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Everything posted by annabel

  1. I love when shows reference other characters actors have played, like today with Eve and KdP. Years ago when Terry Lester first started as Mason Capwell on SB (I think he had amnesia) he said that his name was Jack Davies, the first name of his character on Y&R and the last name of the former actor in the role. and when A Martinez started on LA Law and someone asked where he'd been practicing before he said "oh, up near Santa Barbara." there was another good A moment when he started on GH, maybe a Castillo reference, but I can't remember it specifically. anyone have any other faves?
  2. I have said this before, but Lucas shaving off that thing on his chin and upper lip would go a long way towards improving his appearance
  3. Is Chad growing a beard? I hate the perfectly groomed stubble almost as much as I hate the smudge of a goatee Lucas was sporting when we last saw him.
  4. can the disagreement of what did/didn't happen in Sami and EJ's history please go somewhere else and stay out of this discussion of current plots please? thank you.
  5. I missed Marlena's more problematic years and I will always have a soft spot for her and just love her when she is in "caring Dr. Evans" mode. she started to say "it's grandma" switched that to "Marlena Evans" and was just very respectful of Will's feelings and what he may or may not want to do. And it got very dusty in here when she said "I hope I get to see you again" and then "oh, can I just give you a hug?" I hope she can get Sami and Sonny to not try to bulldoze him
  6. I am actually sort of impressed with Eileen Davidson after this week, even though I still think a lot of the acting is done with the wig and the teeth. I liked that Marlena brought up the John affair with Sami, I like that Sami is leaning on Marlena. Does Eli know that Gabi is a convicted felon and spent time in prison? Her reaction to his "so the three of you raised her?" seemed to leave out a lot.
  7. It's no secret that I do not like Kate at all, and her behavior today was just loathsome. somehow I do not think that just deleting voicemails and messages from a phone magically erases them from ever having existed. I hope she goes down hard for all of this.
  8. Why should Tripp hand over Theo's phone to Kate? I hope he says "why should I?" and her complicity in all this comes out
  9. I was not watching regularly during the original Kristen/Susan/etc. storyline but it always seemed farfetched and over-the-top in not a good way to me. also, full disclosure, I am not an ED fan at all, I did not like her on Y&R, and though it was not her fault she was horribly miscast as Kelly Capwell on SB, I did not like her on that either.
  10. I only starting watching again after decades away maybe six months or so before Will was murdered, so I am not terribly invested in this (especially since the Will I knew is not this actor), but I agree that there are a lot of characters who should be a lot more interested in this than they seem to be. Sami does need to take it down a few notches though
  11. I haven't watched GH in a few years, is Wally still doing both?
  12. I am a total Wally Kurth fangirl and I think Judi Evans has never looked prettier than she has recently, so I really enjoyed their scenes.
  13. last thing I saw was Kayla getting on the elevator with ben and rolf. then cut away to "breaking news". which stqrted off with "we don't know much". fine then stay away from my show until you actually do know something!!
  14. Thank you so much for looking it up for me. So it is John-he's a lot of fun to watch on screen. I knew he looked familiar! I did not see him on Y&R, but imdb says he was also on Melrose Place, which must be where I know him from.
  15. I think I read some rumor to this effect, though am unspoiled, but I really really hope it is not Kristen
  16. seeing KdP again made me wish that she and VI had been on the show at the same time. but since Deimos is dead and gone, I hope they revisit her relationship with Justin. I also wish that she had been brought on originally as a new character, and not as Eve. I just cannot reconcile her as an older Charlotte Ross (though Charlotte Ross is old enough to have been a parent on Glee back when that show was first on)
  17. did Adrienne have reconstructive surgery? that dress was pretty low-cut. also very low-cut was Abby's dress from the other day the v-neck was practically down to her waist.
  18. Hope has been commissioner less than 24 hours and already has a nameplate on her desk? I guess that's to tell it apart from the office at the Horton Center
  19. also, I think I have mentioned this before, the facial hair on Lucas is really weird. if he's not up to shaving he should be in full beard mode. but this strange smudginess on his upper lip and chin is just not working
  20. I was half expecting him to hit her, though the show probably does not want to go there. Also, WHY is there a full bar cart right there in the living room when there are two people living there who are recovering alcoholics??? this bugs me to no end. it seems extremely selfish of Victor (this is totally on him, as Justin, Sonny, et al moved in relatively recently, and the bar has been there all along)
  21. I have been watching this show on and off since the early 80s and Marlena's job has always been such a part of who she is. She was great today.
  22. please tell me we are not going to be subjected to the return of Clyde Weston.
  23. Maybe Hope will realize that she doesn't want to be commissioner and it is negatively affecting her relationship with Rafe, so she will step down and then Abe can offer it to Eli. I really think it should have been him all along.
  24. that's one of the best attended soap weddings I've seen in quite some time. who is currently in town and should be there who isn't?
  25. I am assuming the escapee is Ben, though I thought he got shipped off somewhere far away. He has been mentioned a few times lately. Or is it Jack? I am unspoiled, so no one confirm or deny my suspicions please.
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