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Everything posted by annabel

  1. It takes six damn hours to fly across the country.
  2. I remember on AMC when Ryan and Kendall were first getting together after Gillian was killed and it was really refreshing that there was a lot of attention paid to the fact that Gillian had been the love of his life and he was really unsure that it would be fair to Kendall. And this was after like a year!!!
  3. BEST STORY: Yes. The wedding that didn't and its aftermath, and the way lots of other stories and characters got umbrella-ed in during the first two weeks of November (to be fair it was probably only a week and a half) was far and away the best thing this show has done in years.WORST STORY: pretty much everything else. Bonus points if it involved Michelle Stafford, Tony Geary or Kathleen Gati (unlike the other two, I appreciate what she is trying to do, but Dr. O needs to be gone like immediately.)
  4. Maggie speechifying that they were all welcome in Jennifer's house any old time was a bit much. I do have to think sometimes about how someone is a Horton, but the whole tree thing is nice and I'm glad they have kept it up. As opposed to GH, which totally trashed the hospital christmas party this year with Dr. O and her Where the Wild Things Are costume and her singing The First Noel.
  5. I'm not watching any TG scenes at all anymore, they just make me too angry. Did anything "important" happen with him and Julian today?
  6. Not on today, but even though I am FFing through General Pentonville, I have to give Mo some props for appearing onscreen looking as terrible as he does. I loved Maxie's cape/dress outfit, and damn if that little girl didn't sort of resemble Lindze! Someone in hair/makeup seems to have gotten somewhat of a grip re Hailey. TJ in the stupid cap was adorable.
  7. I liked Adrienne's black and white print dress. I hope she doesn't sleep with Lucas; I have never liked him. Yes, the color of Doug's tie was awesome. Teenage boys are wearing bowties??? Like seriously????
  8. I was not watching when Melanie was on before, but damn, she is annoying. If I knew someone like her IRL, they would not stay in my life for long. I was never a huge Melissa Archer fan, but she is really doing a terrific job of getting Greg Vaughan to light up and look interested in what's going on (never been a particular fan of him either.) KdP deserves SO much better than this crap. I think it was a bad recast, she is my age (early 50s), so she is more Hope's age, and Eve was more contemporaries with Jennifer (early 40s). When she squares off with Jenn it's sort of like when GH's Carly squares off with any of the tiny, younger brunettes. It doesn't come off as a fair fight, physicality-wise.
  9. The Paige actress's name is True O'Brien? Really? Also funny, but only to me is that one of her nicknames here is Lima Bean. She looks so much like a roommate of mine in college did thirty+ years ago, and her nickname was also Bean.
  10. Word to what Cobalt Stargazer just said. It's the same thing as how the explanations of why Luke is not around during TG's many days of vacation are always half-assed: the writers are too lazy, or just don't care, to write something that makes sense.
  11. Has anyone counted up how many people were actually onstage singing? Plus the crew shot outdoors? Steve Carell was not there (I don't think)
  12. I really enjoyed the show during the first couple of weeks of November when we were having the fallout from the wedding that wasn't and everything that was going on with Ava's baby. It was all being very umbrella-y and things were falling like dominoes right into place. And now here we are barely a month later and everything has skidded to a halt and it is all so god-awfully boring and lather, rinse, repeat that I can barely stay awake. No interest in whatever Helena, FauxLuke, etc. are up to, just wrap it up quickly please and get them all off my screen. Possibly even less interest in what's going on at General Pentonville and Duke and Shawn running da bidness. Mildly intrigued with Jake/Jason, but only if he regains Q memories instead of/along with the Morgan ones. I want to see more of spiteful, angry Michael. I want better for Anna, but at least she has a terrific new haircut.
  13. Natalia Livingston has a daytime emmy.
  14. I don't understand what is supposed to be so amazing about Billy Miller. I was watching AMC off and on when he was Richie Novak, nothing particularly outstanding that I ever saw. Don't watch Y&R, but was that super-special? He was on that primetime show starring Sarah Michelle Gellar for a handful of episodes a couple of years ago, decent work, but again, nothing spectacular. Is there something on his resume I'm not aware of?
  15. When did Gunnar get that big-ass house? In those kitchen scenes with the grandparents I could not figure out at all where they were. I actually thought they had teleported to TX and were at the grandparents' house.
  16. Actually watching the Sonny/Johnny on monday and the Sonny/Carly scenes yesterday apparently exceeded my Sonny tolerance, so what happened today? Sonny held a nailfile to Johnny's throat so now he is the big bad? (this is what I got as I was FFing) and what are y'all saying about Ric?
  17. As I remember, the first "trying to kill" was more showing up to the planned location, realizing it wasn't going to work, and leaving. He didn't ever fire a shot. "Tried to kill" is a stupid expression on this show anyway, remember when Starr supposedly "tried to kill" Sonny and got arrested when she also never even fired a shot. In her case, being in possession of a gun and making threats was enough to get her locked up (I think?), even though we have seen numerous characters do the same, and worse! and nada. Dante doing the arresting today really bugged. Do they even have the same Miranda rights in Canada? I realize they are not going to show fighting extradition, but would it have been so hard to show the Mounties doing the arresting and then handing them over.
  18. Well, neither of them looks like they are twenty-five, but they are both aging extremely well.
  19. Lordy. I just watched some of that old Robert/Anna/Sean/Faison stuff and DAMN!! I don't think I had ever seen the young Anders, just this grizzled tangle-haired guy we've got now. I couldn't tell from what I saw, but was Anna ever conflicted? Please tell me she has not ever had sex with him.
  20. Thanks for this, but seriously, has Bill Eckert's name NOT YET BEEN MENTIONED AT ALL???????????
  21. Hi Johnny!! I was not a particular fan of yours before, but it is very nice to see you all clean-shaven and smiley while Sonny is all mopey with his shoe-polish hair and gray stubble. Faison/Anders and Anna/Finola have been the best things about this week. Someone mentioned upthread a bit is that the best thing about Faison is that he knows he is an unrepentent monster and does not care one whit, actually enjoys it. Unlike everyone else who has a 'code' 'honor' 'loves their family', etc. I can barely stand to watch TG when he is in scenes with others, so needless to say the scenes in Patrick's (?) basement got the FF treatment. Did anyone suffer through them and could offer a quick recap?
  22. I don't get it either. She seems to me to be a good and decent person. Also talented. That aside, I don't know if I will be seeing the movie; I just finished the book and I had to skim/swipe through lots of the prison camp stuff, it was just too hard to read.
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