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Everything posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. Maybe Jill can clue her in on naturally controlling her fertility. (Jill is holding strong at what 18 months?) Perhaps she'll get some horseback riding in before the pregnancies come.
  2. I think she may have developed some interests if: 1. She were able to age chronologically past 19 before getting married. Emotionally, I'd put her at 13. 2. She hadn't been taken out of her comfort zone and thrust into pedicures and housework at such a crucial age.
  3. Ben is just some hillbilly who rode into town in a four speed truck. Ben isn't even a poor man's David Waller. At least TFDW has a job.
  4. She didn't even have time to find a fake career. No fake EMT, no fake midwifery, no fake photography... nothing.
  5. They have to hurry out to hang the bloody sheets. Two months! See, no pressure!!!
  6. It looks like Mr. Austin has been around for going on five months? They're totes engaged.
  7. She gets her first post wedding cycle off from pressure and then her chart goes up on the refrigerator and they time it around sweeps.
  8. To be fair, her mother has had more than one set of twins. That being said, my prognosis is that Jill hears Jessa's heartbeat and the baby's heartbeat and says, "Walla! Twins!!!" Methinks Jessa gets no prenatal care outside of what Jill's internet certification provides.
  9. Well, the nicest thing I can say about this Duggarling is that he still has his hair. Hold on to it, J-boy, it'll start receding in about four years. I hope that sundae makes up for it.
  10. You know good and well that Jill is trying to get one of her unfortunate looking, overly made up daughters to match up with a Duggar boy. That would just be the jewel in her dollar store crown.
  11. Michelle has on an apron to give the illusion that she cooks now. Cue Joy's total embarrassment at being called "Joy Joy" in her courtship announcement. If the girl is young enough to be called "Joy Joy", she's too damn young to get married. Also, I've watched this shit show longer than I'd care to admit and I've never ever heard anyone call her such a nickname.
  12. If you go to YouTube and search Fort Rock Camp, their video is the sixth one down (on my screen.)
  13. I just watched some pitiful advertisement for Fort Rock Camp. It doesn't look like they're allowed access to internet, television, or cell phones. Such fun, much excitement. Joy was the tomboy of the family. There seems to only be outdoor activities, so perhaps she'll be in her element? The poor child is way too young to be sold off, er, married. No doubt her new FiL sees dollar signs with people flocking to his establishment to meet a Duggar. Here's TFDW to give us the info. https://m.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=MpdbNl80KiU
  14. I remember watching that show years ago. Gag me. What a joyless (pun not intended) life she is going to have...
  15. I'm not surprised at all. Joy seems to have taken her coping mechanisms from the older daughters: Get the hell out of Dodge; run for your life!
  16. Internalized misogyny? No. And it's super subjective as to whether or not Jessa is the "best looking" daughter. To me, she comes in third and that's still not saying much. I find Jana to be moderately attractive but their gene pool contains too much Jim-boobage to make any noise about. Now some of the Bates daughters are actually gorgeous.
  17. Could those hillbillies sound any more dumb when they speak? Nope.
  18. They're all cruel. The whole damn family. Trying to legislate women's bodies because of your fucked up religious beliefs? Cruel. Robo calling constituents telling them that transgender women are raping little girls in bathrooms (hello, irony calling). Cruel. A family who purports to have millions of dollars go on poverty tours and the only thing they bring people less fortunate than themselves is a few bottles of nail polish. Cruel. Although victims themselves, Jessa and Jill sat there on Fox News and excused away their pedophile brother's molestation of their five year old sister. That's really effing cruel.
  19. Jessa comes off as someone who can be cruel. Entitled and cruel. Totes different.
  20. I love that P. Andy Waller has learned to give his caretakers serious side eye and he's only a few days old.
  21. The poor new Waller addition sounds like a early aught Power Ranger or a sad attempt at mixing royal names. Either way, new manly man-baby Phillip is in for a rough road and considering his nincompoop parents slapped him into a Tonka Truck for shits and giggles, I don't think it's going to get any better.
  22. Nothing these women will ever do is worse than running a cancer scam. Nothing.
  23. Shut the front door. RR reared her batshit crazy head again?! RR was up there with the AriaStar debacle.
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