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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I knew the Poseidon house would “win” this round. It was hideous and hilarious. They need to keep the Poseidon statue though. Hook up a speaker so he can say, “Release the Kraken!” Liam Nelson’s voice, of course. The funeral home house creeped me out. Retta is a fun host.
  2. Pulling hard 💩 out of a cat’s butt. Poor Dr. Lisa! That lady better get that Cane Coro obedience training. They can be aggressive. The woman with the little dog that got knocked up infuriated me. “I hope she lots of puppies!” A dog that size? She should have been spayed. Poor horse. ☹️
  3. Guadalajara: I would love to see that place when they get it renovated.
  4. So Brooke can’t tell that the “non-alcoholic” champagne is getting her buzzed?
  5. Bristol area: I liked the husband. He seemed nice and whimsical. I thought the wife said something about having been in the “hospitality industry” which means she could have been a desk clerk. The dog they adopted had the sweetest face.
  6. I’m sure her MIL finds her just as annoying as we do. 😱
  7. Orlando: Geeze, the wife was LOUD! 😬
  8. I knew that faux champagne was Chekhov’s bottle of bubbly the way they went on about it at the Christmas party. Monday confirmed this. 🙄
  9. I’m still waiting to see the accessibility adaptations they made for the little boy.
  10. I still don’t know why they killed off Barbara. Tom could have been transferred to another parish if the actress playing her was leaving.
  11. It’s in my favorite film version of A Christmas Carol, the one with George C. Scott as Scrooge. I hadn’t seen it in a few years, found it on Tubi, and, as usual, cried at the “future” scene in which Tiny Tim had died.
  12. I thought of the Krays, too, when Doc Turner and Timothy met the mobsters. I also thought of Monty Python’s Piranha Brothers sketch. 😆 That tiny drug addicted baby’s crying was heartbreaking. Where did they find such a little baby? I hope she got extra cuddles on set. The Nativity play was funny. Will Lucille still be midwifing?
  13. I wish Bill would show up to say he doesn’t want that crazy woman who shot and tried to kill him anywhere near his granddaughter Kelly.
  14. Scotland: When they were discussing which house to pick, I noticed that one of their dogs was begging at a table in the foreground. Dude was eating his chips and doggie was giving him a full court press with the puppy dog eyes. 😆
  15. Her eyes were pretty, but his were stunning. Paul Newman blue! I thought the same thing about Peter. He won’t have time for pub hopping when he has to change nappies during the time Hannah is at work and commuting. Was that 2 hours round trip or one way? Why didn’t they move to Birmingham if he could work at home whereas she had to go to the office?
  16. So Brooke isn’t supposed to get anywhere near Deacon, but Ridge can hug Taylor and diss Brooke to her while listening to Taylor trash talk his wife? Brooke needs to open this can of whoop ass!
  17. Surprised the Liberate lady didn’t offer to blow the shark who gave her a deal.
  18. People actually want to move to Arkansas?
  19. Every time she said “thot,” I winced! 😬
  20. Me, too. I’m not interested in watching that guy and his beard at all!
  21. That bitch Taylor hasn’t been back a whole day, and she is already stirring up the 💩! And of course Ridge can’t keep his big fat mouth shut about his disagreement with Brooke over Deacon. This is for both of them: As if women don’t change hairstyles over the years! 🤦‍♀️
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