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Everything posted by BetyBee

  1. Thank you so much for valuable input, @GeeGollyand @Notabug. I agree with you both. I'm leaning towards still getting together and facing a difficult conversation. It would actually be easier and more like me to avoid the situation, but I think I need to face it. My husband has a lot of issues with her, but I think he's swayed by the fact that they are the only 2 left of their family of origin and he has always been good friends with her husband. I have thought that she's pushing for a get together with us now to either try to sway us to her side or to pump me for information on the nieces. Wise posters here to pick up on that! She won't succeed in either goal, but I do think I should face her even if it's for the last time.
  2. I am fuming. I'm so disgusted with my greedy sister-in-law. She's all in on trying to squeeze some money for herself from her late sister's meager inheritance. She died without a will. Probate was over, but had to be re-opened for a time after she started making claims. This is for money she supposedly lent her sister that her nieces knew nothing about. At the same time she's trying to get together with us (my husband is her only remaining sibling) and I'm so disgusted with her behavior that I don't want to. With us, she acts like everything is fine, but I'm friendly with the nieces, so I know better. No one ever tells her off, so that is our part in this fiasco. She's a narcissist, so I don't enjoy our get togethers, but I've tried to be nice for the sake of family peace all these years. She's the kind of person who brags endlessly about herself. I have warned my daughters that we have no agreements to give her anything and we certainly don't owe her a nickel, in case we die before her. I wanted them to be forewarned because she is like Veruca Salt and wants it all and she wants it now! She's the one who told my husband (her baby brother) that he ruined a happy family by being born. She's awful. In other news, it's snowing here because of course it is - Halloween in the Chicago area usually brings awful weather for the kiddos!
  3. That sounds exactly like something I would do, @Ancaster! I'm sorry you missed the MeetUp, but there will be more!
  4. I hope Famy didn't harass Anna at her grandfather's funeral. (Just a jokey snark - I doubt Amy would have any reason to be there.)
  5. Jill is the common denominator in judgments about her. Hmmm - Jill, have you ever looked at your behavior and your judgments and concluded that YOU may be at fault? Of course not!
  6. I guess individuality is frowned on in the Duggar family. That's why is so hard to come up with anything particular to that child when wishing them a Happy Birthday on SM, which presumably, they won't see until adulthood for the boys and after marriage for the girls.
  7. Layla does see her mom getting a lot of attention for claiming to be sick.
  8. There's no reason to post on the internet that she only cares what God and her husband think. Unless of course, Jill does care what others think about her selling Plexus. She clearly is very interested in convincing strangers that she doesn't care what they think of her!
  9. Ugh! I watched the camping trip vlog. I am sick of Evan! He surely does love the sound of his own voice. Carlin wasn't as annoying in this video and seemed to be enjoying the camping. Zach & Whitney spoke barely a word. The food Zach cooked looked delicious and their kids seem well cared for.
  10. Jill and Derick are interviewed on a podcast about cults, called Trust Me. I'm listening now. It's an interesting interview. https://www.trustmepod.com/podcast/episode/423c8ad8/jill-duggar-dillard-and-derick-dillard
  11. I'm glad Jill added that it was old fashioned Sunday. I was thinking, "What the he** is that woman wearing?!"
  12. Someday in the not too distant future, there will be a Mrs. Spurgeon Seewald and she and her headship will have their own thread here!
  13. I'm enjoying the show, but I have to say that I was one of the few in my book club who didn't love the book. It kind of reminded me of Ayn Rand's writing and I'm not a fan. But the story was interesting and informative about the roles women have been forced into. I do love smart, unique people, both men and women. Calvin and Elizabeth are both certainly smart and unique. They don't fit into traditional roles and the world does contain people like that. Thank goodness for unique people!
  14. The determination you showed at age 9 directly led to the strong, accomplished woman you are today, @Scarlett45 - I like that story! Except for the braiding part. That must have been hard going to school every day, if you were unhappy with the way your hair looked!
  15. That's a good point. They may have clammed up because they don't want to reveal where their kids currently go to school. They were both all in when speaking about the importance of educating their kids, even daughters if they ever have one! JimBob would be appalled!
  16. Once my baby banged my nose with her head in the middle of the night. My nose was bleeding like crazy. I ran to the bathroom and my sleepy husband came in and handed me a white towel. I said, "Not that one. Get me one of the brown towels." It hurt for weeks, so I guess it was broken. I never went to the doctor and I guess my nose looks ok. It's the least of my worries!
  17. The filters Jill used to protect her giant ego are ridiculous! She's so delusional, she's probably convinced herself that she actually looks like that! Missing nostrils and all!
  18. I just listened and it was an interesting interview. I am a little suspicious that the boys may not actually be in public school currently. Kate talked about that they were sending their boys to public school. They didn't say that they aren't, but they raved about the public school Israel went to when they lived in their old house and said nothing about the current situation. Jill is pretty well spoken, though she does interrupt Derick a lot. I don't mind that. I'm just saying that I noticed it and have noticed it in past interviews. Derick didn't say much.
  19. At least she didn't insist on putting 80's make up on his damaged face for the stupid photos. It's not easy to be a Rodlet, but it's probably slightly better to be a male Rodlet....as long as he puts Mahmo front and center his whole life long!
  20. I don't believe a word that Jill writes, especially when it comes to her kids. Although I had to laugh as she corrected all of us for worrying and being sad for Renee. She said that "Renee isn't willing to compromise her convictions or beliefs to obtain her MRS degree." That would make her different from her Mahmo, who married the first guy to show interest in her, despite the fact that he was from an UNSAVED home. I think Jill looked at her recently saved future headship and told the Lord, "I'll take it from here!"
  21. @Jeeves- your pics are gorgeous! That article is so interesting. I started out posting cute pics of my grandkids on FB when they were babies and I've since not only stopped, but I also made my albums private. I see friends posting so much info on their lives and their kids. I have 6 beautiful grandkids that I don't talk about online. My sil, who is a very braggy poster, posts so much about her nearly grown grandkids that it could be dangerous or detrimental to their careers. Hey, it's great that our great nephew is doing such interesting things, but what's the point of posting about his plans down to the last detail? It could HARM him! Technology is getting crazy. The government isn't allowed to know everything we do, but corporations have no such restrictions!
  22. True! Besides Jill would argue (if her sisters complain about her not helping) that she cut their hair.
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