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Everything posted by annabel

  1. I want Hope to be happy and treated well, which so far Aidan is doing. I'd be fine if when Bo comes back they have a scene or two with Ciara and then hug and shake hands and be done with it. Bo and Hope were my jam back in the day, but she deserves better and I hope that Show does not throw Aidan under the bus.
  2. I think Marlena has been doing a great job with Will. She listens to him, then questions him in her therapist voice, and without ever coming right out and telling him he's behaving like a jackass, she seems to be getting through to him somewhat. He tries to defend himself, she does more therapist voice. I will admit to still liking Marlena, since I was not watching during the past 25 or so years that ruined her for so many of you. I don't know about her wardrobe choices lately though. First there was that weird white shirt/half sweater combo, then what she's been wearing this week. What IS that jacket sort of thing??
  3. I watched last Friday for Genie's return and Monday, but by Tuesday it was all so unbearable I stopped FFing and just deleted. Kudos to all of you who are still watching, you are stronger men and women than I. Let me know when JJ is supposed to show up.
  4. I will say this again.Tracy could do better than Luke. Laura could do better than Luke. Even Heather "don't call me crazy" Webber could do better than Luke. ANYBODY would be better than Luke.
  5. Why were Paul and Tracy ever married? And have a child?
  6. So the Haunted Star is TG's big sendoff? Do we know yet when that might air? I may have to put the show back on the DVR for that. Will JJ be part of those scenes?
  7. Aidan's wife was off her rocker and very unhappy and trying to make it seem like she was afraid of Aidan and that he might kill her. The night she died (I think, someone correct me) she was threatening to shoot herself and somehow their son was the one that actually pulled the trigger. He has blocked it out entirely. This all came out over the course of a few days when Hope and Aidan were stuck in the cabin because the bridge was out. I was pretty worried for Hope for awhile there, because even though I didn't think he was going to hurt her, it just seemed that it would be better to be confronting all of this back in Salem where she would have had backup and not when she was stranded in a remote cabin with a man who seemed a little unhinged.
  8. My DVR has a show scheduled for tomorrow and then not until Monday. Is the show not on on Thursday and Friday this week?
  9. Kate was so twitchy the other day with Justin that I am not sure I could watch her and Melanie in the same scene
  10. Fun trivia fact, the guy who played Tanner's (ugh, who thought up that name) brother is/was in the Keanu Reeves band Dogstar. If that is even still in fact a thing.
  11. Yay for Melissa McCarthy!! She was such fun the last time she was on. I have been a fan since Gilmore Girls and it is tremendous to watch her have all this success.
  12. I am really glad that Eve slapped JJ and he walked out; I was getting very nervous they were going to jump each other's bones again.
  13. I think Dr. O is much more expendable than Carlos. Carlos can at least be somewhat entertaining. Dr.O makes me want to smack her repeatedly in the head with a German/English dictionary (that is the accent she's supposed to be going for, right?)
  14. Oooh, Anna and David. Some of that relationship was stellar soap.
  15. I will never understand this. She has been fired from this show before. Why do they (whoever they are) think she will do so much better this time around. At least the Bell shows are pretty locked in,right? Megan McTavish had better be somewhere far far away
  16. Is there any significance to the club being named TBD? I associate that shorthand to mean "to be determined" or "to be decided". Which is it? or neither
  17. Agree with both of the above comments about the show and ALSO that the excessive nicknaming can make what might be extremely enjoyable and insightful ideas about the show impossible to read. I have mentioned this before, and have been directed to the "nicknames" thread. Sorry, but I if I see a post that has a lot of names I don't recognize I just scroll on by.
  18. Nik is actually one of the only people who calls her Liz.
  19. Yeah, after watching these live shows I'm glad I am no longer watching regularly. Way to ruin Anna Devane Ron.
  20. I know this sounds terrible, but I still think Dead Baby Lie as the title of a storyline is hilarious.
  21. With all that chatter about naming him after Melanie I was afraid they were going to name him Jonas. Jonas Black.
  22. I don't understand why Serena felt she had to sit in Daniel's office and answer questions like he was the parent or teacher and she was an unruly child. She should have said none of your damn business! and walked out.
  23. It's not live on the west coast, so I wonder if they will edit together the two shows (they are doing it twice, right?) if there are mistakes in one but not the other.
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