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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. You can start a topic yourself. I’ve done it for several shows, including “Fear Thy Neighbor.” It’s easy. I would suggest starting it under “Other Nonfiction Shows.”
  2. Today’s episode begs the question why Sheila would have contacted Jack those many years ago. We have guessed why, but wouldn’t everyone else be wondering why? That Sheila montage was 😮! And that begs the question: why isn’t that psycho heifer in prison?
  3. Considering what the governor there is doing and saying, Bryan is smart to reconsider going to Florida.
  4. Alan! I fondly remember him. Good times!
  5. I really, really wanted Stephanie’s portrait to fall off the wall at the end. Or maybe they could have done like they did in the Coen Brothers’ “The Lady Killers” where the portrait of the old lady’s late husband changed expressions in reaction to the events occurring.
  6. Even Alison “I’m painting that antique black” Victoria has enough sense not to paint a beach house black!
  7. Even the grizzly bears feel sorry for the contestants.
  8. Mexico: They picked the right house. It didn’t look small for two people to me. That concrete house turned me off because of all the grey!
  9. Team Homeless Guy’s room did not look like a “kid’s room.” There was nothing playful about it. No guardrail on that super high bunk bed was a big no-no. Neither Mike nor Mina mentioned that the walls looked haphazardly painted in places. I agree that they have been getting so many breaks. Team Nashville could have won except for that stupid sandbox. That idiot should have listened to her husband and Taniya. The “wharf beds” and the boat bed were really creative and whimsical. Team Alison’s room was fun too. Wrong team won tonight.
  10. Poor Caroline. At least she was finally able to experience love and comfort. 😥 That English Bulldog puppy! 🥰
  11. Sheila wouldn’t be Steffy’s MIL since she has no legal relationship with Finn. Assuming the adoption was legal, Lin is the only MIL.
  12. I can’t believe Colton is 35. Even before the Hunger Games, he looked as if he was in his 50s. Eating that bird after seeing those worms...🤢. Glad he got the frozen fish though. I agree about the season being boring. Watching people starve is not exciting.
  13. I didn’t hate the design, but, if they were going for a Jane Austen/Regency look, her girls needed to be lifted and supported.
  14. Phuket: I was surprised by their rather high (judging by prior HHI forays into Thailand). Didn’t she say her father owned restaurants in Shanghai? Maybe he was investing in their business.
  15. Never thought I would be glad to see Sheila, but after a week of piled high and deep 💩shoveling, I was. I was half expecting Finn and Steffy to go with Officer, I mean, Rev. Byrd to sign some paperwork after the ceremony.
  16. Wish Judge Judy had come with Byrd to the wedding. She could have told the assembled lot that beauty is fleeting but stupid is forever. BTW, I don’t like “sexy” wedding dresses. I find them tacky.
  17. At least a lot of people speak English there. I moved to China to teach English at a college in Sichuan province. Not a tourist area. Outside of the college, few people spoke English.
  18. Here is that person: 🤪 It was incredibly hideous, wasn’t it?
  19. I didn’t like Steffy’s Vegas hair and wedding dress. Hope looked as if she were an extra from a Jane Austen movie. Kelly was super adorable.
  20. Did Finn and Steffy hang a necktie on the front door to keep Paris away while they made out in the living room? I wasn’t paying much attention, but I assume they didn’t go to their bedroom because nobody on this show has sex there.
  21. And neither of the guys in the truck got out to pump the gas. They just let the heavily pregnant lady do it!
  22. Was Wednesday’s episode sponsored by ZzzQuil? 😴😴😴 I hope Stephanie’s portrait falls off the wall when Sheila walks in.
  23. PV: Nice to see Taniel again. I like him. I think they made the right choice. It’s a vacation home. One bedroom/one bath is sufficient for that purpose.
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