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Everything posted by HunterHunted

  1. I loved this challenge too and I have a masters in rhetoric. The judges are constantly harping on whether the forms and anatomy make sense. This finally forced the contestants to think through those things on their own.
  2. He's so bizarre. He's got a couple of DUIs, a driving with a suspended license conviction, and a previous retail theft arrest. Given all of that why would you shoplift sunglasses, when you have the means to pay for them? He does seem to get a thrill of stealing from Lisa right under her nose. Maybe he stole the sunglasses because he hadn't been sufficiently thrilled by the trip.
  3. The sex tape was shared by Frank, the former SUR bartender who she hooked up with after Jax. I always thought it was interesting that Stassi's never questioned why Frank, who knew Jax had cheated on her for about 6 months, waited so long to tell her this. Lala is basic. She doesn't seem to remember that that when she started at SUR she implied that her Italian modeling job was ho'ing. The other girls called her a ho and she was so upset that she broke down crying to her mom. If being called a ho is that upsetting, stop pretending you'll fuck anyone. Stop talking about your body. Stop rubbing up on random dudes that you have no intention of having sex with. Jax stole sunglasses from a Sunglass Hut. The video is ridiculous. This man is a lot closer to 40 than he is to 30. His immaturity is pathological. From the moment Max appeared on RHoBH, Lisa has been shown almost always criticizing him and comparing him to Pandora. It's what fueled rumors that Max is secretly Ken's kid from an affair. Like there is so little shown where it looks like Lisa made an affirmative decision to adopt him and love him as much as Pandora.
  4. I remember reading this piece a couple of years ago. It was about Sephora and when they critique each other's appearance, it's called a "gift." Girl negging is a thing and Valencia is the exact kind of woman who would indulge in that behavior. http://jezebel.com/353879/meet-jasmine-our-new-sephora-undercover-agent
  5. Well at least Rick Worthy's character is still alive, blind and missing his hands, but alive. Although I like Julia's story, I think the Hedge witch test could have been shunted to episode 3 so that the rest of episode 2 could really focus on Quentin, his friends, and Brakebills. I still don't get a good sense about Brakebills and why it's so special other than duh magic.
  6. Things I could live without seeing: Jax in his 2(x)ist banana hammock. I thought that was more of a gay brand. I only say this because the only time I ever see dudes in it is on RuPaul's Drag Race. Also James' praying mantis body. Yes, it's no Jax shitting, but still unwanted and unnecessary. Lala is so basic. It must suck to have people accuse you of being a ho, but seriously wear some damn clothes. And don't ask stick figured British dudes who are stuck you to take photos of your ass. Also every time James takes an opportunity to be physically intimate with Lala, she has to stifle a full body shudder. Does Scheana have the phone numbers of everybody's mom? Ariana was barely in this episode and she still annoyed me. Sandoval was right that Scheana was projecting her stuff on to him. However, Ariana is a stank smug bitch and has been from the moment she first appeared on camera. And for some reason she seems less happy now and doesn't have a relationship with her mother where she feels free to talk about what is making her unhappy. Oh Kristen. You don't get involved with cheaters? Ok.
  7. That pancake is a thing that my mother has legitimately done and she is normally a very good cook. She just has this block about a western breakfast. Growing up she used to routinely serve me and my brothers pancakes that were burned on the outside and raw in the middle. She finally got the hint that we hated them when she found a stash of them where we would dump them so as to not hurt her feelings.
  8. And thus it ends, both in a bang and a whimper. We've solved the HELE event, but still have a bunch of unsolved issues that are pointless. I'm hoping that this is the final nail in the coffin. I think there is no greater justice than to have Erica marooned in the future like Peter's Irish girlfriend.
  9. Woz has a secret corrupt boyfriend. It's nice when couples have something in common and have shared hobbies. At first I was irritated with the FBI because of how inept they were, but I remembered how stupid Loman and Drea's characters were and wondered how anyone catches anyone else on this show.
  10. I liked it. Rip is a British accented Time Master who wears a trench coat and stole a time ship to save humanity. Why does this sound so familiar? He reminds me of someone, but who? Who does he remind me of? Unlike the guy I'm thinking of, Rip carries a gun. I liked team smash's fun at the bar. I'm liking their dynamic so far. Didn't love the hawks. I've never really liked them. I also wasn't a fan of Dr. Stein drugging Jax. Not cool, but I wasn't really sure what was motivating Jax's reluctance to participate on the mission. He had literally been heroing 5 minutes before.
  11. He was also on Eureka. He played Salli Richardson's character's son also named Kevin.
  12. I'm almost positive that it was a jab about Lucifer on Fox. The premise of the show is that Lucifer is bored with hell, leaves it, goes to LA, becomes a police consultant, and helps to solve crimes.
  13. I don't know who to thank Santa or satan, but thank someone Rowena is dead.
  14. That ending was killer. Felicity's eyes just kept getting bigger as she realized that there was evidence to support Taylor's claim and there was nothing she could do to stop the investigation and protect the school. It looks like Eric is regretting his misogyny and hypermasculinity as a cover for his possible homosexuality. He looked appropriately hortifiey to hear his brother repeat that nonsense especially as it was directed towards their mom. Kevin is such a privileged stupid little shit. For all of his parents lectures, he's clearly never listened to them. Why on earth did he also provide the alcohol? Diffuse the responsibility and blame.
  15. I think the problem with Wally is that he's only known a Francine who mostly had her shit together so he can't conceive of why Joe wouldn't look for her when she left. Joe and Wally knew two different Francines. Joe's was an unstable junkie who hurt his kid. Wally's was the devoted struggling mother.
  16. I'm choosing to believe that the purse camera is a micro robot that crawled up and attached itself to Alex's purse.
  17. First of all, Ariana is rubbing off on Sandoval. Not the other way around. Second, Ariana is getting snappier and more sour. Third, Ariana's mother contacted Scheana. If there was a transgression by Scheana, there was also a transgression by Ariana's mother. Ariana is acting like Scheana out of the blue just texted Ariana's mom, but clearly Ariana's mom noticed that something is off and asked Scheana. Those sunscreen flasks were some Always Sunny in Philadelphia ridiculousness. Lala leads with her sexuality. It's why everyone is inclined to think the worst of her even though everything else would lead you to believe that Jax the lying cheating liar is once again lying about cheating. James pawing at Lala is disgusting and nauseating. And like a pathetic loser he was all up in the Lala Jax fight.
  18. A tweet from our own SUR alley showed up on the social edition of this episode.
  19. I think his other problem is that he's been a very successful TV competition chef on Food Network. What he has neglected to take into account is that Food Network casts for personality first and cooking talent second. Whereas Bravo casts in the opposite order. It's not surprising that for as long as Chopped has been on the air and as many episodes as Chopped has filmed (over 300), we've only seen 3 chefs appear on Chopped and Top Chef: Phillip, Frances, and Katsugi.
  20. Exactly. Bethenny's stellar instincts about what production and viewers want managed to crater the ratings of New York last season. All she succeeded in doing was showing herself to be a rude cow and making me like Erika, whom I was previously indifferent to.
  21. I still believe that Erica's complete heel turn has not been appropriately set up. Being raped by an evo would have caused her to have negative feelings about evos, yet she still found herself trusting Caspar. She seemed to work with and for evos for between 15 - 20 years. Why did she flip out before the summit? And given Primatech/Renatas' penchant for having mindreaders read the minds of their employees, it's unlikely that she was hiding her feelings for decades.
  22. It's funny that the pork and squid was disgusting because bacon works great with shrimp, scallops, and many types of fish.
  23. When Isaac was making his banannaise, I kept thinking why not make banana ketchup. http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2013/02/banana-ketchup-recipe.html Angelina needed to go. She was an aggressively mediocre chef.
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