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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I’m curious to see what they do to make the house accessible for the little boy. Those doodle dogs were adorbs!
  2. I think the writers were using the pop cultural view of Edsel being a failure when Bob said that. I don’t recall Bob saying Edsel was an anti-Semite.
  3. I didn’t understand what Tommy the Elf’s business was either. Yeah, the ornament hangers were way too expensive. Just put the fragile ornaments up high where the pets can’t get to them or make sure they are hung securely.
  4. Doesn’t have to cost a lot. A few tchotchkes and throws can do a lot, IMO! 😁 I watched despite Sarah. I had forgotten how annoying her voice was. At least, the pregnancy made her more subdued. I prefer Floor, too.
  5. I got the impression that Sarah found the woman annoying. I liked when Sarah said something to the effect that you (the HH) would put the charm in the flat. I say that all the time especially when someone complains about a place being too sterile.
  6. That house was fully furnished so I knew it wasn’t an option, but it made me wonder about the option of a chair lift for her. How much do those things cost?
  7. I don’t love to hate Voight. I freakin’ love Voight! 🥰
  8. I like it that Crockett is apparently more attracted to the mom than the daughter. Mature women rock! 😏 Another rare genetic disease? There have been a lot this year. That board member glaring at Goodwin over his crook son (or is it SIL?) getting arrested was rich. I love, love, love Dr. Charles! That schizophrenia sim was awesome.
  9. Dr. Abrams was Santa! 😮 I love it! 😆
  10. Hey, Steffy! I have something for you: That FIL screwing bitch actually mentioned that Brooke had an affair with her SIL. 🤦‍♀️ Thomas doesn’t seem to give a 💩 that his son is being kicked out of his home by Ridge unless I missed something.
  11. I know I wouldn’t drop the price of my house because of a stupid letter! 🙄
  12. The Brits fought the Afrikaners in the Boer War and took SA from them. The Afrikaans language came from a Dutch dialect. Leo the dog was adorbs.
  13. Really funny episode with lots of Bob and Abishola. Ebun is what used to be called a battle axe. I bet her husband and family back in Nigeria are enjoying their break from her. I loved Bob pointing out that Henry Ford “hated unions and was an anti-Semite.” 😆
  14. The Dude Wipes were on sale for IIRC about $3.49 last week at Kroger.
  15. I thought the bakers seemed quite talented. Some of the decorating skills alone were amazing.
  16. Mike Holmes has some good-looking offspring. His son is really hot! 😏 Maybe one should do some research before hiring a contractor, hmm? Did they really think they could get all that work done for $25,000? I had never heard of a cold room before. What state were they in? I generally liked the decorating choices. That kid’s room was adorbs, but I wouldn’t put much stuff within reach of a toddler on that storage board. I loved the area rug in the movie room.
  17. Maya and Andy are no Amy and Nick, but I love the grannies! The taller New Orleans granny pronounced “pecans” correctly: puhkahns. 👏🏻 I’ll keep watching.
  18. Near Brisbane: I like the boyfriend. He was funny. Nuts to buy a house with someone you have known for only three months.
  19. I think the RV looked better than the place she bought.
  20. Outback OZ: I was surprised that the rents were relatively high in a place out in the boondocks. It was interesting to see a place in OZ that wasn’t on the coast.
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