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Everything posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. I will happily eat my own words if I'm wrong, but there is no way that Jill got persistent care by a licensed medical professional. If she did, they needs his license revoked.
  2. That's not what they believe. "God" isn't the head honcho. The basic concept of their brand of Christianity is based on the triad... Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are of the same essence. They may praise Jesus more than God, but only because in their minds, Jesus and God are one in the same because of the Trinity makes them co-equal.
  3. @FakeJoshDuggar has been busy binge watching The Handmaid's Tale, House of Cards, and Billions. Puberty has done that little fella no favors. The last I saw of him, he was a little talking head on my tv screen. But that was what? Two years ago?
  4. Let's not pretend that Jill ever had a good role model. Her only example of motherhood was to dump the kid on someone else at the age of six months, sooner if she got knocked up (I'm looking at you, poor Jordyn.)
  5. It's been a minute since I've watched the show. Which unfortunate looking Duggarling is in the middle with the Duggar Studios shirt on?
  6. It's highly ignorant to have confederate Generals hanging above a sign that reads "God bless America". Cognitive dissonance, she has it.
  7. What I learned through the Lyndsie Brooker fiasco is that if you're white enough with enough money, someone will throw you a baby... or two.
  8. Sky Man won't give me a baby, so trust Sky Man more. If Sky Man does not give me the baby I want, it's Sky Man's plan. If Sky Man does give me the baby I want, it's Sky Man's Plan. Mental gymnastics, that one.
  9. Sorry, not sorry, Anna will always look like a grown up Cindy Lou Who.
  10. It looks like she's trying to be belatedly trendy with a cheap "boyfriend" watch.
  11. Oh look, Jerick used to get a paycheck! Now, don't forget to donate, guys. DONATE!
  12. Those Rodriguez kids look emaciated. Even their color looks scary. Someone sneak then a leafy green, pronto.
  13. I live in the Devil's ass crack where 100% humidity is the norm. Jinger's hair must hate Texas weather.
  14. Silly Mollie, no one that the Duggars use have an actual midwifery license.
  15. Don't forget that the bible teaches to kill your kids when they get too lippy.
  16. They went to Olive Garden. I bet they did soup and breadsticks and no one tipped.
  17. Jesus, Rebekah's fiance looks old enough to be her dad. Which reminds me, I need to wander over to see if John and Esther ever found their plane...
  18. It's ironic because VC Andrews has a running theme of incest...
  19. There were rumors already and she was showing a little.
  20. I live by the word of Jesus. If what I wear gives you the vapors, pluck your own eyeballs out, asshole.
  21. She was rude and snotty, no one said she deserved anything she got. Yes, my red state gets its fair share of fundy royalty.
  22. I think Jessa is smart enough to know she needs a "brand" and kids who gnaw on fans ain't cutting it.
  23. I think it has more to do with with jealousy on Jill's part. She probably isn't equipped to handle Derick loving another woman even if it is his mom. /shrug
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