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Everything posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. Somehow Cathy ended up on a Planned Parenthood mailing list. Maybe this year she is the one I should make my donations in name of so she can get a nice little card every month. I doubt Mike Pence reads his.
  2. Exactly. If you’ll notice, J’Twin didn’t thank Michelle for raising him.
  3. In their world, everyone who is not “them” is out having recreational abortions. The fact that Michelle “had” them is super Jesusy because no one else on earth procreates in such a godly fashion. Or something.
  4. Stevehovah is a cult in and of himself. He’s a master manipulator and a pathological narcissist. I doubt they get very far from his clutches.
  5. I don’t get fetus fetishes. If he sees someone killing a baby he should contact his local police department. Every blastocyst is sacred to these fuckers. I hate being banned.
  6. I think the correct term is blasphemous. There’s nothing sacred about singing happy birthday to Jesus and making him a cake. I roll my eyes at my “super serious fundie” relatives.
  7. Well you know my feelings about that place... Anyway, John isn’t going to be satisfied until Esther drops dead from having so many babies with so little care. I cannot imagine the squalor they live in now.
  8. One has to ask: Did John ever get the plane he payed (lots of) thousands of dollars for while all of his children were living in a pop up camper in the cold?! I know the answer, I just like pointing out that he got swindled.
  9. Bwahahaha like she’s going to get actual prenatal care from an actual doctor! I bet she was eating a mercury rich tuna fish sandwich on the way down.
  10. Can I super respectfully say that being a SAHM is a job? It feels like six full time jobs. It’s thankless and isolating and hard even if you WANT to do it. Edited to say: I should have read down, sorry to have piled on.
  11. I don’t think they look anything alike. But maybe that’s just me. I dont know, Sew, but gloodles will always be a thing.
  12. OMG I LOVE YOU! I was just talking about Emily and DNA the other day. They were my gateway fundies!!!
  13. The look Sam gave Izzy was so knowing. It said, “this fucker is nuts.”
  14. My god, it would behoove them to take a child development class or twelve.
  15. Look at the body language on Mary. Grandma Duggar is showing all the signs of wanting nothing to do with JB.
  16. My 11 year old nieces and nephews do this shit. It’s Saturday so I have to ask: what the hell is wrong with him!?
  17. When I procreated, those who asked “what are you having” got a deadpan, “kittens.”
  18. Two men texting each other about God and scripture seems really odd to me. Could they just be a little normal and admit that they both like football and would chat about game highlights? Or he’ll, they both like cooking and swapped recipes. Why does EVERYTHING have to be about the Bible?!
  19. I’m not body language expert but Jordyn’s body language screams, “don’t touch me!”
  20. I tried to stop myself but I guess the devil just got ahold of me! Oopsie!
  21. At almost 16 years old, Josh reached underneath a five year old’s dress and touched her genitals. That’s not curious. That’s a child molester. He should have gone to jail. Full stop.
  22. Lush. Lemony Flutter. It’s a cuticle butter but it will make your hands feel amazing. The lemon will gently eat away at the dry skin or alligatorishness. A little bit goes a long way, you’ve been forewarned! My earliest childhood memory of television is The Young and the Restless that my babysitter would watch everyday at 12:30. I never napped so I always got to sit with her while everyone else was asleep. By the time I discovered seasame street, I was like “what is this baby show?!”
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