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Everything posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. They day TLC pulls the plug on this "poop storm" is they day they are all out on their asses.
  2. I wonder if Mariah came out to her family back when she first started posting lesbian themed pics to her tumblr page and this was just for the cameras (reality shows aren't reality, duh) and they are recreating emotions that were real at the time. Perhaps Meri had "problems" with Mariah being gay and that's why Mariah cut her off and refused to hear Kody about her mother's feelings about the catfish. Kody was asking her to accept Meri's misguided choices when Meri couldn't accept who her daughter was as a person.
  3. After this, can TLC please, for the love of the FSM, put this story to rest?! P.S. Kody, why does a stranger need to appreciate your feelings on anything? Go brush your hair.
  4. I read a lot of Scientology books in 2016 since I watched the Going Clear documentary. Same with Fundamentalist Mormonism - specifically the books by Irene Spencer and her sisterwives.
  5. If in remembering correctly, once on their celestial planet, the wives are pregnant for eternity and populate the heavenly planet. (Personally, I cannot get over how much cognitive dissonance is required to follow this religion... or any religion, but this one takes the cake.)
  6. It could be a random guest at the camp. There are lots of testimonials of families with children there. They wax on about how fellowshiping is such a blessing from the Lord. Typical fundie speak. I think Fort Rock brands itself as a family retreat for Christians. They don't demand frumpers.
  7. It looks more like Fort Rock to me. Joyless probably got engaged.
  8. He's wearing a Sam's Furniture shirt. Wasn't that where Ben and Sierra's husbands were rumored to work?
  9. Wiki page dedicated to him: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brother_Jed
  10. Because they are God's sooper speshul snowflakes. And they won't hear a word against their sooper special status. God saved Josie, Miracle Child™, Cultural Appropriation Baby, aka Isreal David through hours of distress before delivery, so surely God doesn't have anything else to do but to perform miracles for the Duggarlings. Isn't there a saying about "drunks and fools"? The Dillards certainly fall into the latter. But more to the point, they're assholes, that's why. The headship is probably in charge of the fertility calendar. That keeps the pesky wimmens from getting ideas in their pretty little heads about having "headaches" at certain times of the month.
  11. I'm willing to give Josie a pass for her poor letter formation and (seemingly) below average sight words. Her adjusted age puts her below six and given that she was a micro premie, gives her a distinct disadvantage. Given those hurdles, Josie needs more specialized education than Michelle can give her.
  12. That's why their "religion" falls the fuck apart once the tiniest bit of logic is applied.
  13. Dear Myketi, You DESERVE what you can pay for, which, I suspect, is nothing. No love, FJD
  14. Jill needs to let actual medically trained people attend to Jessa. Jill lost any credibility with her "slight meconium staining" for hours. If you see meconium, your baby is in distress and needs to get out stat. I'm squeamish at the sight of blood so I am not a medical professional nor do I play one on the internet. But I do know basic shit about birthing a baby... enough to know that I need highly skilled doctors and nurses at my bedside, not my mother in law, cause you know, she's had babies and shit. I can't fix the boxes.
  15. Not necessarily true. I've known southern Baptists to make some culty maneuvers against members who've left. My in laws are going through some super culty things now (being shunned) because they left their Baptist church.
  16. Nope, my SO was raised in a cult and now practices at the Church of the Holy Goal Line every Sunday.
  17. He's due some decent editing. Don't worry, he'll fuck it up in a week or two and you be back to wanting to throttle him. It's inevitable.
  18. Next episode of Sister Wives, we see Robyn having her face superimposed into Meri's wedding pictures. She WAS there, damnit. She was and she will hear nothing of the naysayers who say otherwise. It's like they should have all been together from the beginning, so there. Neener, neener, neener.
  19. I've yet to see what Kody is actively taking responsibility for and it's 40 minutes I to this shit show. Also, nothing is more annoying than people thinking that others need to deal ("dill") with their feelings on the timetable of the transgressor. Meri wants to have an intervention and tell her to suck it up, buttercup. Meri has no regard for how Mariah actually feels about being embarrassed on a national scale, about her mother going against the morals she was taught for Mariah's whole life. Meri cares about Meri... and her wet bar.
  20. "Negotiation" implies that Kody does believe he has control over the situation. His assertion that he's not trying to control when those two get married is patently untrue.
  21. I'm going to be a horrible, shallow person and say this anyway. Poor Tony looks like the end result of a Boston terrier mating with a catfish. Makylti (or however Christine decided to spell her stupid name) can surely find a much better dude than this. Someone at TLC, please find a razor and shave off that peach fuzz from Tony's upper lip. New rule, if you can't grow a proper mustache, wait five years before getting married. I get Mariah's feelings. She was so indoctrinated into their fundamentalist faith that she considered being in a plural marriage. The thought of a woman even thinking about going outside of her marriage is unheard of in their circle. Kody and Mary set of this pristine paradigm that their life was the only way to get into heaven, blah blah blah, that it probably shattered her world when that paradigm came crashing down around their feet. Most of us were not raised in that cloistered environment and can see that she needs to move on, but realizing your entire family life was a sham has rocked her world. Her parents raised her to think that they were the holiest beings next to God. She never counted on Zeus coming down from the mountain and showing off his warts. It's tragic that she's having to live with this on top of the embarrassment all whilst being on television. Madison's fiance looks like a Mensa star next to Tony. If Tony was a loyal viewer of the show, he'd know that like brain cells, these losers don't have two nickels to rub together. He is rude and presumptuous to consider that someone should take out a second mortgage to pay for his train wreck of a wedding. No. There's a courthouse and a marriage license is like $35. If you catch Kody on a good day, maybe he can spot you a ten.
  22. I want to know how Vickie couldn't feel her arms/hands one minute and was holding a phone taking a selfie from a helicopter the next?
  23. I'm fairly sure that Vickie's event was called a contractual obligation rather than a birthday party.
  24. Why does one put a watermark on pictures that you've stolen? Color me confused.
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