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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Too bad a supermarket didn’t fall through the hole.
  2. I would assume that Karen is still on the board. She wasn’t voted off the board. Of course, magic seizure girl saved her brother’s life! 🙄 Where did they get the bus to transport all of those people to another church?
  3. Not Ty though. They make a great couple.
  4. Little Isaiah is too cute to grow up to be Gavin!
  5. No need to lecture me about law school. I went to law school. I know all about it. I was a lawyer. Now I teach. I stand by my opinions.
  6. Obviously, but that case appeared to be so flimsy that no DA would prosecute it.
  7. I still shake my head at that law school’s semester starting in November! But Madeleine Albright became Secretary of State and a world respected statesman. The law professor just teaches at a law school that has a weird semester set-up. I stand by my belief that the professor acted like a witch.
  8. Amy’s dad must have had the world’s worst attorney if he got convicted and went to prison.
  9. Dallas: The exterior shot of the first house, the one they bought, had a cat (the HHs had three cats) in the window, but, when the HHs walked in, the house was empty. Doesn’t the production team notice things like this? I guess they don’t care!
  10. I would love to try that pie! I adore salted caramel. And Jody’s Irish accent. I could listen to him talk all night. Wasn’t the other bottom two baker’s cranberry cake inedible? Didn’t they say Jen’s tasted good?
  11. I’m a university instructor, and I would never belittle someone like that before the entire class.
  12. Rocker Joe: So how did Amy get the watch in the first place? Wouldn’t the hospital (or funeral home) have given the widow Bobby’s personal effects? And couldn’t Regina get the watch out of the coffin after the funeral? Nurse Joe: Jenny should have said to the Professor, “And one became Secretary of State.” What a witch.
  13. I was talking about the biological father, the husband of the older sister.
  14. I was hoping that the situation with the baby would be that the father wanted to keep the baby when he finally got a son after four daughters. That would have been a messy situation. I knew that Aylward’s family would be the slumlords.
  15. She should bring up Bill, too. Liam’s father has committed many crimes, had sex with his DIL, and did all in his power to help Steffy to keep Hope and Liam apart.
  16. I’m glad the pizza oven is selling well. I got hungry seeing those pizzas!
  17. Then make sure the psycho gets locked up!
  18. It appeared by that smirk (after Hailey said something about “you wanted to know what it (killing) felt like”) that the killer sister was a thrill killer psychopath. I don’t understand why the older sister was covering for her. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  19. Mexico City: I didn’t like their perceived dynamic of him making the decisions and her just going along with them.
  20. That evil little smirk that psycho sister gave when she was loaded into the car! 😬 As far as I’m concerned, there is no Chicago PD without Voight. I like that Trudy is his ride or die.
  21. I loved Crockett laying into Archer. So Crockett is basically not supposed to have a life on the off chance that the I’m Hot 💩 transplant surgeon will summon him to assist her? Bitch, please. I hope the next time she sends out a summons Crockett is banging her daughter.
  22. Sorry, I can’t see Christina getting a job that didn’t involve asking “Do you want fries with that?”
  23. I believe Bloom said to put the ED on diversion. So Max is so dumb he doesn’t know not to click on attachments from unknown senders? 🙄
  24. I still don’t understand why people thought Levi’s plane would be able to go back and forth through the rift when it (and the drones) malfunctioned and crashed before. It appeared that the rift fried aircraft trying to get through. Plus wasn’t the rift closing rapidly? How could there be multiple trips even if the plane survived? I’m thinking about this too much. 🙄
  25. Looked like a lot of modern clothes in there to me.
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