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Everything posted by annabel

  1. Ok, this was very helpful. Carly is the Carly who was involved with Bo? I don't think I know Max, Trent, Nick, Nathan, Gabi. What was the time frame, how long and when was she on before? Also, who is Parker's mother and why is she not in the picture? (I don't know why I am asking all these Daniel-related questions when he is someone I care very little about.)
  2. I said yesterday that I could not possibly care less about any of this Luke/not!Luke nonsense and today did nothing to change my mind.
  3. Would someone mind giving me a brief history of Melanie? I know nothing other than what I've seen onscreen these past few days. Thanks.
  4. I could not possibly care less if this is actually Luke or not. Finish up and let Tony Geary get back to Amsterdam for good.
  5. Last week I was quite stunned by her when she sat on the ballplayer's bed and turned on the charm and just dazzled both him and me.
  6. I don't have enough words for how much I dislike Dr. O. The zzz's in the middle of words, the patheticness of her devotion to Faison, her pleading to her offspring to care about mutter (or today it was mutti). I doubt very much that Faison is going to whisk her off when he's done whatever he is going to do, but for a brief moment this afternoon I thought Yay!
  7. I like this. There was a nice even-though-we're-not-all-siblings-we-are-definitely-all-family vibe awhile back with Michael, Morgan, Kristina and Molly, though I think it was all different actors except for Molly. Carly and Alexis were pretty nurturing of it and usually set aside their differences for the sake of the kids. I like the idea of Morgan and Molly getting together to do things with Joss, even though I don't think Morgan and Molly have even seen each other in the whole time he's been back in town.
  8. I believe the paperwork had his current name as Michael Corinthos III and the new name as Michael Alan Quartermaine.
  9. I do not like Franco. I do not like Nina. I do not like Dr. O. There is nothing that will ever make me like these characters.
  10. So Luke is now Houdini? Able to escape from straightjackets and locked rooms. Why would a padded room have a lock on the inside of the door anyway. I know I haven't been missing TG, but until he showed up I didn't realize quite how much I haven't been. Let's hope he is here just to finish up this story (quickly, PLEASE), then he can retire to Amsterdam. Pretty much as annoyed at the safe deposit box scenes as I thought I would be. I am amused that whever someone comes to visit Julian in his cell he is doing situps.
  11. Is co-CEOs a real thing now? Dilbert has been riffing on it for a couple weeks.
  12. I did like that Hope confronted Aiden about the tablet search and let him explain, instead of it becoming some big thing about her thinking he's just after her money. Which he might be, but I hope not.
  13. I will be interested (read: enraged) to find out how Sam and Patrick get into the safe deposit box tomorrow. You don't just need the key, there is a card you have to sign every time you access the box. I used to have to access a safe deposit box regularly for work and I remember a huge hassle one time when they thought my signature didn't match up. There may also be ID involved, I really don't remember. Oh well, at least they are not calling it a safety deposit box like during the Balkan storyline. That was rage-making.
  14. Why is Theresa so snippy that Anne calls her up and tells her to get her butt in to work? That's two days in a row. If my supervisor had to call me up to tell me I was late to work and then I was all snotty when I got there I wouldn't have a job past the first time it happened.
  15. Yes, I usually use shoot in the head and put in a tree as my most heartfelt endorsement, but leave in a drawer works too. That is a Connie/Trey reference, right?
  16. Carly is in jail, not prison. Prison is post-sentencing, jail is post-arrest.
  17. I was FFing and totally missed this, I had to go back, it was so out of place. And yes, it started on The Good Wife and I can't either think of a time when I pulled the sheet up over my head while having sex. I have enough trouble with tangling myself up in the sheet during regular sleeping.
  18. Does your corner have room for me? We could hold hands.
  19. Yeah, today was pretty terrible, especially considering how good some parts of the past week were. Without Kevin, I really have no use for Lucy. Duke falling on his sword for Sonny is beyond stupid. (Alexis is wearing new glasses which look a lot like the ones I just got.) I liked Michael being so dismissive of Lauren, but unlike some other posters, I think it would have been awesome if they'd looked up at her when she burst in and then gone back to what they were doing. She could have flared and sputtered her way out the door. I have no words for the awfulness that is Sonny and Carly.
  20. Is Paul the guy getting surgery? Are we supposed to care about him? Is he a thing now?
  21. Sonny is being such a drama queen, it is hilarious. "Alexis you know what it's like for me in here, I have to get out and find that baby." Like he cares at all. I really do hope we see a Q or two tomorrow, though the previews were not promising. Let's all watch Carly and Sonny being all "I love you" because lord knows that is fun and interesting and we haven't seen it over and over and over and...zzzzzzzzz
  22. Thanks for all the reminders about time Sonny's spent behind bars. I knew this couldn't be his first time. He wasn't seeming very claustrophobic when he was chatting with Duke, who is pretty much dead to me with all his talk about "Sonny you are my good and loyal friend." Sonny doesn't give two hoots about Duke.
  23. Is this really the first time we have seen Sonny behind bars? I know he's been dragged down to the station for questioning numerous times, but has he really never been in a cell before?
  24. I liked the jacket when we were just seeing her from the waist up, but full length the jacket and the bottom half (it seemed like a terrible skirt but how could it be pants) didn't really work for me. When she stood up from the table though, without the jacket, and we could see it was a full dress I kind of liked it.
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