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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Then the rules should have specified “European castle.”
  2. “Oh-mahj” or “oh-mahzh” isn’t pretentious. It’s the pronunciation of the French hommage.
  3. Germany: Where is Kevin! We want Kevin! We want Kevin! 😭 The dog was totes adorbs. I hate the guy (who probably had the better paying job) had to have such a long commute. The Netherlands: Another couple who look like dad and son. Tom has the bucks! That was the smallest Big Green Egg grill I have ever seen. I used to like Sarah, but she is getting on my last nerve with her mugging and antics. I prefer Floor for the Netherlands.
  4. Loved Austen’s tiny Statue of Liberty. Jack has an adorable smile. Reminds me of Karen’s smile.
  5. Not at all. It’s perfectly acceptable, based on the French pronunciation. It’s the pronunciation I use. I liked what one of the moms said to Amy, referring to what her little girl said. Very sweet moment.
  6. Bury St. Edmunds: Yeah, I noticed she looked upset all the time too. It’s not as if she was having to deal with a place where they didn’t speak the language! 🤦‍♀️
  7. I’ve always thought that. I wonder about how much of that fancy outdoor furniture and decor will be lost, stolen, or damaged.
  8. I thought septic was for the toilets. I know nothing about septic systems. BT, I was watching Beach Hunters tonight, and the listing graphic in the corner of the screen said “2.25 baths.” What the heck is a .25 bath? Quarter of a bathroom? 🤨
  9. I think they should have added a shower to the half-bath. Yeah, the reno was nice, but it wasn’t much of a vacation place, IMO. The owners got there future retirement home upgraded though!
  10. No, we’re just people with our own opinions. You don’t have to agree with them but there is no need to insult us. I don’t care to listen to kids spouting off about what they have to have in a house. That’s not why I watch HHI. As for the mother, we don’t really know why she quit her great job. If she was pressured into it, that’s her problem.
  11. Thank you! Was about to post the same thing! 😏
  12. The illustrations for The Knobnomicon (love that!) were funny. One looked like a walking penis with chicken feet. I rewatched the Cloak of Duplication. Guillermo cracking up while getting Nandor to talk about making “number two” made me crack up. I would think it would since driving a wooden stake through the heart kills them. BTW, Anne Rice vampires, the males anyway, couldn’t have erections because of no blood circulation. In any case, I loved it when Nadja ripped that twerp’s heart out.
  13. Ugh, that kid was super-annoying! I just don’t get people moving like that without securing a job beforehand. Ruby was 10. Only child of well-off older parents. Guaranteed spoilage! Re the husband’s employment status: That’s what I got from it. He was a SAHD.
  14. The coach house is already rented out. Hot Realtor mentioned that.
  15. I hope I wasn’t the only one who hit the pause button to get a better look at the porn! 😏
  16. The Knobnomicon. 🤣😂🤣Glad to see Doll Nadja is still around. I hope we find out how Colin Robinson became an energy vampire. I’m so glad the gang are back. I freaking love this show! Well, Lazlo is English. I bet Nadja gave him the name “Lazlo.”
  17. Spain: Nice to see Nick the Silver Fox again. The wife must be awfully persuasive to get her hubby to leave his career to go teach English in Spain. Or maybe he hated his career. I don’t know. Just seems weird.
  18. I like Austin. He doesn’t seem to be a reckless hotdog like Tad.
  19. Yeah, he could be an American Kevin! 😄 I haven’t watched Survivor in many years. Was she a villain or a good guy?
  20. Moving from Nebraska to England? How awful! 🙄 She annoyed me. I don’t understand about her boutique. Did people go into her home in Nebraska to shop? Where did she get her merch? Those headbands were awful.
  21. Chicago: That realtor was hot! 😛 I loved the courtyard in the house they picked. My first thought was “French Quarter” when I saw it. I hated when the wife mocked her husband for saying “whilst.” It’s a perfectly good word! 🙄
  22. I thought those stair rails were gorgeous. I liked the house. Loved how Karen used the gingerbread trim. But what happened to that stone mantelpiece? I thought they were going to save it.
  23. I think Zack and Wayne should have won. Their flying pig house was amazing.
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