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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. That’s a good question. Also, what was Jan getting out of it? Power trip? Money from the vamps? Nandor didn’t mention paying her. Loved Guillermo’s mad vampire hunter skills. I was surprised too that he still wanted to be a vampire. Colin Robinson marking his new territory: 🤢🤢🤢🤢
  2. Guess I’m the only person here who doesn’t hate Voight.
  3. Paris likes to let her girls get fresh air like Phyllis on Y&R did(does she still do that? I quit watching years ago.)
  4. Racial implications? Huh? What racial implications?
  5. How do that many little kids disappear and no red flags were raised. Great that the little kid at the end carried a knife and managed to stab the perv. 😏
  6. Nobody better kill my sloth! I love sloths! 😄❤️🦥 Yeah, I don’t know why they didn’t extrapolate what happened to the drone to what would happen to the fancy jet. Stoner Scott, Eve, and Ty are my faves. I’m enjoying the show as escapist fun. I also like that they have an actress who has a disability (amputee) in it in a major role.
  7. I wish they hadn’t made Fuentes a demon to contrast with Max the saint. If I had been that EMT that Bloom screamed at to get that guy’s bicycle, I would have told Bloom to go f**k herself. Bloom isn’t her boss. 🖕🏻
  8. Isn’t that the aforementioned cousin living in Dele’s former room?
  9. I think it was hilarious that work-averse Douglas was playing a farm game. In those games, the player has to do a lot “chores”.
  10. @magicdog I didn’t say anything about an “excuse.” I don’t know where you got that. Joe should talk to Amy to find out it is true. She could tell Joe that she broke it off with Congressman 💩head. People do make wrong decisions and then rectify them.
  11. Cop Joe: The congressman is such a piece of 💩! I hope Joe talks to Amy. He should get her side before deleting her number.
  12. Wow. I was busy bingeing Squid Game this weekend, so I skipped Dr. Oakley. Glad I did. How irresponsible of her. I’ll be glad when “Critter Fixers” and “Heartland Vets” are back.
  13. The point, IMO, is that it was not so much harder for a poor woman to get an abortion back then as it was for her to get a safe abortion.
  14. PBS must have cut out a scene of Trixie finding out the chief was doing a lot of D&Cs and wondering why. Her asking to observe his surgery was out of the blue.
  15. You can see the hot widower/Trixie pairing a mile away. 🙄 I liked Fiona and was sad she died, but didn’t tear up. Now when I later watched the marbles game episode of Squid Game I cried buckets! I was pissed that Violet tattled to Sister Julienne about Sister Frances buying magazines. Narc!
  16. Yeah, there was nothing proprietary about the hoodie lining. It could easily be knocked off. $12 for that cube of bread was ridiculous.
  17. I have no problem with it. It’s Jesse’s brand and gets him noticed in the real estate biz, I’m sure.
  18. Dr. Kapoor was the heart of the show. ☹️
  19. Oz: I loved Jesse James’ facial expressions in tonight’s episode. He wasn’t hiding what he thought about that stupid 12 foot fake tree. When the wife was standing outside in the wind, you sure could see London and France through that thin dress. 😬
  20. As I’ve said before, this chapess would buy one. I would like an animatronic one, kind of like how my Baby Yoda works.
  21. Count Bakula! 😂 I like Lazlo and Colin Robinson’s new friendship. Loved that Lazlo wouldn’t leave a shipmate. The Guide is def into Guillermo. 😄 I still want a Nadja doll! I heard one of the crew say “shit” after Lazlo and Colin Robinson left and it was a male voice.
  22. It definitely looks like a crush. Can’t blame her!
  23. Oh, yes, indeed! I like Drs. Scott and Hammer. I also like that Dr. Charles has gotten more air time this season. Who is the actress playing Stevie’s mother? She looks familiar.
  24. I too was thinking she would turn out to have been a minor when the contract was signed. I also agree about the stock because it was bought after the science fair. Doesn’t make sense to me that a post hoc purchase would disqualify her. 🙄
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