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Everything posted by BetyBee

  1. I hope you feel better soon, @oliviabenson! It's super hot here in Chicagoland too, but I'm not sick like you! I hope you can take it easy and get some rest. I picked up 3 pair of winter leggings at Costco earlier this week. Basically 1/2 of my winter wardrobe! We visited our kids and grandkids yesterday. They are all so stinkin' cute! Our oldest grandchild turns 15 this week and will get her learner's permit. They are all growing up so darn fast!
  2. Well, I certainly hope that at least one of Joy's kids is diligent and has a servant's heart!
  3. Unless Philip qualified for some financial help from the evil government, I foresee Jill railing about the cost and bringing him home when bills actually come due. This could very well be another case where the college has "misled" the virtuous Rods. Jill and Dave do not spend their own money on anything but tchotchkes, dates and several annual vacations!
  4. I don't think people are as quick as they used to be about testing...or maybe their tests have expired. But from measuring levels in our sewage contributions, the new variant is really taking hold on the population. I keep hearing about people who have avoided it for 3 years and been very careful, are getting Covid for the first time.
  5. Let us know when you get your copy, @oliviabenson! I know you'll give us the deets on Jill & Derick's take on all things Duggar.
  6. Jill would probably enjoy bringing Nurie, but since Nurie's a nursing mom, she's probably not available. Jill won't stoop to bringing a NotNurie. So, David it is!
  7. @zoomama - sounds like you are practicing good self-care! I'm so glad you're healing so well!
  8. @Scarlett45I'm so sorry for the trouble your cousin is facing. I'm glad you are in his corner with both of your hats! ♥️
  9. I am finding it hard to believe that Jill has any self awareness ("I am guilty"). She'll be back to telling us all about how she is God's most precious Christian, spending her life raising Godly children by this afternoon!
  10. What will Amy do when Daxxy runs after one of the two kids with his scissors? Will she thank Dax for putting the scissors down...if he even listens to her?
  11. Every photo of Renee looks like a cry for help. That poor girl looks miserable.
  12. I do know so many men, my husband included, who don't work to maintain friend relationships. When we moved after I retired, I worked to find women friends. I'm a homebody, but I need the outlet of friends. I think of how my husband would fare if I were gone and I worry! He keeps his troubles to himself. It's the American way, it seems. 😢
  13. Amy is starting to remind me of Jill Rodrigues. She overshares and then is critical of anyone who doesn't fawn over her.
  14. I wonder if that is the reason many widowed men marry rather quickly after their wives pass away? Is it because they need someone to do the cooking and the cleaning and to provide companionship? Of course DBD could just pick a daughter to stay home forever to care for him and the remaining littles if he lost his JillyBean. He'd be free to watch his map in peace!
  15. In the years that I watched the show, I saw Joy as a bit of a tomboy (good for her!), capable of speaking her mind. I remember an episode when she reached the age of maturity (?!) and she was with one of her brothers in a plane. Maybe he was trying to teach her to fly? She started talking like a total ditz, which I guess was her being "girly". It was truly depressing. If I remember correctly, she was soon courting Austin. She does seem to be an optimistic person, but Austin is not. He's just a know-it-all.
  16. Eating at McDonald's should help in Jill's fight to remain salty and savory.
  17. Jill wearing the poorly cared for Gideon, looks like my paternal grandma with boobs down at her waist. My grandma was a lovely person, but that is how I remember her, except she wore a big apron, not a grandbaby. Jill's wearing her premature grandson incorrectly and putting him at risk, in hopes that people will think that he's her baby.
  18. I wonder if Austin blames Joy for Giddy's allergies, need for glasses and learning disabilities? He seems like the type to lay a guilt trip on her while also treating her like the village idiot 😢
  19. @Scarlett45- you are a good friend with good suggestions. What a terrible problem for all of the adult children! I hope the sisters can find a safe place for the brother. I can certainly understand wanting to help their sick Mom, but not wanting to benefit their sicko Dad!
  20. I bet that the M kids will remember this time, with Josh in prison, as their best time in their family too. (I'm aware he's also not supposed to live with minors after his time in prison is finished).
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