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Everything posted by annabel

  1. Ah, but Patrick told Sabrina today that Sam is refusing to take any money from him, so he is not really the client. At this point I think Sam is doing this as much for herself and Silas as Patrick.
  2. Something about the Clyde actor is sort of reminiscent of Roscoe Borne, which makes me wish Roscoe was the actor actually in this role. Roscoe could make me buy whatever this guy is selling, while this actor cannot.
  3. I think Julian has always known. It has been noted here on numerous occasions that we have never seen Julian address Not!Luke by any name.
  4. I've hated Shawn since before that, when he was crawling up Carly's butt and trying to keep Jax from seeing Joss when she was in the hospital. Tony Geary needs to retire to Amsterdam like yesterday. Luke could get shot from offscreen during one of his Skypes, and everyone could sort of shrug and say "oh well" and go about their day. Loving Ned!!!
  5. Plus, he totally crumpled that photo up when he snapped out of the hallucination.
  6. Oh, I miss Melissa. For some reason I really loved Lisa Trusel.
  7. Shawn is so horrible that I cannot even take any enjoyment in his physical being. The character is so repellent to me that I do not find his portrayer attractive. To each his/her own however.
  8. I was trying to remember when Jennifer first showed up. I don't remember any parents (who are they?), did she come to live with Tom and Alice, or maybe Mickey and Maggie because said parents were out of the picture?
  9. Was the previous Will better than this one? This guy is douchetastic in the extreme. I don't know anythng about Sonny, but he deserves better.
  10. I've been watching for six weeks or so, after decades of not, and I can't say that i'm very interested in much besides Sami. What does the show plan to do when she's gone?
  11. Nik's hair seems to be shaved up on the sides with a floppy part on the top? Is TC doing a side project about his Native American heritage?
  12. Yeah, that Will doesn't think Sami and EJ might be offered a chance to comment and perhaps negate what's been written about them is pretty naive and stupid. I hope this all blows up in his face.
  13. Well if Ron were willing to remember that Maxie does know half the town, and should still be rather close to some-for example Lucas, they haven't even had a scene together, the hell is up with that, or Sam, or Patrick, or Anna-I mean she wouldn't need one hundred plus table settings at the reception, but the girl isn't exactly lacking in the friends and family department as some, or most, in PC. This is what I meant, I completely forgot that Maxie is Lucas's cousin, that she and Sam used to be friends and that she and Patrick are in-laws. Since she never interacts with any of them, how am I supposed to remember? The only person I could think of who should be there but wasn't is Anna.
  14. He means it the way EJ pronounced it on DOOL the other day, extra-ordinary. Ordinary in the extreme.
  15. I really only watched the wedding stuff, the first scenes of all the other conversations really turned me off. Someone mentioned upthread that the mexican standoff at the end could have been great if it was staged at a big wedding. The only problem with this suggestion is, who would come to this big wedding? Everything is so compartmentalized, characters only interact with two or three other people, there is really no sense of PC being a town anymore. And now that I think of it, why wasn't Anna at the Haunted Star. She and Maxie have had some scenes together and I think she may even be her godmother. And Becky should never wear yellow again, that dress was terrible on her.
  16. This is my first experience with Kristen; what exactly has she done to get the whole town sharpening their pitchforks? I gather that she has an unsavory history with both Eric and Brady, but is there more?
  17. Yeah, Lucy makes me crazy more often than not, but I cannot help loving her. And KW was so cute and perky when she was first on the show, and she is just stunning now. I love that Felicia and Mac have finally ended up together again. We don't really have anyone else to do the matriarch/patriarch thing, so I guess it can be them, even though they don't exactly have a whole slew of kids and grandkids.
  18. Adrienne and Justin here, Beth and Lujack on GL, which is the third? JE does look terrific, as do MBE and KA. Melissa Reeves on the other hand looks terrible, and I believe she is the youngest of the four of them.
  19. A month in real time? I have been watching about that long. So the day before I started watching she ran off to LV w/ Brady?so how long have Paige and JJ been involved. Only a couple months seems a bit ridiculous for "I will always love her, she is the only one for me". Also, Paige is living with a cousin? I thought she and Eve were sharing quarters. The Paige actress looks SO MUCH like my best friend/roommate from college did 30+ years ago it is spooky.
  20. When and why did Eve and Paige show up in Salem? Did Theresa come with them or was she already there, or vice versa?
  21. Eve keeps talking about doctor's appointments and surgery. She seems fine and that it could all be put off if the $$ was not there, so what exactly is wrong with her?
  22. I find it hilarious that with a great many of these, we mention their hair. Most days my hair is pretty good, but I would hope it was not on the top 5 of good things people think about me.
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