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Everything posted by HunterHunted

  1. Ugh. I really wish Kelsey could truly see what a disaster being married to Thad would be. He's a finance douchebro. They aren't even living together after dating for 2 years though they could clearly afford to get a place with their combined salaries. I'd say he's cartoonishly insensitive, but I've met guys like him and this is pretty accurate. Run! I think the T article really forced Josh to be introspective about his relationship with Liza. He's really pretty serious about her and she's willing to let her lie about her age trump the seriousness of his feelings for her.
  2. I agree. He has serious talent that took a while to show itself. It's funny to come here and post. I thought Mel was hands down the clear winner of stage three. I have actually taken an anatomy lab with cadavers. It's insane how good hers looked with only 4 hours to work on it.
  3. Felicity even made a point to describe William as a 10 year old that Darhk had hostage. Except for going back in time during the Legends of Tomorrow crossover, everything about Felicity would lead you to believe that she would be secretive and supportive. I'm only a little bit sympathetic towards Oliver because Samantha, the baby mama, was an unreasonable strident fishwife. Additionally, my own family went through something kinda similar. My dad was a condescending cheating asshole. He cheated on his girlfriend who was pregnant with my older half brother. She bolted and he never heard from her for 12 years. He hired a private investigator and couldn't find her. Twelve years after she bolted, my dad ran into one of her relatives who spilled the beans about her location and the existence of my half brother. It took four years of lawyers and visits, much like Oliver's, before she would let my dad reveal that he was my brother's father. During that time, none of my siblings or family knew that we had an older half brother. My mom knew, but I have an even older half brother who found out the same time I did. My hidden half brother's mother never spoke the relative who spilled the beans ever again. As we got know my half brother and his mother, we learned that she was a lovely kind person. But my father did a number on her. That's why I sympathize with Oliver even only a little bit because I know my dad who had mostly stopped being an ass 12 years later, but was desperate not to rock the boat so he could have his son in his life.
  4. West Covinaaaaaaaaa! Californiaaaaaa! No but seriously, they're from West Covina. https://youtu.be/JKnWw7ou4ik
  5. I've been thinking that humans are the natural reserve species for the zombie virus. It would explain why it behaves so weirdly in rats. It would also explain why "the cure" is temporary. It just suppresses the virus.
  6. Imagine the amount of fast forwarding I would do if Ariana and James became a couple. A girl can dream.
  7. I can tell you why this show increasingly puts me off. Rebecca is a deluded manipulative asshole who thinks nothing of wrecking the lives of others to get to Josh, who will not solve all of her problems. Valencia sucks, but she's a normal kind of suck. And though Josh won't admit it, he puts up with Valencia's shallow bullshit so he can bang a hot girl. For the most part Valencia is pretty honest with Josh. However, Rebecca has never had an honest interaction with Josh after they bumped into each other in NYC. She has lied and manipulated at every turn. The fact that she turned down the settlement without consulting all of her clients just to keep hanging with Josh is unconscionable. I find Paula, who is just as unhinged as Rebecca, to be slightly more sympathetic because she's been able to display real affection for Rebecca and her husband and real dissatisfaction with her marriage. It makes her faith in the righteousness of the Josh and Rebecca goal understandable because she had love deprivation in her life. But Rebecca has fixated on Josh and doesn't seem to care who she hurts to get him. And the show needs to have her stop coming out on top. However, Jane The Virgin has had nearly every character lie and manipulate, but it does a much better job at showing the real feelings and emotions that motivated the characters' actions.
  8. This is why I can't really fault Scheana in her texts to Ariana's mom. Something is off with Ariana and everyone including Kristen has noticed it. The thing I'll quibble with Scheana is that Tom is not rubbing off on Ariana. It's the other way around. Ariana needs to get into therapy. She obviously so much more unhappy this season and she should explore that with a professional. And Ariana is so wedded to this idea of cool girl Ariana that she's unwilling to share what's going on with her friends or family.
  9. Unless she miscarried, Katie is not pregnant. Vanderpump Rules films from May to August. So even if she was pregnant during filming, she should be 6 - 7 months along now or full term. She is not. Second, we've seen her drinking all this season. If Katie is pregnant, she's pregnant with a food and beer baby.
  10. Here's the thing that gets me about Rebecca rejecting the settlement, the lawsuit is a class action, though a small class. The show made a big deal of her recruiting tenants to join the suit. It then made a point to have Paula explain how much the plaintiffs would get in the settlement, but the show still allowed Rebecca to unilaterally reject the settlement. The show writes her plot in such a way that even when she's a manipulative liar things tend to work out in her favor. Hopefully, her series of choices in this episode burn her.
  11. Sooooo, James is unbelievably arrogant, broke, delusional, and potentially has a head trauma. Yeah, that sounds about right. He is the white Kanye. I know Ariana takes comedy seriously, which is why she's not funny. The single funniest most amusing thing about Ariana is that she's so bad at this thing she professes to love. I don't think Kristen's friend, Rachel, is the most hilarious person ever, but she must be funnier than I realized because Ariana doesn't think Rachel is funny. I now have an inverse Ariana hilarity scale. Ariana and Kristen's argument convinced me that Kristen has changed even a little. She was giving Ariana advice that Ariana has become sour and negative and to quit that shit. Lala said "reading" like they don't have that word in her native language or on her home planet. Peter, do you know this word "reading?"
  12. Edith's takedown of Mary gave me life because Mary is a sour nasty miserable bitch. The word did sound a little out of place, but a quick scan through Wikipedia tells me that bitch was frequently used by Hemingway starting in 1915 and that it spread through publishing circles in the 20s. I will say great acting by everyone even if some of the plots drove me nuts. Michelle was great at portraying Mary's curdling at the news about Bertie. Even though Mary ended up married with the supposed happy ending, I think Edith is the winner. She's got a successful modern career. She's got friends at work. And she's got perspective on her life.
  13. I love that Tom said of Phillip's dish to "keep working on it. There's a dish in there." Not a good dish, but a dish. Keep practicing and you might make something that is adequate. His dishes are so bad that it makes me wonder if he some undiagnosed sensory issue like diminished sense of taste or smell.
  14. Ariana was somewhat tolerable when she first got together with Sandoval. It was less that Ariana was OK and more that she was decent foil to an increasingly unhinged Kristen. Same thing with James. It was interesting watching him be ride or die for Kristen when she was obsessed with Sandoval. I kept wondering what had happened in James' life that he couldn't see that Kristen wasn't over Tom. Watching them in their folie a deux was compelling stuff. But on their own, Ariana and James are boring and awful. Ariana is a smug asshole. James is a nasty, mean, drunk misogynist. Lala is basic and thirsty as fuq.
  15. My problem with Otto refusing to help is that it didn't come from some principled place. It was driven by pettiness and a fit of pique. It would have been a great opportunity for Otto to express why he created LookinGlass and what he hoped it would accomplish. Because right now as far as the what the show has shown us LookinGlass was created to a tool of law enforcement. How does a regular person use it? How is the facial recognition software used for regular functions? Otto has been shown to be unbelievably callous when it comes to other people not named Mary. I have absolutely no doubt that he'd let James die once Mary is cured.
  16. I don't know about that. I think stories of illness can have their place on silly reality TV shows. Both Pedro Zamorra and Diem Brown told compelling uplifting stories on their reality shows. Both stories ended in their deaths, but I and the shows were better for having their stories told. The difference is that both Diem and Pedro were nice people. Yolanda is a self absorbed entitled ass. Diem and Pedro told their stories to share and enlighten people. They wanted people to learn, but they didn't demand. What we're seeing from Yolanda is her narcissism not her illness. She talks constantly about her brain not working and not being able to walk because she wants to punish the women for, what she feels, insufficiently supporting her through her illness. The other issue with Yolanda is that she got sick in her 40s. I think she thinks that when she's better she'll go back to feeling like 40s Yolanda and not 50s Yolanda going through menopause who had leaky breast implants.
  17. I think they were concerned that he'd narc on them or that he'd do something off the wall because he does have a habit doing that like conspiring with Nate to secretly investigate Annalise. About the first, Pennsylvania is a Tarasoff state and if Wes had articulated a threat to harm someone else that resident would have to inform law enforcement. However, everything else Wes says to her including killing Sam, shooting Annalise, and framing Catherine is confidential. About the second, Wes is basically a shut in now which limits his ability to do something crazy.
  18. I'm Ray. I like nanobots. Those are small robots. Super suits that shrink. My girlfriend back home, Felicity, thinks that shrinky super suits are awesome. All my friends back home call me The Atom. You can me that too because you know we're hanging here like pals in prison. Did I mention that I totally have a hot girlfriend whose name is Felicity. She's super hot.
  19. My god Stahl and the FBI are hilariously incompetent. They had one guy guarding Saperstein? No one watching Woz. Stahl would have a better chance on getting info on Woz if he just blew Woz. Woz is ridiculously indiscrete with his hook ups.
  20. I know it's the other DC show, but I have to believe that Ray is an alien whose home planet doesn't have jails or prisons. Unless you are an alien or perhaps Amish, I can't imagine that you could be raised in modern society and avoid any depiction of jails or prisons in the news, books, music, television, or movies. Why was Ray acting like it was summer camp? Or perhaps Ray's parents were like Teresa Giudice from RHoNJ who told her children that she went to college when she was in prison.
  21. I know that Diana wants Charles, but there is no universe where they are right for each other. I would love it if she some how found the male version of her. Someone who is smart, but kind of an asshole. One of Lauren's clients. Or a celebrity chef with a new cookbook at Empirical.
  22. Younger because everything on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is an outgrowth of Rebecca's mental illness. I appreciated seeing Liza's adult reaction to her texting mistake after watching Rebecca spin out of control. I hate camping music festivals!!!!!! I had an ex try to get me to go to Bonnaroo with him. I told him that it combined things that I hated (camping and hipsters) with things that I liked (music and him) and the negatives outweighed the positives. Liza handled her mistake well though Charles figured it out on his own. This show. Liza and Josh seem to be mostly working and the ghost of Charles starts haunting her. Liza seems so at ease around Charles. I'm not getting into the Diana and male feminist story because that's a story so hoary that later Sex in the City wouldn't have touched it.
  23. Keeping William a secret from Felicity is just idiotic soap opera plotting. It's not about whether it makes sense and more about the emotional payoff when Felicity is all, "Gasp. How could you lie to me Oliver?" The payoff is already blunted because the set up comes from an artificial place. Oliver, people always find out about secret children and secret payoffs even in real life. See Strom Thurmond and Dennis Hastert. Donna and Quentin are perfect for each other. Quentin is a police officer in a moronically dangerous city. It's much more likely that he was injured in the line of duty, but noooooooooo. Quentin has to go tell his ludicrous gambling debt lie and Donna has to be histrionic and demand 100% honesty. There are going to be things in his job that Quentin legitimately cannot share with Donna. These two. Ugh. Hive Demolition Crew Woman. I know Snoop. I was terrified of Snoop. You are no Snoop.
  24. No. I'm watching it in the US, but a mostly apathetic watch.
  25. Bill Cipher gives me nightmares. It's funny that you mention Gravity Falls because Lucifer has such a hard time shading its protagonist, but Gravity Falls, a children's show, does it so well. Gravity Falls is so good at showing that Dipper and Mabel can be venal, arrogant, and selfish, but ultimately are good people. At the same time Grunkle Stan is a terrible person, but loves his family and would do anything for them. I wish this show would write Lucifer as well as Gravity Falls wrote Grunkle Stan. Or at least as terrifying as Gravity Falls wrote Bill Cipher.
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