once in awhile Ric would say something like Is there a question here, but mostly it was ridiculous.
  12. I can't take Michael Fairman seriously because of those photos at the top of his site, especially the one where he's putting his sunglasses on. He obviously has a very high opinion of himself.
  13. I was hoping that Aiden was wearing a wire when he was outside talking to Clyde, even though Clyde didn't say anything incriminating, other than threatening Hope and the kids and admitting to beating up Aiden. Hope took off his shirt and touched his bruises, that could have been preparing to wire him up. I need for Clyde to be done and gone like yesterday.
  14. If the characters were actually spouting Perkie's dialog I might be tempted to tune in. Thanks for taking one for the team Perkie!!
  15. I am not even recording anymore, but still come here most days. It all sounds completely insane and unwatchable, but I am looking forward to seeing what y'all have say about the new writers. I have started watching again before!!
  16. I want so much to like you Show, but you are making it very difficult. Do not care one whit about Abby and her pregnancy woes. Ditto JJ the undercover agent and Paige and the sleezy drug dealer guy. Even more dittoes to Clyde and Ben and Stephano and Chad. It was nice to see Hope today though. What is up with Theresa's giant cast? A broken ankle would not require a full-foot-to-the-knee plaster cast, do they even do that anymore? I see people all the time in those foam and velcro-strapped walking things, sometimes with a wheely contraption they can balance on to get around. I don't understand what they are doing with Xander and why. On the one hand he is all subservient to Victor "anything for you uncle" and on the other he seems like he could just snap everyone's neck and be done with it. They should have just kept the actor as Victor's henchman, whatever his name was, or had him be Justin's Alexander (Angelica's son, right?) This retconned character makes no sense.
  17. I don't read HuffPo unless a link directs me there, but I did read that they have moved their coverage of Trump from Politics to Entertainment, saying that that's where his campaign belonged.
  18. Seriously, does no one show up when they're supposed to? And no ramifications? Awhile back Anne had to call Theresa TWO DAYS IN A ROW and tell her to get her butt in to work and then Theresa was all bitchy when she finally showed up. I would definitely not still have a job.
  19. WHAT was that "belt" that Marlena was wearing today??
  20. Just saying, I do not get all the Anne love. Don't like the character, don't like the actress, don't see what everyone is getting all fussed about.
  21. Are you sure about the Eve/Andrew's babysitter stuff? I watched a lot of original Eve and I remember Emma and I may have a vague recollection of Gabrielle, but I think Andrew was well after my time.
  22. This is getting incredibly ugly. I get that Abigail is a despised character, but is all of this really necessary?
  23. I tuned in to see the JJ/Becky scenes, which were stellar, as I had expected they would be, but everything else was terrible. I will watch the Lucky/Nik/Laura stuff tomorrow, but after that I am done. I don't even care about TG's last episode.
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