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Everything posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. If she’s stay the fuck off of social media, maybe she could dust a table once in six months.
  2. I always say, “climb down off the cross so Jesus can get back on.” I said it to my MiL once and we didn’t talk for four glorious years.
  3. You think it’s been six months since she cleaned her disgusting stove? I would die of embarrassment to have anyone see my house looking like this. My mama would rise up out of her grave and throat punch me if I bragged about this to millions of people. I bet they have roaches galore. I know, it’s like I live in the future!
  4. My apologies. In my defense, I forget you are multiple time zones behind me.
  5. Blessa is a raging bitch, y’all. Why post pics of your nasty ass house and get snippy when people point out she’s a gross slob? I have children 13 months apart, I get it. But I could find the time in six months to dust. No wonder Bin is constantly red eyed and wheezy. Maybe she’s trying to kill him, who knows.
  6. Per Jesse, this table hasn’t been dusted in 6 months. She’s stirring the shit with her latest post for sure. Filthy sheets that she admits to sleeping on for quite a while. Apparently it’s Henry’s spit up. I can’t post the rest of the pics right now but they’re on her insta. So much for raising the womenfolk to be outstanding keepers of the home!
  7. So waaay back when, before all of the scandals hit, Josh was really active on social media. I had an instagram account that mirrored his that broke down all of the fundie speak and called Josh/Duggars out on their billshit. Waller Wednesdays focused on TFDW and Prissy. I checked and it's still a thing on instagram but way less funny. How old is P. Willy Waller these days?
  8. Poor Prissy and TFDW can't wrap their tiny brains around the science that the moon can come between sun during the day. Someone put a science pamphlet in their kid's Wisdom Booklets. So Daniel lives in Houston now? I wonder when he moved from SC. Also, is he still married? I can't imagine him leaving his wife in Houston to fend for herself during a catastrophic hurricane. Inquiring minds want to know. I miss Waller Wednesdays.
  9. Vicki was as shocked as I was that people came to her party. She's so desperate for attention I'm surprised she wasn't pulling in Tammy Knickerbocker, Lynn Curtin, and Jo De la Rosa to sing happy birthday to her. No one was kind enough to tell Vicki that dress was a travesty. I hate body shaming, but that dress was not flattering her in any way.
  10. Holy hell, Jeana, Gretchen, and Lizzie have all had massive amounts of work done. They all have that plastic Barbie sheen to them.
  11. What on earth does Josh have to say about marriage? He failed at fidelity which is the biggest no-no, not just in their cult, but most marriages.
  12. Joseph has worked with John for a lot of years now in the towing business. It's feasible Jim Bob bought it and put it in the trust. And FYI, Michelle and JB have had a company called Mad Family (Inc or LLC) since 2013. I wonder if that's where all the kids money goes? Just speculation.
  13. I won't give out the address but it looks like Jim Bob purchased another brick, single story home that looks a lot like the pool house. I wonder if Jessa is getting it or will Joe install his teen bride? I can't post a picture because it's too big and I'm on my Kindle.
  14. I don't think I've ever seen the man's name first on invitations. Maybe the Forsyth's were hosting it?
  15. Well if we all don't DONATE how else will they pay for it? Have they mentioned that along with your prayers, there's a DONATE button? It's a super easy process to click the DONATE button. Like, totally.
  16. Jesus Christ on the front door. I'm old enough for Kendra to be my daughter. /applies gobs of anti-aging cream to my face.
  17. How old are Kendra's parents? *In my head I refer to Kendra as a poor man's Whitney Bates.
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