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Everything posted by HunterHunted

  1. Here's the thing I think a lot of people might be missing: Kenya only says that Glen and his friend are weird and making folks uncomfortable in response to Glen asking why they are being kicked out. I guess Kenya could have placated them and said something innocuous about "it being late." However, we have no evidence that Kenya would have said something to Glen unprompted because that's not how the circumstances played out. I believe that Kenya in a lot of instances is an instigator. But here, Glen asked and she answered. I also don't trust the howives assessment of the situation because unlike us, they don't have the ability to zapruder the daylights out of the situation. They can only rely on their memories and human memory is terrible.
  2. I think that is what the title of her forum on TWoP used to be. In all likelihood Munchausen is not less prevalent than Munchausen by proxy. It's just that cases of Munchausen by proxy is much more likely to make the news.
  3. I don't know that you would have seen many Munchausen patients. It's not really that common. I work for a state mental health agency and we'll get a couple of them from time to time. They'll usually present as anxiety disorder or borderline personality disorder. And from the ones that I've seen, they never let their manipulation get so out of control that they need to be admitted through the ED. However, they do present as voluntaries whose bizarre symptoms and indication of underlying mental illness get them transferred into a psych hospital. I've said this about as inarticulately as possible. With my health system, we get them when their specialist doctor gets them admitted to a medical hospital without involving the ED. And then a social worker or whomever notices that there is something a little bit off. They then get a psych consult and into the mental hospital.
  4. I think Yolanda has a House disease: a combination of actual ailments that make it seem like she has some all encompassing mystery disease. She's got the Lyme disease, menopause, the leaky implants, and probably side effects from all of her increasingly bizarre treatments. The other thing is that I think she also has unreasonable expectations about her recovery. I think she expects that when she completes a treatment that she'll feel like 40 year old Yolanda and not 51 year old Yolanda.
  5. Jennifer Lawrence! The ne plus ultra of what this show does well when it mixes real celebrity with the Bravo trasherole casserole in the exact right combo. J Law is a Bravo fan and I loved her cracking on the VDP chucklefucks.
  6. Watching this altercation it was clear that as Tammy was walking Glen and his friend to the door, Glen pointedly asked Kenya why he was being kicked out. Kenya responded with the truth and honestly more diplomatically than she had been for most of the night. I guess Kenya could have said something different, but Glen looked like anything would set him off. And frankly if all of the women were so comfortable with Glen, why did everyone except Sheree leave Glen chilling in the hot tub with his friend. Why were these women drinking Sunny D and vodka on the boat?
  7. My girl Faith. I know you're not one of the main cast, but that orange blonde hair does not work. Just ask Katie.
  8. Does anyone at this damn restaurant have a birthday that isn't during the summer? Scheana's in May. Peter, Stassi, and Amazing Ariana are in June. Jax and Sandoval are in July. I think there must be only 5 or 6 weeks during filming when there isn't some sort of birthday bacchanalia. Plus I've forgotten about pride. Pride!!!! I know that no one, except for Peter, works there, but seriously are we just giving up all pretenses. Two of my favorite things this episode were Sandoval trying to convince Amazing Ariana that he had to go to Vegas because bulldozers. Amazing Ariana blinks. Blinks again. Bulldozers!!!! My second favorite thing was Peter introducing himself as a Chippendale dancer. That was a first season callback when they went to Vegas for Stassi's birthday and saw the Chippendales. The woman seated next to Peter was absolutely certain that Peter was either a Chippendale dancer or stripper. I don't know what to say about Jax being a Jaxass. I lied. I loved Schwartz's drunk face. I super duper lied. My favorite part was Jennifer Lawrence saying no one actually has sex with James.
  9. This episode also restores Noah's original ending to Descent: a couple sits down with a terrible secret between them. Unless Scotty was committed by a court, the rehab cannot keep Scotty there against his will. If he wanted to leave to go to Cole's wedding, they would have to let him go. If he wanted to leave to see The Force Awakens, they would have to let him go. If he wanted to leave to go score some cocaine, they would have to let him go. Making him stay there without a court order when he wants to leave is a crime.
  10. I've never been inclined to believe Noah's POV over anyone else's until tonight. Alison's timeline was completely screwy. Also Alison has never been that forthcoming about any of her secrets. Everything that Alison did in Noah's POV felt like Alison: insecure, withholding, and manipulative. This was a bit of a redemption of Noah, but I read it as subconsciously feeding into his great man narcissism.
  11. So much this!!! Noah Wyle plays Flynn much too frantic and broad. He and Baird don't really have great romantic chemistry. However, Baird and Moriarty...they've got a little bit of a sizzle. Did anyone else appreciate that Stone's posse seemed to made up of nearly all college age women. Which would make sense if he was a cute, rugged, university professor who seemed to teach half of the courses at the university.
  12. I've been rewatching season 1 and it's shocking to see Jax so thin and with only a single (lame tribal) tattoo.
  13. She did. There are a couple of full on shots of Dwight's face, Taylor's gay sidekick, from earlier in the party. They don't put a chyron with his name, but if you remember what he looks like it's obvious that it's him.
  14. I'm pretty sure it was Taylor's gay friend, Dwight and you can tell because Dwight's hair is longer than Jason's, which is a buzzcut.
  15. My parents have done this my entire life and they just celebrated their 40th. It's so annoying and infuriating. Even worse is when you bitch about one of them to the other, you get a "don't say that about your father/mother. If you only knew..." I have been saying since I was 11 or 12 that none of this was my damn business and they needed to find some friends. I got the rose. It was light. A little fizzy. It's indescribably fruity. Like I really couldn't tell you what"fruit juice" they added to the wine. I will say that Sandoval was right on the money when he said it wasn't overly sweet. It's decently balanced if I could figure out the fruit. Though my grocery clearly doesn't think much of it because the shelf tag listed it as Skinny Girl. I don't know if I would buy it again, but I tend to like to make my own sangria.
  16. She somehow had a talking head where she revealed that she made the executive decision to not use uncooked corn after the judges said she should and another where she felt that Angelina should go home even though the judges said that the corn was the problem in the dish. Really?!? This is her second go-around and she can't understand that on this show that sometimes things you aren't responsible for will send you home, but things that you can directly control will always send you home. I don't like Angelina, but Grayson is a sour entitled snot. Actually the only difference between the two of them is that Grayson has ten years on Angelina.
  17. Because of the wringing endorsement of the Toms and their excellent sales pitch to be brand ambassadors, I picked up a bottle of LVP sangria.
  18. That's interesting because I don't think it had any more details than many pilots. Veronica Mars had a truckload of details and characters in its pilot. Supernatural also had a ton of details in its pilot too, which is interesting because Sera Gamble produces both Supernatural and The Magicians.
  19. I thought it dragged and the pace was a little snoozy. I thought it needed a director who does both movies and TV or action shows like Bharat Nalluri, David Nutter, or Lexi Alexander. I'm a little disappointed that Rick Worthy's character may not be long for the world.
  20. FX gives their show runners carte blanche as long as the ratings are strong. AHS, Fargo, and The Americans tend to go 5 to 15 minutes longer. Sons of Anarchy would go 30 to 45 minutes long. Its final season was brutal because every episode was an hour longer than expected.
  21. Plus, I wish they would stop with this "stole clients" nonsense. You can't steal clients. They either follow you or they don't. Mauricio could have kept a client's contact information, called them up, and the client could have replied "No thanks. I'll stay with Rick and Hilton and Hyland." When I was looking for a house years ago, I went through quite a few realtors. And now when people ask me for a realtor who works in my neighborhood, I give them the name of the seller's agent because I was much more impressed by her performance than my own agent. Rick and Kathy are petty assholes. They've raised garbage children, enabled Kim's addiction, and hold petty grudges like 12 year olds.
  22. I guess I can't fault James because Ariana's parents splitting up when she was in college is the reason Ariana doesn't believe in marriage.
  23. Her Twitter isn't even interesting enough to be boring. If she never shows up this season I can't say that I'll be sad.
  24. I actually agree. It's not like the Toms would have access to the industry trade magazines that would go into more depth about trends and sales nor do the Toms have a legion of research associates like a consulting firm would have. Brand Ambassador is the best you could probably get from them given their lack of access to information. And though LVP sangria is sold in lots of places, I'm betting the 20 somethings that show up at the Toms club appearances have never heard of it and would never drink it. It would actually help the brand of the Toms showed up at every appearance with a case of LVP sangria and vodka and had a couple of specialty recipes for both to teach the bartenders at the club appearance.
  25. James is such an immature little shit. I don't think he even believes that Kristen cheated, but he doesn't have balls to say to Kristen that "last season Kristen got the crazy villain edit and he, James, got the young puppy in love edit. And as a result he's getting offers for so much hotter, younger, less crazy ass and would rather hook up than settle down with Kristen." The worst part is that he can't even read a room the right way. Everyone in the cast is telling him to calm down, but he keeps getting turnt up to 11. Like when Jax thinks you look like an ass, then you really look like an ass.
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