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Everything posted by HunterHunted

  1. I'm not a Klaus apologist. I'm a Haley hater and I was irritated by her attitude. Her grand plan was to marry Jackson and run away. Run away when one of the most powerful witches they'd ever faced was after them. A witch so powerful she'd cross continents and millennia. Haley is no great tactician. It was a spectacularly awful plan and her dumb decision to cut Klaus out of Hope's life with her dumb plan is just more of the idiot plotting I expect from Haley. She can miss me with her selfrighteous indignation.
  2. Lily and the witchpires are awful. Smug, humorless, and isolated. The thing I loved about the originals is that they were social. They could be charming and funny and interact with everyone or they could be monstrous and destructive. The witchpires just stare into each others eyes all day. Literally the most interesting Enzo has been in a while is when he admitted he wants to get it on with his maker/mother Lily.
  3. Merline's was so horribly sewn that I couldn't see past that. One of her skirt flourishes had pulled free and was flapping in the wind. Zac even admitted that the dress had construction issues. They gave Merline a kudos for not being as bad as she was in the beginning. Ashley's had problems, but it was sewn well. Merline can't sew. She's not Anya levels of incompetent, but Merline's ambitions greatly outpaced her skills and it showed.
  4. The IV lie is bonkers. Even if I believe Vicki's assertion that Brooks perpetuated this lie when she was out of town, Vicki's behavior in relation to the lie make no sense. So if Vicki truly believed that Brooks got so sick from chemo, you would reasonably expect that Vicki would accompany Brooks to future chemo appointments in case he got that sick again, or you would expect Vicki insist that Brooks get a full assessment by his doctor to make sure he doesn't get that sick again, or you would expect that Vivki would call up Terry to thank him and his colleague for going out of their way to help Brooks. Vicki did none of these things, which tells me she was the source of the lie.
  5. I think that one of the other issues with Nyle in these sorts of "acting/modelling" challenges is that ASL is very different from spoken English. Facial expressions and body position actually impact the syntax and tone of what is being signed. I imagine that Nyle is keeping his tone as inoffensive as possible because the the tone of what he's signing is inoffensive (well, offensive to me but inoffensive to the larger public). So while Tyra may want intensity and ferocity, they may be incompatible with how ASL works. All of this indicates that he may be a fairly garbage "model" in the Tyra sense, but might be decent in print work or acting.
  6. I'm glad they bounced Justin to bring Dustin back just to have Dustin crash and burn this week. Justin might have actually done a decent job and it would have saved us from hearing Mame tearily dedicate her performance to Justin. Ugh. Mike is just so gross. Now that there's is no Ashley around, it seems like Mike and Devin aren't so friendly. I don't know what that's about because Ashley never seemed like the glue that connecting them. I think Mike realizes that Devin is a dead weight dipshit and is cutting Devin loose.
  7. I've got to disagree with the judges, mostly Ve, harping on Stevie's paint job. In 200,000 years of human evolution and migration, humans have evolved skins tones that range from light peachy beige to very dark brown. There is no way in a couple of thousand years that we'd have greenish skin. That was Ve's cognitive dissonance speaking. She's had a career of making blue green fish people and can't imagine anything else.
  8. As much as I wanted Craig to beat out Chris, on principle Craig couldn't win because his redone tattoo was of Zeus/Jupiter not Poseidon/Neptune. His statute was holding a lightning bolt, not a trident. For all of talk about being a big bad Marine, Chris sure started to fold when there was a decent possibility of him going home. Seeing him lined up with the others made me realize that he and Craig are the same height and that Matt and Kruseman are taller than Chris.
  9. Even assuming that one-third of the square footage of her restaurant is kitchen, prep, and storage that is one huge fucking space. 4800 square feet?!?! This hot dog place has got to be at least 100 seats and maybe up to 290 seats. This hotdog emporium is going to be enormous. Of course the show had to shade Caroline by showing Marissa being actually competent. I think Juliet is ridiculous, but most of these women are such neophytes to the reality TV game that they are terrible at articulating what is motivating them. Juliet was pissed that Julie played runteldat to start up that team nonsense. Juliet thought that's what Caroline was going for and then realized that Caroline doesn't give enough shits about Juliet to try to pull a team Caroline team Juliet arc for the rest of the season. And Julie was dumb enough to walk headlong into it. Why is Julie's hair the same color as Annabelle's detox juice? It was already the middle of January and Caroline is just now talking about the loan payment that is due at the end of the month. Knowing full well that they couldn't fulfill all of their Christmas orders, Caroline should have given her employees their severance before the holidays and spent January wrapping up her business. She is the worst.
  10. As loathe as I am to side with Noah, his perspective of the mediation, but not the mediator, rang a lot more true to me. Though his memories of the mediator as an awkward laughing hack are probably off the mark. What became apparent through mostly Noah's recollection is that he's mostly a weekend dad. If he had been having daily conversations with his kids, he would b have known that his youngest son didn't know about the divorce and that his oldest son had developed an anxiety disorder. Also Max is the worst even though he means well with Helen.
  11. They all seem to smoke like chimneys. That is probably the most shocking thing about this show. You see so few scenes of people smoking on American TV except for shows that are set in the past like Mad Men. The party area in Juliet's suite was littered with cigarette butts. If this same party had taken place in the US, Juliet would have had to get a suite with a significant balcony area because so few places let you smoke indoors. I know my job used to have an outdoor smoking area. They have now prohibited it entirely on the property. Smokers now have to either drive or walk off property to smoke and its not a small campus. Plus the health insurance has started charging them extra aa month to cover the future costs of their smoking.
  12. I think it's a completely legitimate destination for business reasons. I would much rather have the show highlight that and how big Zappos business is than pretend that Las Vegas is some dream destination.
  13. Beautiful exotic Las Vegas. A getaway valued at tens of dollars. Seriously, you can get a decent ticket with like a week's notice for like $100 from L.A. and if you were planning ahead for this show, it probably cost $60/person. I'm hoping that it's Devin going home, who for as long as he's been working as a model, is just not that good. However, Justin got the dreaded back story of doom.
  14. Nate's preliminary hearing was preposterous. It was an embarrassment of terrible writing and ludicrous plotting. I'd like to be kinder because Viola hit it out of the park, but literally nothing about the fact that Annaliese's ex-girlfriend representing Nate indicates that Annaliese and Nate conspired to kill her husband. Secondly, no prosecutor is inept enough to call a witness who is an equally probable suspect as the defendant.
  15. The owner had slightly different opinions from the chef about the BBQ in St. Louis. But there is a reason the owner is the owner and the chef is the chef. The chef has the skill to make the food and the palate to determine what tastes good. The owner just has the wallet. For the chicken, his comment was how he preferred it on the bone. Nothing in his comment was substantively about taste. Or how cooking meat on the bone imparts more flavor. I got the sense that he basically liked everything, but anything that was slightly out of his comfort zone wouldn't have been what he preferred. Given that, you have to let the trained chef who has slightly more impartial taste buds be the deciding judge. They've had other challenges where a single person's opinion gave a team an advantage. It happened in Amarillo where the restaurant owner judged the teams' steak items and Pho won. Maybe Waffle lost because every truck stop challenge was a savory one and Waffle was a dessert truck that mostly made crap savory dishes when they had to.
  16. I wish I could substansively comment, but I honestly don't know where we are this season. 20 and 21 are on my on demand, but I'm never sure what has and has not aired.
  17. My immediate thought when Daisy was talking about Joey's boyfriend was that they brought Joey to the show as a love interest for Mack because Mack always felt really gay to me in his arc last season with Fitz.
  18. Agatha is not their biological sister in the movie. In the movie, her newly sober mother is murdered because she wants to regain custody of Agatha. The issue was that even though PreCrime would still have Arthur and Dash, Agatha was the strongest and the other two were largely useless without her.
  19. This precisely. I just find it hard to believe that Vicki wouldn't be filming a ton of scenes bemoaning how she lost her mother and now she could lose...lip quiver...Brooks. I think he had a blip in October. It was treated and they've moved on. It reminds me of these clients I had years ago who were on the Jerry Springer Show. They said that the story that got them on the show was absolutely true, but it happened five years before and they were completely over it.
  20. Yeah, I need this show to stop trying to make Sophie happen. I find her just as useful and relevant as Kim Granatell or Kim D. For all the talk of Juliet being up Caroline's ass, Caroline is rolling with a rectal Greek chorus. She's got her make up gay Luke and Sophie constantly at her side.
  21. I have so little to say because it was a great episode. Everyone needed a bit of truthening.
  22. I'm going to invoke the doctrine of both right. Juliet overreacted and Caroline was a little bit inappropriate. They both should have apologized for letting it get out of hand. However, Caroline S is such nasty sour cow. There was no need to take her apology back. There was no need to make fun Marissa's hotdog photo. It was a huge get. Caroline had to spill her big glass of haterade all over it. "I've been in the Times loads of times, but I'd never want to be there with a picture like this." Marissa's in there repping her business, which is a sight more than Caroline ever did for her business. Marissa might look a fool with her hotdog smile, but going all out to make her business successful makes me respect her more than Caroline who sits back eating her jelly tots and wearing her posh frocks when her business is crumbling and her children don't know who the fuck she is. That being said, I still think the hotdog restaurant is dumb. Julie is so insecure and needs a ton of validation, which makes her so damn messy. There was no need to play runteldat with Annabelle. Messy!
  23. I feel like the ideal prize for the Wafflers would be a food tour of the various ethnic cuisines of the US. They seemed very dismissive of ethnic cuisines, but it seemed to come from a place of ignorance rather than actual experience or taste. They are doing very well, I think in part, because the cost to produce their signature item is so low, but their palates are so limited and so bad. They could have done a Chinese inspired waffle with sweet red bean paste, a cannoli or tiramisu inspired waffle, or a Greek one with a baklava inspired nuts and honey topping. However, that could only have happened if they were receptive to other cuisines, which they never seemed to be.
  24. They were a sweet on top of sweet truck and they needed to be matched up against a dessert truck. However, they had such limited food experience. Look at how badly they did with the barbeque challenge and that was stuff they reasonably should have had experience cooking in their regular life. In Chinatown, they could have had a sweet red bean paste waffle with bananas. I've had a fantastic five spice chicken and waffles.
  25. The Wafflers have terrible palates. Their personal food experience seems to be pretty provincial. I just wish that the show had sprinkled challenges like this earlier because we could have kept a couple of teams with more exciting food.
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