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Everything posted by annabel

  1. she really is terrible. and who wears a hot pink sheath in march?
  2. Yay!! Eve was not falling for any of Brady's crap. I am interested to see where she's going with this.
  3. Yes, I remember thinking why is Claire talking about Brady like he is just some person in town she happens to know? He is her uncle, her mother's brother
  4. I realized today that it is Chad I find supremely boring and will FF through whenever I have a chance. It is just my good luck that most of his scenes are with Abigail or Kate, two other characters I either find boring (the former) or extremely dislike (the latter)
  5. if possible, Chad and Abigail are even more boring when they are talking about something other than how awesome they are. are they supposed to be the star couple of the show??
  6. Sorry if I implied that she NEEDED to be paired up with someone, that was not my intent.
  7. OH!! Eve and Vivian should hang out and then Viv could introduce Eve to her son. Tyler and Kassie could be very fun together I think. better than what he's saddled with at the moment
  8. Show does not have anyone to pair Eve up with if she is not with Brady. I think they missed the boat with her and Justin, but since he and Adrienne are supposedly back together (when was the last time we saw her?) and everyone else in that age range I can think of is already paired up who else is there for her? except maybe Handsome Doctor Jennifer dated a few times.
  9. Gabigail makes no sense and I see no difference between her and Abby except a wig. but I like Tyler Christopher, so I am suffering through it. KdP's hair has grown out a bit and she is styling it differently and she looks terrific. I hope Eve is playing Brady somewhere under all of this and she does not get her heart broken. She will never be to me the older version of Charlotte Ross, and should have just been a different character, but this incarnation, without Paige and the fighting with Jennifer over Jack's book proceeds (I think that's what that storyline was about?) is kind of working for me.
  10. I wasn't watching when Victor and Maggie got together, so I really still don't quite understand it, no matter how many times it gets explained.
  11. she looks much better with dark hair then when everything about her (hair skin brows) is the same color. except for the endings, today's show was mostly boring. the DA is not a likeable character (if she's meant to be it's not working) and I don't care to see any of her and Stefan getting together "in private." Eli and Gabi had one sip of champagne and left. Is JJ supposed to drink up the whole bottle himself?
  12. Jason doesn't have amnesia, he has brain damage from the accident that turned him into Jason Morgan and wiped out his memory. the brain damage also has something to do with being unable to read maps and understand what a photograph represents. there also used to be something about not being able to lie, but that fell by the wayside awhile ago. disclaimer: haven't watched GH in several years
  13. I am liking most of what's going on right now, but I just cannot with Abigail and the monotone-ness of her speaking voice and she seems so disassociated with what's going on. I hope she is the killer. Also, the Lani secret is bound to come out soon, but has there ever been a babydaddy secret that was kept for years and years? I don't mean like a later-in-life reveal, but something we knew all along but the characters did not.
  14. I liked today's show quite a lot. all the stuff with Hattie was terrific (I thought it WAS Marlena when she first showed up, but I caught on quicker than the funeral attendees did); I liked Carrie with Anna and Roman; the Will/Paul/we-are-an-investigative-team-now stuff was fun. But what is John up to here, and why? Is he also doing something to Marlena? I have said this before here I think, but in one of the very first shows I saw Anna was wandering around in a monk's robe for some reason and I thought "I must know more about this woman and what is going on with her" and 35+ years later she does not ever disappoint. plus she is my namesake. I love her
  15. the phrase "heading to bone-town" makes me laugh and laugh
  16. Gabi: did YOU kill Andre? Abby: Of course not Gabi: why would you think I did? Abby: well, you did kill Nick Gabi: You set Ben ON FIRE point to Gabi
  17. I am super disappointed that Steve was not wearing a monocle. also, I hope we find out soon why John is pouring little vials of stuff into his drinks
  18. 30-year scotch is for sipping, not for tossing back shots in the middle of the day. also, I would love it if the eye doctor told Steve he needed glasses and he got a monocle.
  19. A local sheriff's deputy was killed weekend before last and today was the public funeral, so no show for me today. is it worth my time to try to find it somewhere? also, please no one take this as disrespect for sheriff's deputies who are killed in the line of duty, but why does the local NBC affiliate think that anyone who would be interested in watching this wouldn't just go to the service?
  20. I have yet to meet anyone in real life wearing the no-shoulders look, but when/if I do I will say WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?
  21. I do enjoy me some Tyler Christopher, so I am disappointed at what's been written for him so far and that I am going to have to put up with Chad and Abby to watch him. He does do the entitled SOB so very well. Also, Lani, who makes a personal call to a doctor, or to anyone really about a sensitive matter without having some kind of privacy.
  22. HI ANNA, I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU. Anna was wandering around in monk's robes when I first started watching. I love Leann Hunley and I love anna. also she is my namesake
  23. I was not around for Vivian Alamain before, but I love Louise Sorel and I like Tyler Christopher and I dislike everybody else, so I am rooting for them
  24. how is this a gala? there are all of a couple dozen people there. I hate Chad and Abby and their and their "we are so wonderful" general attitude.
  25. I have always thought most of the ornaments are kind of garish and awful, but I like the tradition and am glad they have kept it up all these years
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