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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Edinburgh: I got so tired of hearing her complain, I tuned out at the end. Did Harris the adorable pup get the place with the outdoor space?
  2. He needs to get off his posterior and do things besides playing video games. Don’t they say not to set up the computer in the kid’s room?
  3. I watched today for the first time in months. How is it that Bridget works there now?
  4. That was clear to me. It’s just that usually when people say “overlooked,” they mean they didn’t see or pay attention to something.
  5. I listened to a segment on Morning Edition today about the stress vets are under and how the profession has a high suicide rate. ☹️
  6. Since it has been renewed for S3, even if it won’t be on NBC (which I hope it will be), then hopefully one will be able to watch Transplant online.
  7. I like Jason, too, and agree that he isn’t over the top all of the time.
  8. I hope there will be another season. I didn’t expect any answers in this finale. The bus arriving was creepy… I knew digging that hole was a bad idea. The spider webbed forest made me think of Mirkwood.
  9. This website tells you how to make your own camera lucida: https://www.twowaymirrors.com/camera-lucida/
  10. Wow, that was one evil bitch. And what chutzpah wanting his $200,000 estate paid into her prison commissary account! 😳
  11. The stories about the Tegu and the goose were so touching! Those guys really loved their “babies” who weren’t your usual pets. ❤️ When Chewy the goose laid his head on Dr. Hodges’ chest, I got verklempt. That poor bulldog! 😮 Why did the owner let it get in such bad shape?
  12. Will has become my favorite Halstead brother. Never thought I would say that.
  13. I think it’s a hazard. Kids do dumb things, and I can just see a kid getting stuck and suffocating in that thing. A sleepover would have to be supervised non-stop.
  14. The woman had already had four miscarriages. Why did they think a borrowed womb would do any better?
  15. I remember yelling profanities at the TV when she did that.
  16. I read a good article online yesterday by an ob/gyn about why she is opposed to uterine transplants. If I can find it again, I’ll link it.
  17. Yeah, I was thinking the same things. When she mentioned the pub, I thought she was going to be happy not complain. The HH really phrased her desire for two bathrooms badly at one point. She made it sound as if she would be bringing men home and didn’t want the lads to mess up her bathroom. 🤣
  18. I wondered about that, too. I bet the husband will get tired of having his MIL around 24/7. Her daughter made it sound as if she was incapable of living by herself. 🙄 Atlanta: I loved the place they picked.
  19. When will the aunt or uncle wanting to get custody of Javi show up? I wish they would just let them be a happy family. At least next week looks like a Boden-centric episode. Yay! Love me some Chief!
  20. No, the boy was the cancer patient’s boyfriend. Where else would someone generally get a uterus except from a cadaver? How many women decide to hand over a womb. Here! I’m through with it.
  21. Way to kick a guy when he is down, Kim. Poor Adam almost died. Can’t you cut him a break for one day?
  22. I really didn’t see what was wrong with the Detroit boys’ closet. I guess that’s because I don’t have a clothes/shoes fetish and don’t need a pimped out closet.
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