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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I liked the first episode. I just don’t trust NBC with high-concept series. Remember Timeless and Reverie?
  2. OK: I loved that big double chaise longue in the living room of House 2.
  3. No kidding! Mina mentioned they could have dinner on the private balcony. Can you imagine having to haul food, drinks, etc, up there? A fancy grill setup would have been better than the hot tub, IMO. Overall, I liked the house just have some nits to pick.
  4. I’d take any excuse not to have to hang out Mina.
  5. That three story house didn’t really fit the neighborhood, IMO. It looked like an apartment building. I hate fake grass. Won’t it get nasty with the dog peeing on it. I never have understood the gigantic bathrooms with the showers ten people could fit in.
  6. I guess the FDNY doesn’t have its own arson investigators. 🤦‍♀️
  7. Well, April and Natalie will be gone so we can hope! I miss him so much!
  8. Cop Joe timeline: Jenny didn’t give up her baby. She introduced Lucas to Cop Joe at the reunion. She brought Lucas with her to see the planetarium. She gave up the baby in the Rocker Joe timeline. I too wondered how she could give up the baby for adoption without the birth father signing away his parental rights.
  9. Oz: The wife looked as if she could be the younger sister of Alex Guarnaschelli. Costa Rica: Wonder what the age difference is?
  10. As a university ESL instructor, I always wince when I see or hear pronoun errors like this. The designer half of the Boise Boys made several such errors on the first episode of their new series Outgrown.
  11. The wife and kids, along with Jasmine, painted it yellow! I don’t like gold fixtures at all. Too ostentatious. I never have understood putting the tv over the mantel. IMO, the tv should be at or near eye level (when sitting). Why strain your neck looking up like that? I also wouldn’t want a microwave positioned under the countertop. What a PITA to use.
  12. Korea: Yeah, I think it’s cool that the younger kid is going to a local school. He can learn Korean quickly that way. I wondered if the two kids spoke German.
  13. A Boise Boys show! I liked the couple. I wish they had shown what was done in the basement for the little boys. I bet they don’t stay down there at night. BTW, I would love to see a reno show in which the designer had to use the homeowner’s furniture. No fancy staging with new stuff. I would allow some new accessories, but the designer would mainly have to make do with what was already there. I am evil! 😏
  14. S. Korea: What exactly was her job anyway? Does she beta test games?
  15. She has gone overboard on the procedures since then. Dr. Jim has sure let himself go! Oh, and she’s a model, too! 🤦‍♀️
  16. You would think they would have big bags of the “home dirt” stored in Staten Island. I like how Sean, his wife, and their friends accept our vamps as just part of the gang. I didn’t think he was dead. Loved how everyone just assumed Nadja was drunk when she collapsed at the renewal ceremony.
  17. All the HGTV reno show people tend to overstage the houses.
  18. I literally yelled “Fuck!” when the boxer’s head went flying. The expression on poor Guillermo’s face…😂 What was Colin Robinson’s favorite “program”? Was it the casino’s promo channel? Nadja looked glam in those pics with the Rat Pack. Guillermo looks dashing in his bodyguard suit. I’m going to start referring to myself as a chapess. 😏
  19. Didn’t Sean have the brain scramblies (The Superb Owl Party episode)? Guess he got over them.
  20. I totally lost it when that one boxer punched the other one’s head off! 😂🤣😂
  21. Spain: Nice to see the Silver Fox again. Why on earth did the HH call the (too big for her) house a chalet? It wasn’t a chalet. When she said for the millionth time that she wanted to be on the water, I was like “Then live on a boat, bitch.”
  22. You are giving her waaay too much credit! 😄
  23. Again, then why not just paint the shelves black? 🤨
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