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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Poor Crash! Can’t someone find his head? Chekhov Chill couldn’t have been straight vodka if they chugged it like that. What could it have been back in 2000?
  2. Mexico City: The husband objecting to the white stove not matching the stainless steel fridge really made me 🙄.
  3. Phoenix: Do people in Phoenix actually put exercise equipment outside?🥵
  4. I can understand the dog not liking stairs. It may be a retired racing greyhound and have hip problems.
  5. It was at least refreshing to see a woman walk into a large closet and not say “This is all mine!” or “This isn’t big enough!” She said something like her husband had more clothes than she did. What was with the dog not wanting to walk on uncarpeted floors?
  6. Me too. Motown would have been too cliché. And it was fun watching Tunde bust a move to vintage Hip Hop.
  7. I don’t know. I was just spitballing there. Maybe he enlisted at 18, spent 20 years there, and has a young face.🤷🏼‍♀️
  8. Ty probably has a pint bottle of hooch in his back pocket.
  9. Novak is a d-bag. Yeah, I noticed how he called the male doctor “Dr. Singh” whereas the female doctor was referred to as “Wendy.” 🤬
  10. Oz: Nice to see Jesse James again! Wonder if the wife started a wedding photography biz. She didn’t say in the follow-up.
  11. Doesn’t whitewashed brick improve with age? By that, I mean that the underlying brick becomes more exposed over time. There is a house I see regularly like that.
  12. Question for Canadians: The woman with the child who had left an abusive marriage said she had just started a new job and the insurance hadn’t kicked in yet. Canada has national health care, right? Why wasn’t the kid’s dental care covered?
  13. I loved them together! So much fun! Found it interesting that Dele was going to stay in the US when his grandma was going back to Nigeria. Ebun, don’t you dare tell them to turn off Lady Marmelade! 🎶🎵🎶
  14. Team Arkansas’ titty pink house was a big fail. So was the hot tub. I’m a snob when it comes to hot tubs. They just scream tacky to me. The boat thing was a kid play area. I didn’t see what there was about it for a dog. Yay, Egypt and Mike! I love Mike’s weekly gun show. 😏
  15. As a Dr. Pol viewer, I kept saying “That goat needs a trocar!” Same with the turkey. Dr. Hodges basically did use a trocar on the turkey when he used that needle on the poor turkey.
  16. So what if someone who encountered the fallen tree was an arborist who had a chainsaw and other tree trimming equipment in his truck and could clear the road? 🤨
  17. In a prior episode, they showed child Victor emerging from, IIRC, a storm shelter. He was carrying that lunchbox and there were dead bodies all over the place.
  18. Why didn’t anyone tell Miss Higgins to make her own damn sandwich?
  19. I’ve read Yelp reviews of the clinic, and even the positive reviews say nobody answers the phone or returns messages. That is ridiculous.
  20. Eric Smith: I remember that redheaded demon-spawn from when it happened. Wonder what happened to the fiancée. BTW, why did she ask him about the juvenile justice system? He went through the adult system.
  21. I knew we hadn’t seen the last of Uncle George! I bet “Jericho’s” real mom was standing back there we he said “Mama” and beamed at her. Wonder how many takes that took? Now the long wait for next season!
  22. I loved the docs trying to teach the guy from the Virgin Islands to talk Southern. “Fixin’ to” is one of my favorite Southernisms. 😆 I hope that doggie’s cancer treatments are successful. I would take that wobbly kitten! Loved Dr. Hodges teaching it to eat canned food. So glad these guys are back! I love Dr. Ferguson calling the pets “babies.”
  23. I agree. I like Nancy and don’t understand all the hate. I’m glad not to have to look at Lorraine’s big scary teeth and see her barely taste the baked goods. However, if it came between having Molly on the show or Lorraine, I would pick Lorraine.
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