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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I watch this show for Kevin, of course, but mainly to see what housing is like in other countries and to snark on the HHs. I don’t watch it for a realistic depiction of the house hunting process.
  2. Since Norm McDonald died today, I thought of “Turd Ferguson” during those scenes. RIP, Norm. I couldn’t stand the decoupage floor. The white floor was fine. MJ and Corey went overboard with the flamethrower on the wood. The first pass looked good. It did bring out the grain. However, they kept on and the result was blackened wood. Might as well have painted the wood black.
  3. Brisbane: I like Maxine. I liked the “studio” but I wonder if it didn’t have AC. I didn’t see any units. Wonder why the HH had to take a very big pay cut? He said Brisbane was expensive.
  4. I didn’t want the Smug Bros to win, but their build was the best tonight. The waterfall night effect was cool.
  5. “Hey, honey, I watched a video on YouTube, so I can do your root canal now. I’m charging up the power drill!” 😄
  6. Denise and Jim looked as if they were going to a “key party.” 😏
  7. Naples, FL: If that anorexic drag queen-looking thing had said “bling” one more time, I think I would have gone Elvis on my TV! OMG, did she really think she looked sexy in those crop tops and miniskirts? She used to be pretty judging by the old photos. And she’s a psychologist? 🤦‍♀️
  8. I agree that Tad is a moron. Mina needs to stop encouraging his antics. I like Corey and Austin.
  9. New Baby Pol was a big boy! Nine pounds. Poor Beth. She and Megatron, the little dog with the big pups, could commiserate. I’m so glad Megatron’s owner brought her in after two hours of unsuccessful labor. Some people on these vet shows wait forever before bringing the poor dogs in.
  10. It’s like a cross between Lady Chatterly’s Lover and Mandingo.
  11. OMG, is the Staff Infection still doing that? Is she still wearing outfits with one sleeve missing? Is she still shouting her lines and repeating them? 🤦‍♀️
  12. I agree! All that shrieking about her TWO REFRIGERATORS. 🙄 And those caterpillars she had over her eyes were hideous. What kind of job would she get with a (doubtless online) degree in Biblical Studies?
  13. There are so many different vampire rules, it is hard to keep up with them! I think having the person to be turned drink the vampire’s blood goes back to Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Ann Rice certainly popularized it.
  14. Heartguard or “Heartgard” as Anton heard it! 😄 Colin Robinson’s mom must be an energy vampire if she is still alive (he is 100 yo) and is very boring. The big red buttons…🤦‍♀️
  15. Mexico City: Jones the dog was so cute. I’m glad he got such a nice outdoor area. I really loved that garden space.
  16. Memphis: I was hoping they would show a house in Midtown. There are some magnificent old restored homes there. Where was the house they picked? Germantown or Collierville? I missed that bit of info.
  17. Good for her! The pandemic halted my getting my hair colored and cut. Now for the first time in years it is below my shoulders and, for the first time ever, grey with blonde (my last coloring) and dark mixed in.
  18. Watch some Korean sageuks. You’ll see Korean palaces and castles. For Japanese castles, watch some Kurosawa films like Ran or Throne of Blood.
  19. I don’t think it’s pretentious. That’s how I pronounce it, and it’s an accepted variation. I’m through discussing this.
  20. Fine if you like Sarah, but I find her annoying. She isn’t in the same league with Adrian.
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