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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Empty it the usual way, but at least you don’t have to lift a heavy pot twice.
  2. Didn’t Jay and Sam at least get a deposit from that stupid couple?
  3. DC: it was refreshing to have a HH who didn’t have to have at least two bedrooms for all the guests she will be having. As for the pot filler, not everyone is able-bodied such that they can carry a pot of water easily.
  4. Not interesting at all. I just stuck the thread in where other HGTV shows were. 😁
  5. Is Boyd developing Parkinson’s? The monsters didn’t kill Sarah before when she walked back to her house after killing the guy in the clinic and letting the monsters in. Her poor brother. 😬
  6. I figured Ballcap Guy was bald. Guys who always wear ballcaps usually are. 🙄
  7. Her father was at the wedding. I remember Bob had to get a bunch of things off a list to give him as traditional gifts. Yes. Ebun has referred to her as “barren” before.
  8. Christina’s ideas/designs (done while on the job) are work product and belong to DotMax. Seriously, she is my least favorite character on the show. I don’t find Christine funny. Douglas on the other hand is hilarious. Loved getting more Olu and Tunde (“I ate the Wendy’s on the sidewalk.” 😆) this week.
  9. Why would you need a wet bar there when you are steps from the kitchen? I’m sick of Ballcap Guy (does he ever take it off) acting as if he is the only person who can make things. 🙄 Why did Jasmine mention “family” in relation to their blindingly white living room? They need to make sure Ty the Homeless Guy doesn’t steal the hat from Egypt and Mike’s mud room. 😆 Alison next week! 😱
  10. When that twin said to put a fireplace on that wall, the words “Bitch, you are in Charleston” just popped out of my mouth. Then every single effing one of them proposed a fireplace on that that same effing wall! 🤦‍♀️
  11. So glad this series is back on NBC! I guessed that the bus driver had that alcohol producing condition because it had recently been used on “New Amsterdam.”
  12. Ole Miss is a party school so maybe that is why Ally wanted to go there, that and wanting to find a “Southern boy” to marry and have kids with, as she was quoted as saying. Too bad she got hooked up with the wrong “Southern boy.”
  13. Ole Miss case: I used to live in Memphis, so I wasn’t surprised to hear that the murderer’s lawyer was named Farese. Well known family of criminal defense lawyers in the north MS area. Not blaming the victim, but, geeze, that girl was obsessed.
  14. Jericho just started smiling in one scene between Dorothy and Sean. 🥰 That is an adorable baby (or two since twins are usually used due to restrictions on working hours for tots). Forget dance! Leanne is a talented artist.
  15. Glad you gave it another chance. The absence of the two you named and the addition of new characters have greatly improved the series. Plus more Dr. Charles!
  16. OMG! Beagle puppies! 🥰 And the two puppies playing with Tater…❤️ Did they say Dr. Nicole got two beagle puppies?
  17. Paralyzed people (like Christopher Reeves) use external respirators. Stevie is far better than Natalie! Maggie’s daughter had a crush on Dr. Marcel. Now she apparently has one on Dr. Shentu. They are both hot, but she shouldn’t be getting into workplace romances
  18. Amsterdam: Wife didn’t research housing in Amsterdam if she was concerned about stairs. 🙄
  19. Stevie shouldn’t have jumped all over Dr. Charles like that. She knows about confidentiality rules. Anyway, I like the actress (since Being Human) and the character so I hope she doesn’t leave or is just gone temporarily.
  20. The compliance officer is hot! Any medical people here? Can people in iron lungs not be put on some other kind of respiration device and be able to be in a wheelchair? No kidding? Wow! Max Gail is 78. Just looked him up.
  21. Poor Kim! Can’t she have any happiness?
  22. OMG! Stella makes Gabby look like a piker when it comes to Mary Sue status! 🤢 Damn, I liked Pelham. I had a sick feeling that he was going to fall on his sword for St. Stella but was hoping it wouldn’t happen. 🤬
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