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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I would love to see more episodes in Asia and Latin America. Amsterdam: The couple with two children moving from NYC…am I the only one who could have sworn he was gay?
  2. I love this kind of show too. Yeah, NBC doesn’t have a good track record with high concept shows post Quantum Leap. Surface, Timeless, Reverie, Awake… Happy to see TJ from Nightshift again and Jon Seda.
  3. I think the fireplace needed a mantle. Does anyone want to play chess on a vertical board?
  4. What an awful thing to live with the belief that your decision led to your father’s death. ☹️ The boy who plays Chris/Lucas is awesome. This is his first acting gig!
  5. Agreed! I wanted to see Abishola’s strict parenting style clash with Bob’s laid back attitude (we have seen glimpses of this before) after they got married. Abishola looked gorgeous! Her mother is a total bitch. The dressmaker’s walk reminded me of Mrs. Wiggins’ walk from the old Carol Burnett show. 😄
  6. No, we were referring to the same episode. The husband was a professor of finance in the US, but no mention was made of an academic job in London, just a job in finance.
  7. London: It didn’t appear that the husband was moving for an academic position in London. At least that’s how it appeared to me. A university was never mentioned.
  8. Wow, they laid the sentimentality on thick tonight. Not a fan of that.
  9. Canada’s travel advisory re: Nigeria: https://travel.gc.ca/destinations/nigeria 😬 Dele needs to go back to the US.
  10. He said “exotic” and “associate.” There are some vet practices that specialize in exotic animals. Think “Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER.” I thought he seemed too nice and mellow for her. He said they were alike. They weren’t!
  11. Oz: Since the wife had design and DIY skills, I kept thinking “get a place with projects so she can keep busy.”
  12. Thank you! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I was thinking that if those swim trunks were riding any lower it would be Oktoberfest sausage time!
  13. I love Richard, but I hate his beard. It is too bushy. I was thinking tonight, while watching the new episode, that he needs to take a weed-whacker to it! I’m not big on facial hair, but a well-trimmed beard can be sexy. Think Alan Rickman in Diehard. 😍
  14. Lazlo has made reference to doing chaps and chapesses. Remember the Baron (Doug Jones’ character)? Both Lazlo and Nadja had a fling with him.
  15. Since Roy murdered her son, I think Sam would have helped Voight not get in a bind over his “interrogation technique.”
  16. The Noosa Hinterlands were gorgeous. Is the MD wife not going to practice medicine anymore and just start pushing herbs and yoga? The cabin made of shipping containers was awesome. Stunning view!
  17. Well, wouldn’t the producer and his wife have to have signed off on the design? They would be idiots if they hadn’t.
  18. It’s funny that Sean and his friends are so boring that Colin Robinson has no effect on them. Charmain couldn’t buy a Man’s Pillow. Since it says “Man’s Pillow” on the box, that is legally binding. 😂 So was Lazlo’s “May I approach the bitch?”
  19. Wasn’t the actress playing the new doctor in the US Being Human. She was the nurse who became a werewolf, right?
  20. Please don’t let Eamonn Walker be leaving the series! Chief Boden is my fave character.
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