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Everything posted by annabel

  1. So was she in costume or was this when Marlena was possessed? That mask was super weird and the morphing back to Dee's face? Daytime special effects I guess. Almost as good as Jason on the boat on his way to Wyndemere years ago on GH.
  2. .Tomorrow and Monday GH is doing live shows. Anyone want to reminisce about Live Week? I had watched a show here and there when I happened to be home during the day for several years, but I watched all that week and thought "this is my show."
  3. Seriously? Ron says he does not remember either the Hell No wedding or Live Week? No wonder he has such a terrible problem with continuity, if even standout events like those did not live on in his memory.
  4. oh Reza, I will miss you, this is the only place I ever see you. I always want him to sit in Jon's lap (or Jon in Reza's) and cuddle.
  5. When are the live shows? I quit watching several weeks ago, but I think those will be entertaining in their bad-ness. Although OLTL's week of live shows over a decade ago were quite good and what got me started on that show way back when. Were Ron and Frank running the show then?
  6. What WAS that? A halter top with a cardigan tied on backward over it?
  7. Complex family dynamics. AGAIN they had both Will and whoever he was talking to refer to his "Aunt Hope." HOPE IS NOT HIS AUNT. She is not a sibling of either Sami or Lucas. So STOP it show.
  8. I must say, whoever does Ms. Hall's work is very good. Yes, her face does not move, but she still looks like herself, and not scary, unlike Jackie Zeman on GH.
  9. Xander puts off the vibe that he could either snap her neck or kiss her. He gives me the creeps.
  10. Everyone is still calling her either Rebecca or Greenlee!! I love it!!!
  11. Two weeks ago tomorrow I deleted the season pass, it was Franco blackmailing Ned for his ELQ shares and Ned GIVING THEM TO HIM which finally sent me over the edge. Olivia is so so so so so so so not worth it. So far I have not read anything in the episode thread that made me think "wow, I really wish I had seen that." And with the news that Britt is back and referring to Faison as "daddy" and hanging with Dr. O and Spencer, well let's say I'll not be going back anytime soon.
  12. That was one giant laptop that Marlena was using on the plane! I don't know what exactly she is doing confronting Kristin, but it was a nice surprise that she didn't to go to San Francisco. So who did Paul see at the end? Maybe Adrienne took Ari to San Francisco for some reason? I don't think it is Sonny, I think he was calling about flights to go see Justin in Hong Kong like they talked about the other day, and then talking to Justin when Will came in.
  13. Well, this was my first week only reading, not watching, and I have to say, there is nothing I read here that made me think, oh, I really wish I had seen that. Really, I only miss seeing Rebecca Budig, because I think she is one of the cutest people on the planet, and the dark hair is really working for her right now.
  14. Looked very much like that, the envelope had broken and she was gathering them up and one probably slipped between the cushions and zzzzzzzzzzz.....
  15. Why did Nicole show at Daniel's anyway, weren't they going to meet at the pub?
  16. I deleted. No more GH for me. Which is sad. But also not.
  17. I am actually liking Melanie and Brady in this storyline. I liked that she thought something was up and started investigating and figured it all out. I liked that she told him and MADE him listen to her. I liked that he thought it through and realized that she was right. I even liked that he, in typical male soap opera fashion insisted that she stay home while HE took care of it and that she, in typical female soap opera fashion stowed away on the plane. And once there, she will either totally screw things up or save the day. Possibly a combination of both.
  18. I guess I'm glad that I said last week that Ned giving Franco his ELQ shares would be the thing that finally broke me. It seems we will get confirmation of that and I can be done. I will continue to check in here and wish all of you well.
  19. I guess I FF'ed through too much of today to get any of the jokes...
  20. WHYYYYYYY does Nicole keep showing up Daniel's door to talk about their relationship. As near as I can tell they don't have one. A few weeks ago she showed up at least three times in one day. (or at least three times in the same outfit, that horrible 3/4 length sleeve coat.) It is the same conversation over and over and over and I just don't get it. Be together or don't, but for god's sake stop yammering about it.
  21. It's not even that I hate Franco so much (though I do) it is that Olivia is so so so so so so not worth it. I love Ned and he should not be reduced to this. Thankfully, Wally has signed a contract on DOOL, and that show, though not great, actually has a decent storyline or two. and some characters that are likeable.
  22. Not quite sure why this will be what breaks me this time, but if Ned signs over his ELQ shares to Franco to protect stupid Olivia's secret I think I am done.
  23. I have to say, I am pretty impressed with how fast the John/Paul secret came out. I know it's been obvious to us for awhile, but mama Norita has not really been in town that long, she and John only saw each other sometime last week, and Will has been writing this story for maybe a month? Maybe I'm all wrong in my perception of time, but to me it was not starting to feel like something being dragged out forever.
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