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Everything posted by BetyBee

  1. I put a hold on this book from the library. It's already there for pick up. I'm looking forward to reading it. If I like it, maybe I'll suggest it to C&E!
  2. Heidi is very close to her family. I bet she'll want to move closer to her Mom when she is expecting Blessing #1!
  3. Kelly looks nice. Gil looks old. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
  4. It does depend on what you are used to. I don't mind taking the train into Chicago, but I haven't driven there in years. I don't even like the traffic in the close in suburbs where my Mom and sister live. It's so sad about Juan, @ChiCricket I'll be thinking of your family. I lost my dad when I was 35. He was very sick, so I was relieved for him when he passed. But it has meant years and years of events that he missed, that I would have enjoyed getting his perspective on. I'm older now than he was when he passed. It's really sad that Juan was taken so young and so suddenly. 💔
  5. Thank you, @Mindthinkr- I agree. That is exactly what she would do.
  6. Rough night last night. My adult niece called in tears. My husband's sister has been pestering her for money and "mementos" since their other sister passed away last December. SIL's "proof" that she is owed money is sketchy, at best, more like she took a trip to visit her sister and now wants to be reimbursed for her travel from a few years ago. She has never cared for our niece (who is a lovely person) and clearly wants to get what she thinks she's owed and cut all ties. I've been putting up with her selfish crap for decades and I'm really mad at myself for not speaking up sooner. Without going into too much detail, SIL crossed a line yesterday and I want to be done with her. I think my husband will agree, but I want to talk to him before I do any blocking. I just keep imagining her grasping fingers going after my kids after I'm gone, or even me if I were to lose my husband. Thankfully, we do have wills, leaving everything to each other and then to our kids and grandkids. I've never spoken against her to my kids, but I do feel that I have to warn them. We're several years younger than her, so maybe she'll go first!
  7. Carlin would certainly benefit from therapy, as long as Evan doesn't come along and film her sessions.
  8. It's actually a good thing that Jill doesn't have a real job. She'd be hell to deal with in an office! #dontmakefishinthemicrowave
  9. I think I read that Heidi's sister is doing the singing on that video. Whoever it was, has a better voice than Jill...by far! That's hilarious! And a great idea!
  10. Here's the link to the video. No sign of Jill and her pointing finger of obvious-ness. I think the ring is lovely! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oel43VNQAgo
  11. We're puke twins today, @Jynnan tonnix 🤣 That's wonderful news about your son!
  12. I don't usually watch their videos, but I did. It was so boring!
  13. I woke up this morning and threw up! I can't remember the last time I threw up and the weird thing was I felt perfectly fine after I did. I don't drink and I didn't eat anything unusual, so I have no idea what was up. Without going into too much detail, a friend invited me to lunch and didn't show. She's terrible at texting and often is confusing about plans. I should have read her mind and known that she wanted to meet tomorrow instead, but I left my crystal ball at home. Today is not going great. Though I did have a nice visit with the new owner of the restaurant! A very nice mailman came to the door and wanted $7.60 postage due on an Amazon package. I didn't know what it was until I paid - it was an item my husband ordered and then cancelled because the delivery date kept changing. We were already refunded, then this package came postage due. I'm not sure if we got cheated or if we got the refunded item for only $7.60. Just not my day!
  14. He even started the call with "Welcome Derick" and then laughed at himself. I've heard callers to radio stations do that, so I get it. They're usually on hold for a long time. I listened to the whole segment. I think Derick is proud of having a paid off mortgage and the max he can contribute to retirement. And actually, it is impressive that they're debt free at such a young age. I have heard him express admiration for Dave Ramsey. We used DR's snowball plan to knock down our credit card debt many years ago, though we never paid for any of his information. I know Derick isn't too popular here, but I don't blame Derick for being proud of the way they are handling their finances, especially for going to law school and upping his earning potential. I detest JimBob and I think Jill and Derick have every right to write the book and to show JB they don't need him to live their best lives.
  15. Derick called in to Dave Ramsey's show, for advice on what to do with Jill's $50K advance. Sounds like they are doing well financially. https://www.youtube.com/live/cC3TaTzWpxA?app=desktop&si=y0fgYG0GJJelq1QH&t=1h25m07s
  16. I think it would be thoughtful to bring the candy. There are often treats at my gym.
  17. We had an interesting delivery issue last year. I ordered a full length mirror for my granddaughter from Amazon. We kept getting different delivery dates, which is odd for Amazon. I think it was FedEx that finally delivered it....in pieces! We were refunded. The box was clearly damaged, so I suspect that some drivers were not willing to deliver something that was clearly broken and that may explain the changing delivery dates. Anyway, we just went and bought her one from Target and delivered it personally. Grandma & Grandpa managed to deliver it in one piece!
  18. I wish Jinger's headship would approve her going with her natural curls. I suspect he prefers straightened, highlighted hair on his meek helpmeet.
  19. Happy Belated Birthday, @Scarlett45! Sounds like you had a perfect day of celebration!
  20. My 93 yo Mom spends a lot of time fiddling with her hearing aids. She wears them as little as possible and complains about them a lot. She's a bit on the stubborn side!
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