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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. And desperate for a man! I cringe whenever Christina appears on screen. I thought the plan was for Chewie…make that Chewie’s mom and Kemi to pick a surrogate mother not for him to marry another woman.
  2. He knows Kevin! Ask him where our sweetie is? Is he okay? We miss Kevin! BTW, I started the “Baby Elvis” thing. 😏 Taniel is the guy in Mexico. Nice that Adrian is not a phony!
  3. Charlotte: The whole thing about him wanting a guest house to get away from her and the kids was ridiculous. He helped make those “four kids in four years” so he has to deal with them!
  4. I love Douglas. Matt Jones has a great delivery. Chewbacca! 😂 “He ate his twin in the womb.” 🤣 Tunde rocks.
  5. I don’t believe they have mentioned it. I would think it odd that his mother would want him to attend a music conservatory if he didn’t have an undergrad degree in music. That said, I know nothing about that field of study! I enjoyed the episode. I wish they had shown Nurse (to be) Joe telling Jenny’s dad where to shove that check. Interesting to see the sister.
  6. I guess I’m in the minority in thinking Tim is a bit too perfect. Can’t he ever mouth off at his parents or leave a mess in the kitchen?
  7. Now that’s the Quinn I know and hate. Donna needs to tell Eric that Quinn threatened her life.
  8. The girl who said she had never heard of a “real person” named “Oliver.” Wouldn’t a British school girl have heard of Oliver Cromwell? What about Oliver Reed? Baby Jonathan keeps on being a scene stealer! 😍
  9. I’ve heard about companies adjusting salaries down for people who now work remotely and live elsewhere (not in the expensive area they used to when they went into the office).
  10. It looked so dry and parched there. I loved their puppy Ruby who just wanted to go inside and stretch out on the cool tile floor.
  11. Yeah, Shea butter isn’t anything novel. I liked the guest Shark, too. When he said he had been doing something for twenty years, I thought “You started when you were 10!”
  12. Wouldn’t work on an atheist vampire then! 😏
  13. I kept saying “Where’s Mordor?” 😆 Bangkok: The husband’s gummy mouth totally distracted me. He showed at least an inch of gum when he opened his mouth. The little boy’s glasses appeared to be Ray-Bans. Hope they bought a warranty on them. 😬 PV: Always nice to see Taniel. He seems like a mensch. I wonder how many insects and spiders Tameika gets in that flat. Hope she has lizards to eat the creepy crawlies.
  14. No, not Colin Robinson. I’m talking about a baby Lazlo turned into a vampire. It was mentioned in a past season as being an incredible sin. I think baby was showed on the episode.
  15. I wanted to see that! Makayla and Ruzek are cute together.
  16. I feel bad for Nandor and Guillermo being separated like that, especially Guillermo. Of course there’s the physical peril, but also Gizmo had his dream come true promised to him. I wish Donal Logue had mentioned being in Vikings. Were those actual paintings he had done? I have to admit being amazed at Lazlo’s devotion to Colin Robinson. Does he feel bad about turning that baby? In any case, it appears that baby Colin Robinson grows fast. Boy, Nadja will be pissed! I hate having to wait! 🤯 What was it…”Put it away, Lazlo?” 😆 I liked the Sire picking up English.
  17. I’m watching it for fun, too. It’s just escapist entertainment for me.
  18. I don’t think Stevie is a whacko. She is just about at her breaking point, IMO. Of course Stevie’s mother is allowed to make choices she disagrees with, but it is her mother after all. Hard to let go.
  19. That’s always my pet peeve when watching movies or tv shows in which people travel back into the past. For example, I’ve watched several Chinese dramas in which the heroine ends up back in the Qing Dynasty. Never once once does she bitch about the lack of of toilets, feminine hygiene products, etc or how smelly people are. I would love to see that.😆
  20. I knew Ortiz was sketchy when he disappeared on Ruzek during that shootout. Why did a convicted killer get a judgment against him? I wasn’t clear on that. Ruzek looked hawt in his uniform. 😍
  21. I didn’t know there was such a thing as Late Onset Tay-Sachs (only knew of the awful infant onset TS) so I googled it. It’s very rare but real. The family however didn’t look to be of Ashkenazi Jewish, French-Canadian, or Cajun descent. That young girl’s red hair was gorgeous. I hope Choi’s return next week doesn’t mean Steven Weber is leaving. Archer is a great character.
  22. Yeah, buying a whole sail to make a cushion for kids to play on was ridiculous. And what were they going to store in the play space once the kids outgrew it? It was too deep to be a pantry.
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