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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. The single mom near DC from the night before got a five bedroom house, didn’t she? Must be a thing! Tonight: The husband was way too skinny! I wanted to give him a 🥪 sandwich! 😆
  2. Do Mina and Karen not know any POC? That soft opening looked lily white. Liked that they found those cool Lincoln lintels.
  3. I don’t know why they couldn’t have added an addition to the original family villa.
  4. Mike even made a crack to Mina, after looking at the paper the appraiser handed him, to the effect that they probably wouldn’t have been our pick. 🙄 I wanted Darryl and Sunjay to win, but I am fine with Team Nashville winning.
  5. Um, Eric, that wasn’t a look of joy on Quinn’s face when you tore up the divorce papers. It was a look of pure horror. Get your eyes checked, gramps!
  6. I thought Sarah and Bryan basically said that Charlotte would be riding herd on the younger kids at night. Poor girl.
  7. Seriously! Hang a real projection screen if you are going to insist on going the projector route. 🙄 I noticed that neither Mike nor Mina mentioned the still untreated wood vanity.
  8. Awful about the boat sinking. Wonder what happened? Of course the insurance company is low-balling its payout. Poor Charlotte has to keep rooming with the brats. Cute puppy! The Adam and Lawrence reunion was great. 🍻
  9. I wanted Darryl and Sunjay to win, but at least Team Homeless Guy didn’t. I didn’t like that they got an unfair advantage when they got extra time to finish their bathroom when they couldn’t do it in the allotted time. Their house’s appraisal was a lot less than Team Taniya’s and Team Alison’s. Bet the dark charcoal exterior hurt them.
  10. When she makes a negative comment about a really cool craft, I yell at the TV “I’d like to see you make something like that!” 😆
  11. We’ll have to agree to disagree. From what Clay said, it was a dream of his to hunt a mountain lion. I didn’t say he wouldn’t eat the poor beautiful creature if he murdered one, but that wouldn’t be his prime motivation, IMO.
  12. But did you like it? 😏 I generally liked what Debra did, but I agree with you about all the outdoor stuff. I can see those things getting lost, stolen or damaged. Scott’s machine that did the headboard was cool! So was the headboard.
  13. That balloon suit was funny/creepy! I could see it in a horror movie.
  14. I think he is. He wanted to kill it from day one.😡
  15. On Naked and Afraid XL they usually show the XLers filthy shower water going down the drain when they are back in civilization at the hotel. Can you imagine what Colter’s looked like? Probably like a mudslide! 😮
  16. I don’t want Clay to win since he so wants to kill a mountain lion. Eff you, Clay.
  17. I’ve never seen Flea Market Flip so the suitcase bar was new to me. Thought it was great.
  18. I love Lucas! He’s funny and a silver fox. KK acted as if she wanted more than friendship with Nancy. I noticed Nancy didn’t mention her after the choice reveal.
  19. Philly: The “living in a steak house” thing cracked me up. Who was going to paint the horse racing mural? 😆
  20. When she was criticizing Melanio, I was like, “witch please, is that all you can come up with?” 🙄 The hand cut bird silhouettes were amazing, but as I watched the presentation to the judges I was expecting Jess to switch on the lights so we could see them. Wah-wah! Why didn’t she put more lights in the clock case? I did cringe a bit as those family heirlooms were chopped up.
  21. Professional office? 😆😂🤣😆 At least Donna doesn’t wear dresses half an inch from showing her cooter like Flo does.
  22. I thought she said she decided on Spain so that she could learn Spanish. The place she picked was ideal especially since it was close to work. Loved her auburn hair.
  23. Didn’t like the “feature wall” they made in the house either.
  24. They said the garage was built. Must be nice to have a mom who can give you a house! I didn’t like the gold-framed picture above the fireplace. Didn’t like the gold fixtures in the bathroom either. Otherwise the house was nice. Wonder if mom bought the furnishings for Claire, too. Does HGTV sell Two Chicks And a Hammer shirts?
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