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Everything posted by HunterHunted

  1. I'm on Kwame's side both with the bacon and with Philip's overly complicated dish. Philip's flavors have been mostly off all season and a dish with a dozen components that Kwame has to execute along with his dish make the chance of Philip's dish coming up short that much greater. The guys were razzing Philip, but they were also giving him advice. Kwame's soup was already cooked and kept at temp, his corn was already pickled, his panchetta was already cooked, and I suspect that his sage was already fried. When Philip had to assemble Kwame's soup, he got a dish that was 90% done and didn't cannibalize Philip's time so that he could concentrate on his own dish, which he whiffed by undercooking his veg. Philip is too arrogant and dumb to know that they were doing him a favor when they asked him to simplify his dish. Jeremy fucked up, by stopping regular service to focus on the judges. Katsugi!
  2. Ironically Cat Marnell who is the inspiration for Jade just announced that her memoir is coming out in 2016, which is 3 years after she got her huge half a million dollar advance. So all Kelsey has to do is wait 3 years for a finished book, which is 18 months after people stop giving a shit about Jade.
  3. I really missed Roy. Roy had a not so great upbringing, but heroing really changed him. It lightened him up, but also made him more responsible. With him, more than any other member of team arrow, I felt like it was a calling. Oliver felt like he was motivated by guilt and duty. Diggle duty and loyalty. Felicity love and adventure. Thea necessity and anger. And, Laurel arrogance and stupidity. But Roy, it felt like he had achieved a certain level of peace. He embraced the good and bad aspects of it and did it because he knew he could make a difference.
  4. Apparently suing to recoupe an advance isn't done too often. http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2012-09-27/penguin-group-sues-writers-over-book-advances I don't see how Liza could fake Jade's pages. Cat Marnell's voice or at least a TV facsimile of Cat's voice is pretty unique and Liza is far too square to try to replicate it. Plus with Liza's increasingly complicated web of lies, the last thing she needs to do is JT LeRoy herself.
  5. 1. I work in a social services field, but I'm not a social worker. I've run across more than one woman who married her rapist. Rape is a complicated thing and there are often a lot of dynamics at play. Society puts out some really fucked up messages about attraction and dating and that's just for straight people. I just read a study about how if you showed young women a rom com, the women were more likely to view a man's behavior of persistent calling, following, and otherwise stalking her as sweet and a normal part of dating. However if a woman saw a thriller, she identified that behavior as stalking and abusive. Taylor is vulnerable, not popular, and marginalized. Perhaps he was still processing the assault. He might have blamed himself. He might have thought that his texts to Eric encouraged Eric to be too rough. This is a mess, but that's often how acquaintance rape is. 2. I think the scene between Eric and the older guy might help bolster the idea that Eric likes control and to dominate when he is sexual. The older guy went to escalate their sexual interaction and Eric was firm that he didn't like that. 3. Those pictures are all over the internet and kids talk. The new boy could have friends at Leyland. So many of these horrific stories of high school bullying and/or rape talk about how the bullied kid changes school and it follows them to the new school through social media. Ultimately, the bullied kid often ends up being home schooled. There's also decent research about how vulnerable individuals give off subtle signals that predators are really good at picking up on. 4. Yes, because it's still so easy to be an out gay person. Taylor is still only 17. He has confusing ideas about sexuality and attraction. Eric was so comfortable with his sexuality that he was lying to his family and friends. He was so comfortable with his sexuality that he attempted suicide not because he raped Taylor, but because the DNA would show that Eric had sex with Taylor and is therefore gay. Plus everybody seems to be ignoring Taylor could be bisexual and is legitimately attracted to Evy. It's shitty that Taylor was flirting with Eric while dating Evy, but teens and people in their early 20s are clueless obnoxious assholes. Their brains are still developing and they make terrible decisions. I do agree that it seems like Eric might have been abused. It's a little unusual that someone so young would have his particular fetishes with nothing prompting them. Though I will say that the glut of porn has caused young people to have some really messed up ideas about sex and sexuality. In the previous paragraph, I meant Taylor might have been abused. But frankly, porn could have messed with both Eric and Taylor's heads.
  6. I was so irritated with Kyle as she smugged about how Lisa got burned by the last new girl, Brandi, Lisa supported. This is half the reason I can't stand Kyle's ass. Kathryn has a legitimate beef with Faye and if Kathryn doesn't want to forgive Faye, that is her right. I don't know what's with Faye's and Kyle's inability to discuss that Faye have messed up with her book. And it's so fucking hypocritical of Kyle. She was livid when people brought up rumors of Mauricio cheating, but for some reason she expects Kathryn to shake off Faye's gossip. Yes, it was twenty years ago. But I'm sure it caused Kathryn some stress and there was no damn reason for Faye to do that. Here's the thing that Kyle doesn't get Faye is a loyal friend and keeper of your secrets as long as it can get her fame and rich men. Keeping Nicole's secrets was not going to get her any those. I bet you if something tragic happened to all of Richards/Hilton sisters, Faye would find the key to unlock her lips. Though nothing would make me happier if someone dragged her and made her walk naked through Beverly Hills while a septa chanted "Shame! Shame! Shame!"
  7. The other thing that was really interesting is that so few of them understood was that a couple of good pieces could make all of the difference in altering the appearance instead of a full facial piece.
  8. Just after I argue that this show doesn't have too much sex stuff, truffle butter. Which is totally gross. And it's a missed opportunity to explore how much porn has fucked with people's perception of fun enjoyable sex. Truffle butter is a UTI in the making. It's about disrespecting a woman so thoroughly that you'd fuck with her health. Not surprisingly Jade has blown through her advance and has no book to show for it. This is not Kelsey's first time handling a difficult author. Why didn't she have a graduated advance with set deliverables on a time table? But lots of people have fallen prey to a big advance for a big get with nothing to show for it. See NBC and Chelsea Clinton. I've hated almost all of Liza's New Jersey friends. Liza's husband blew up her life, but Maggie was the only friend she seemed to have who actually offered her help and support. The rest of her friends seemed to only want to have her over for wine. That's not help. There was the one fix up, but Liza needed more than a dick with a wallet to solve her problems at that point.
  9. They had a blow job bib on Empire season 1. Very little on this show shocks me.
  10. There will probably never be a movie, miniseries, whatever that portrays Ron and Nicole with any accuracy or depth. OJ was a public figure and mixed with enough people to get a sense of who he is and was. Ron and Nicole became public figures only because of their deaths. Nicole mixed with a crowd who would likely not be willing to provide a first hand account of Nicole. That leaves her family, who like Ron's family, would want to portray the victims in the best light. Leaving us with Faye's book which is salacious trash. Faye clearly still cares about money and fame because she keeps showing up on this show. If she had any sense of how heinous people consider her transgression, she would have sincerely apologized to Kathryn as a proxy for the apology she owed to Nicole and the Brown family. I think Faye probably apologized to the Browns a long time ago, but we never saw that. The viewers see this person who opportunistically capitalized off of her friend's murder. She shows up looking smug, defiant, and unrepentant. If she could understand that if she just said to Kathryn, "I'm sorry. I was an asshole and I had no reason to put that in my book. I was different person then. I've changed. I hope we can move forward" I think viewers would stop reacting like Faye is the Antichrist.
  11. They're mactors, duh! That makes a lot more sense. She probably failed to give him his credit card tips or last week's wages.
  12. He was, though somehow Sandoval got involved in that fight too. The thing that Stassi refuses to acknowledge with the whole Frank debacle is Kristen and Katie told her to be careful with him because Frank held on to the information that Jax was cheating and waited to deploy it when Stassi and Jax were in a bad place. Kristen and Katie didn't trust him and they were right not to. Frank was an epic asshole. He did something that not even Jax or Kristen would do which is straight up insult a customer to their face in front of other customers. Jax is an immature douche, but almost all of Frank's scenes showed him to be mean.
  13. Once again, does Kristen only have one wine glass? She brought out her one wine glass when Scheana and Katie. She couldn't stop by Target, Walmart, the Dollar Store to pick up a couple more glasses? James is still gross. Lala is annoying and gross. Being paid to have sex is awesome. Drug dealers are hot. James can fondle my body, but I will never ever have sex with him.
  14. This is not intended as a defense of Kenya, but there have been rumors about Kordell from way back from when he was playing. However, my hometown of Pittsburgh was and still can be pretty provincial. It wouldn't surprise me if the rumors started because people were calling him gay because he was a mediocre quarterback.
  15. Jax got arrested for stealing sunglasses, but somehow I think this might be more pathetic. There is no way Frank started out asking for $900. He must have started out asking for a couple thousand and had websites laugh in his face. This show is Bravo's most popular non-housewife show, but still these chucklefucks are nobodies. And when you get to the point that you are asking for $900 for a sex tape, I would just keep the tape because selling a sex tape for $900 is almost as pathetic as having to admit that your tape was only worth $900.
  16. I never want Rebecca and Josh to become a couple. I want Rebecca to gain some self-awareness. I hate the idea of them together. To be fair, I have a friend who is a lot like Rebecca. I have gotten those late night calls from her because she went out with the guy she's pining after and he's met someone and gone home with the woman he's met and left my friend stranded and I've had to pick her up. Or they've hooked up because they were drunk and helping each other out and then he mentions the girl he's actually into. Or he's bitching about some woman he's into and says "I wish she could be like you." to my friend. It is sick. I hate watching it in real life. I hate watching on TV. I want my friend and Rebecca to get some self-awareness and some self-esteem. Josh is a decent-ish person, but Rebecca fetishizes him because he's not neurotic like she is. He's everything she's not. He's mostly cool with his limitations and largely content. She likes him because he's lithium and hopes that if she gets with him that her life will suddenly be content and happy too. I largely watch this show for every other character, so I'm pleased with the white Josh and Darryl development.
  17. He was a bartender from the first season. He spilled the beans about Jax' cheating and knocking up a chick in Vegas. Stassi immediately broke up with Jax and started dating Frank. Like literally waited 5 whole minutes before she started dating Frank. Stassi stopped being friends with Kristen and Katie because they didn't like Frank. Lisa later fired Frank when he disrespected a customer.
  18. Even if Kenya thought she would naturally have the job because she's Cynthia's friend, Kenya still should have contacted Cynthia before the trip. The reason I say this is because Kenya's professional experience was going to be on display. Kenya should have wanted to know the logistics of the shoot. Kenya doesn't have nearly the experience that Kim does, but she's no naif. She's been in the industry for 20 years and she known full damn well the amount of work that it takes to produce and direct anything. She assumed that Kim was going to do the bulk of the work and she, Kenya, could ride her coattails to a successful product. Cynthia owed Kenya a call before the trip to Jamaica as her friend only. Cynthia should have called Kenya to spare her friend the humiliation of having to hear about it some other way and in front of people. But as the boss and client, Cynthia didn't need to contact her. If I'm the client and you can't even show for my meeting and I have to track you down by phone, you should assume that you're not even in the running anymore. I feel like Cynthia has been trying to distance herself from being identified as Kenya's BFF all season. The fight on the boat started because the women were telling Cynthia to calm her best friend down. Cynthia clearly did not appreciate being called Kenya's best friend. On this, I don't feel like she's flip flopped. They are friends, but at no point has Cynthia considered Kenya her best friend.
  19. The instragram/Jacques la merde challenge reminded me of this episode of Below Deck and Rocky's Oreo sand: http://previously.tv/below-deck/lets-just-hope-theyre-too-drunk/ I always think that I have the world's most eclectic TV tastes, but clearly the Top Chef celebrity wrangler does too. This episode featured actors from shows that I've been recently watching: Colin Hanks from Fargo, Ron Funches from Kroll Show, Cynthia Addai-Robinson from Arrow and Spartacus, and Sharon Lawrence from NYPD Blue. I'm ambivalent about Phillip winning. He met the challenge parameters and it tasted good. Fine. I'm a little sad that we lost Chad. He was a good chef even though he couldn't deliver on Mexican, his signature cuisine. Kwame and his somewhat mealy shrimp. That amount of shrimp is hard to cook perfectly and consistently. It's not like he had a gigantic immersion circulator. Isaac's dry sausage. I think the judges were expecting pork and were disappointed by chicken. I really think that it might have been very good and was dinged because of their expectations.
  20. The episode where Daenerys reveals that she speaks high Valyrian is amazing. The high valyrian is beyond beautiful. He even blogged that he had made it sound too lovely. And honestly, I think he did. I loved that the models/actors got to have a field day with this challenge.
  21. And to think, he's a special effects makeup school instructor.
  22. So true. I'm a little annoyed with Anne's reaction to the texts and emails. I wish that it had been about whether Taylor had sex with before the drugs and alcohol. And whether Taylor was ashamed of what he did assuming it was consensual. But if anything happened after he was drugged, then it is still rape. If Anne had been depicted reacting that, I would have been a lot happier with this episode. Also are people forgetting that Taylor might be bisexual. The spoken word clunky, heavy handed, and on the nose.
  23. Truth! Praise hands emoji. That freakin' Buzzfeed article used a Cynthia cover from 2002. Like if anything proves that she had the longer more consistent career, it's the fact that she's the only one who had work in this millennium. But this is much like the fact that tons of sites did recaps of every other housewife show and ignored Atlanta despite Atlanta being the ratings giant. Faye is the OG of Famewhoring. I'm not surprised she's calm, cool, and collected in the face disgust. A person with shame would be contrite. They'd talk about how broken and fucked up she was at during that time and that she regrets any hurt she caused. But she doesn't because she doesn't really regret any of it. It got her money, a career, and a disgusting type of notoriety. I kept thinking someone needs to read this bitch for filth, but that's never going to work on her. She's survived 20 years of that and come out on top. The thing that would get to her is if everyone in BH just stopped giving her the time of day. Just locked her out of polite or impolite society. If not another Richards, Hilton, Kardashian, Umansky, Jenner, Rinna, Hamlin, Maloof, Hadid, Foster, Van Patten, Vanderpump, or whomever just never spoke another word to her again, then she'd realize how heinous her actions were. Maybe I'll start a change.org petition.
  24. If Jade turns out like Cat Marnell, she'll be a high priced disaster who'll barely have any work to show. Marnell has been working on her memoir for like 2 or 3 years. I know that the picture of Charles' junk is a little bit embarrassing, but it's not like the shit that went down with Gawker and Tim Geithner's brother. That shit was heinous and catastrophic. So the world knows you have a big dick. Millions, maybe billions, of men wish they have what you have. Stunt a little. But I really liked this episode. It was the first episode that felt a little inside baseball, but in a good approachable way. The details heightened the story. But if you weren't familiar with them, it didn't detract.
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