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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. How was her name spelled? Da Peachez or something like that?
  2. Cabo: I love the place they picked. I noticed they didn’t mention all the guests they had had visiting. 😆 That guy would get on my last nerve.
  3. I loved when Guy was, like, how is this my problem…you fix it to Chelsea when she tried to throw his staff under the bus. You go, Guy!
  4. Well, if the patient did die, they could just shove the patient onto a slab and close the door. Very efficient! 😆
  5. Akron: I’m sure the MCM house was a decoy since it was fully furnished.
  6. She really needed a bra. I was embarrassed for the dog from “Hungaria” having to wear that hat. Samantha did look very stylish. Her hijabs were lovely.
  7. That was a memorial service at the hospital not a funeral.
  8. Yes, there is a launch site in Virginia. It’s a NASA facility on Wallops Island.
  9. I’m glad the holistic doc wasn’t the narc. I like her. If the nine year old’s parents insurance is being billed, who cares how many hours Iggy wastes on him. Ridiculous that any attorney let alone two would take his case. The memorial service made me verklempt.
  10. I still think a case like the one of the woman (young recent widow with young child) lying about residency would be plead out instead of going to a full-blown jury trial. Sure, prosecutors grandstand, but they also know when a case would make for bad press. My opinion as a former attorney.
  11. I watched live today, and I was yelling “None of your business, bitch” every time Stuffy opened her mouth over at Brooke’s house. The nerve of that heifer! Okay, Douglas, you are on my 💩-list now. Can’t you keep your yapper shut? 🤦‍♀️
  12. Why would any prosecutor waste time and money on a case like that? And prison time? GMAFB!
  13. The dream sequences were hilarious. I loved Dottie and Ebon bonding in the hot tub. Is Johns Hopkins considered the best med school in the country?
  14. Did Taylor get that wig from Cousin It? I ffed through most of the show today. I can’t stand Taylor and her spawn, and I’m sick of Brooke beating herself up.
  15. Toxic was the weak episode this week. I’m not surprised the girls left. Women/girls aren’t into practical jokes, IMO, the way men/ boys are. What did that one kid have jammed in his mouth?
  16. Toxic: I hate “practical jokes.” The only point is to embarrass or humiliate someone. Teatime: Loved how the dolls turned on the brat. Glad Sam got out. BTW, why didn’t the parents just leave the brat?
  17. 1-22 episode: The husband did it. No question in my mind.
  18. OMG, puppies! 🥰 I wanted to hug all of them! It boggles the mind to see Doc Pol doing those calf deliveries. Dude is pushing 80! Love that the lady cared so much about her senior barn cat. Hope he does get a few more good years.
  19. Then I’m shallow, too! He’s no Kevin, but then who is? 😏
  20. Houston: Dude, there are alligators in that lake. Do not walk the dogs near it!
  21. I can’t imagine him having a corporate job! Was he consulting on how to be a self-centered dick?
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