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Everything posted by annabel

  1. I love A, but I hate the stupid chin whiskers. Also, is he fairly short? It's not something I'd ever noticed before, but today he seemed not tall. My decades of affection for Wally are not going to hold out much longer. Snap out of it Justin!! Stop being such a complete dick!!'
  2. Was that the Chase Jennings actor as the son on The Grinder?
  3. Seeing Don Johnson is kind of great, and bearded Chace Crawford is also kind of great. I don't know what any of the plots are though, so they need to pick it up in that department.
  4. If any mod is paying attention here PLEASE, Sands is plural and it is THE days of our lives
  5. I'm fine with Ben being the killer, it just seems boring. Also, why? What were his reasons for murdering Serena and Paige and attempting Marlena. I maintain that if it was to set up Chad that Ben is neither that smart or that devious. I would rather it be Clyde, that makes more sense, that he was doing it to set up Chad to get him out of Ben's way. Bonus that it gets rid of Clyde. The character has overstayed his welcome by a veryveryvery long time.
  6. Abigail being the killer would certainly be a surprise, and make maybe a little more sense than Ben. She doesn't think either Serena or Paige is good enough for Eric or JJ. She is mad that Marlena is not clearing Chad's name quickly enough. I have no idea why Ben would attack/kill any of them. The setting up Chad theory doesn't wash with me, Ben's neither that devious or that smart. And why doesn't he just keep his killer ties on a nice tie rack in the closet? But since he was keeping them under the bed and they are not yet murder evidence, why not HANG THEM UP instead of throwing them into the river in a garbage bag that probably will not sink. Tell Abby he was trying to find the right wedding tie and just couldn't make up his mind. There is a lot that is not making a whole lot of sense here, and strangely, in just a few weeks, I have come to expect better from my show. I sound crazy, I know.
  7. Will being gay has absolutely nothing to do with why I don't like him. I don't like him because he is a liar who refuses to learn from his mistakes, or even acknowledge he has done something wrong. It is always someone else's fault, never his.
  8. I would have liked to see NPH do a bunch of magic tricks. Also, he couldn't even bother to shave? Also I extremely dislike Nicole whatshername, so her promised continued participation is not a selling point for me
  9. There has been so much about the return of the vets and how awesome all the Patch, Kayla, Hope scenes have been, I don't think enough praise has been heaped on Marlena. She has been her stellar best lately, totally great in listener/therapist/hypnotist(today) mode. Yay Dee!! There is a reason Marlena has been around so long. I loved her when I watched in the 80s and I love her now.
  10. Why does he need to wear a suit? I know it is what hosts have always worn, but he looks very awkward in it when standing. What about some good trousers and a nice pullover?. And come winter some awesome sweaters?
  11. Yes, but THEY ARE NOT THE SAME NAME. I am sorry to keep harping on this, and apparently it is not as touchy a subject for many as it is for me. Maybe y'all have names that cannot easily be mucked up. My name is Anna, not Ann, Anne, or Annie (and please do not get it wrong when replying to my email since it is RIGHT THERE IN MY EMAIL ADDRESS), and that is how is is pronounced, not Ohnna. I promise to shut up about this now.
  12. Marlena and Eve' s scenes were great. I hope this is the beginning of a better storyline for Kassie. Dee Hall and Susan Lucci perhaps had the same person doing their work, who was a hell of a lot better than whoever worked on Jackie Zeman and Leslie Charleson. Dee doesn't look scary, maybe a little like she can't smile sometimes, but mostly she still looks like herself, though not what a woman her actual age would look like.
  13. I think it is not to do with Caroline's (NOT CAROLYN, EVERYONE WHO KEEPS PROUNCING IT THAT WAY, I WOULD PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE IF IT WERE ME) memory problems, but perhaps some sort of spiritual Salem that exists in that house (the first Salem mansion!!!!) that will come into play during the celebration. So we will get to see lots of flashbacks that otherwise might not have made a lot of sense.
  14. Yes, Savannah Wilder=Shannon Tweed=Gene Simmons paramour. Lots of stuff clogging up my brain, like why would I remember Savannah Wilder in the first place.
  15. I loved the Joe Biden interview and the skepticism towards the Uber-guy (tuna sandwiches in the glove compartment was hilarious), but the entrances stage-right (left?) and crossing in front of the desk are super-awkward and need to stop.
  16. The interviews so far have been terrible, don't know if it's a holdover from TCR that his brain is in overdrive and he has to spit everything out as soon as he thinks of it. And the sooner the "Stephen, Stephen" chanting stops the better.
  17. Re: the dorm bathroom, my friend's daughter was a freshman last year, and her dorm room was "like a hotel room." I never saw it but apparently two girls each had a sort of private area with bed and desk, though it was all one room, and their own bathroom, they did not have to traipse down the hall to shower and pee.
  18. I honestly don't care. I wasn't watching during original John/Marlena, I don't like Drake as an actor. I do have a fondness for Dee, going back to the early 80s, so if Marlena is happy I'm good with that
  19. I do appreciate folks toning it down on the excessive nastyness. We don't all always like the same things, but unneccesarily gross and ugly comments are just that, unneccessary. Mostly I find everyone here to be among the most polite and considerate of commenters.
  20. Yo, mods, could someone change the title of this topic please. The incorrectedness drives me bonkers. Sands is plural and it is THE hourglass. Thanks.
  21. Soderbergh/Guza/Broadway. Somehow this does not quite compute. I wonder what it is about. Will there be singing and dancing?
  22. I had forgotten about Maggie going to make tea, but wondered why Victor was having a cocktail when Marlena was just waking up and everyone else seemed to be in morning mode.
  23. I don't think Guza would be working on Broadway right now if he were still writing for GH. Sorry, screwed up the quoting, but what exactly is Guza doing on Broadway???
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