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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I’m a Lego Masters viewer. I only just noticed this show because there were no new “Chicago shows.” Watched it. I apologize, Will Arnett. Your comedy shtick is pure gold compared to this host’s stuff.
  2. No kidding. Are they going to do the cooking, property maintenance, and housekeeping themselves (which I assume they are)? If so, they might look back fondly upon their corporate jobs. 😏 I liked the first place best. The place she didn’t like because of the owners’ living area made me think “Lady, how much leisure space do you think you will need when you will be busy tending to guests?”
  3. I was sad and mad about the tree destruction. The house looked tacky without those lovely shade trees.
  4. Atlanta: Single mom with seven children. Wonder what the backstory is there? She needs to get a ring on it. The boyfriend was a keeper.
  5. Denver: I loved the last place they looked at. And I ❤️ the HH’s dog! So cute!
  6. I watch the sitcom Ghosts so I was half expecting to see the cholera pit ghosts in that creepy basement! 😬
  7. Museum was my reaction too! I would not want to live in a museum. Those ceilings were so low!
  8. The guys who put the lino down must have smelled something.
  9. Aw, I hate that the priest got killed. I liked him. Donna should have pulled the van right up to the station house door. Wonder where Julie went. I love Kenny’s mom. I want that Fame sweatshirt! I loved that show.
  10. DC area: Interesting that the couple went ahead and got married before purchasing the house. Guess there were legal/financial advantages.
  11. Wouldn’t the decomposing bodies of those babies have smelled the place up? Even a dead mouse can stink up a whole room (speaking from experience). 🤢
  12. I’m so sick of Jenny acting as if her husband is the only person who can build things. Just STFU. 🙄 @CrazyInAlabama I’m with you on trundle beds. At least if it is under a regular bed, there is a way to get into/out of the bed without stepping on someone. Not in this case. The upper “bed” wasn’t even a bed IMO. I can just see Mamaw and Papaw sleeping on that little thing! BTW, did Team Arkansas have a window treatment on the windows Egypt and Mike got dinged on? I think Egypt and Mike should have won. Wish someone had put a frog tchotchke somewhere in the FROG.
  13. I’ll forgive you for talking on the phone, Jerry, but I’ll never forgive you for making me throw away donuts! 🤣😂 Dot and Goodwin were hilarious. He’s our monster…🤣 Blue Bloods ad placement got all the old people to order MaxDot socks. 😂 Dele sighting! Yay!
  14. She’s married to the guy who plays Douglas on Bob ♥️ Abishola. Congratulations to them.
  15. Maybe the actress is working on another project and needed some time off. I spotted Stevie in the previews. Is the actor who plays Choi working on something else? He’s been gone a long time. I would just as soon Steven Weber stays on as a regular.
  16. What are “stayz”? From the picture it looks as if the women is wearing two bras. When I watched the episode, I thought they were talking about “stays” like the kind corsets had. It confused me then!
  17. I knew Dorothy’s scheme was going to bite her in the butt. Leanne is too smart for her. I can’t take my eyes off Jericho whenever he is in a scene. So adorbs!
  18. Lots of people on HH say they want to buy a house that says they “had arrived,” not just this couple. Sad that “arriving” seems to mean spending money for more house than you need. Baton Rouge: Why on earth would anyone want to look at pictures of some stranger’s family dressed up in matching outfits (except to laugh at them)?
  19. The Valley of the Monkeys is a wildlife refuge. The monkeys and apes were brought there. No Gallic monkeys!
  20. The DAs in past seasons were never on for very much of an episode’s running time.
  21. No flames from me. I saw him on Stephen Colbert’s show recently and thought “Wow, Sam has really aged.” I love Sam too and felt bad for him. That was the first thing I thought too: “Where are her lawyers?” Such a big mistake by the writers!
  22. NJ: Why on earth do a couple with 2 kids need a 6000 sq. foot house? They wanted to show that they “had arrived”! Arrived at what? Wasteful consumerism?
  23. Hannibal Lector needs to have him over for dinner. 😏 Hugh Dancy has no charisma in this role.🥱 When Dad answered for the daughter, I knew this would be a Britney Spears type case.
  24. France: I want to go to the Valley of the Monkeys! 🐒 I liked the second property best. Of course, it already had cats! On a shallow note, that woman’s mouth scared me! 😬
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