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Everything posted by annabel

  1. Yes, QuelleC, I know I could get all this elsewhere, but it is also nice to have a conversation about history with the people you are watching the show with now. I asked a couple of history-sort of questions in the current episodes thread over the past few weeks and was directed here. Sorry.
  2. Nina: 1. I think her dark hair is really pretty. 2. She is pretty good at rolling around in that chair. 3. She showed some remorse in her part in Rafe's death, even if it was only to Rosalie (who was, fairly, the only person she could say it to) 4. She makes Roger Howarth's character bearable when they share a scene. 5. My sister is glad she is no longer on Y&R.
  3. Can someone tell me who Sami's children are and the babydaddies? I know Will's is Lucas, but Sami tried to pass him off as Austin's for years(?) Did she sleep with both EJ and Lucas around the same time and have twins by different fathers (something today gave me that impression.) And who is Grace who died who was mentioned when she was talking to Rafe yesterday? And Lucas is Kate's son from a Horton affair, right? I have not watched regularly in decades, so what I know I mostly picked up from the rags. I really think I had another immediate question, but damned if I can think now what it is.
  4. JS doesn't seem to portraying EJ as giving a damn about *anything*. I can't really remember what he was like on AMC, but I do remember he had me convinced he was smitten with Kendall. I have no idea what he's trying to sell here.
  5. I never liked anything about Skye, on any of the shows; the Rae part was especially terrible. I hope we never see her again.
  6. And we are supposed to like Sonny because why?
  7. On OLTL an extremely important bag of blood was toted around for weeks (months?), unrefrigerated and certainly not monitored as to its viable-ness. I do not remember the outcome of the story.
  8. I don't know exactly what happened to Chrisell Stause, she was so sparkly and fun on AMC and I felt bad for her that she was paired with RPG, who had such a low energy level that sometimes I expected him to just put his head down and take a nap. I guess this is not a storyline where sparkly and fun is required? So is Clyde the biological or step-father?
  9. TJ really has been awesome in his support of Molly. I also love that he still says Ms. Davis, even though I'm pretty sure she has said at least once "call me Alexis."
  10. Who is the current headwriter? I wonder if it's someone who ruined any of my other shows over the years.
  11. I guess everybody else FFd through the Kristin scenes too, huh?
  12. I never cared for Eileen Davidson on Y&R and have flat-out disliked her since she was horribly miscast as the last Kelly Capwell on Santa Barbara and nothing I have seen these past two days has made me revise my opinion. When people (jncluding Eric) refer to his brother are they talking about Brady? I couldn't think of anyone else, and thought they might consider themselves brothers even though they have no birth parents in common (like JR and Jamie on AMC) because of the long Marlena/John connection.
  13. He did say that. Her face is sort of interesting, but she's far from "breathtaking."
  14. I haven't figured out how how to quote on this tablet, but if Guza thought he should be writing blockbuster movies or awesome TV why haven't we seen any of that since he left GH?
  15. Also, Todd did not have all of Llanview talking about how wonderful he was. Todd had few cheerleaders, Blair, Viki and Jess were the only ones who could be counted on to be on his side, and even they would get exasperated with him and write him off occasionally. Did Todd ever really have any friends? Not that Sonny has any either.
  16. Yesterday when Maxie said something about wanting but not needing their support I wish Mac or Felicia had said they'd not be writing any more rent checks either.
  17. I'm not up on off-screen gossip so I was not aware that Tony Geary had had surgery. Does anyone know what for? He definitely was not looking too healthy when he was last on. I wish him the best, but I would not be disappointed if this (whatever this is) caused him to not come back.
  18. Eric is a priest?? And has a son??? So why was he talking to Your Excellency about an annulment today?
  19. Why was Jennifer looking through what looked like patient files at the hospital yesterday? (she was talking to a nurse) Does she work there? I don't recall her having a medical background.
  20. I have never known anyone named either Jordan or Rafe. On GH we have a black woman in her mid 30s named Jordan, and a just-now-dead teenager named Rafe. Here Jordan is Chrishell Stause and Rafe is the guy from Passions. It can be confusing.
  21. I have no faith in any of this being portrayed in a way that resembles what someone in Maxie's situation would have gone through in reality.
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