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Moxie Cat

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Everything posted by Moxie Cat

  1. Apparently he might be eligible because:
  2. My parents loved that show. It was on for a number of years in the UK too. If the US would remake it, the "retired detectives" would probably be around 40. Count me in as another one who appreciates how this ensemble looks like real people. I'd even count Hilary Swank in there, who is attractive to be sure, but not so attractive, IMO, that she looks out of place. (The bad bangs help!)
  3. I'm definitely not disputing the connectivity issue, but you're making my point: it's probably also a lot harder to get physical carriers in the hostile wilderness of Alaska too, given that it is working less and less in the lower 48, where there is a larger population to draw from for hiring and a more compressed service area. Probably print IS popular, especially with older folks, but that doesn't mean they're easily able to obtain copies anymore.
  4. It's getting harder and harder to get copies, even when you want them. My parents have subscribed to multiple suburban Philadelphia papers, as well as the large Philadelphia Inquirer, for decades. But in recent years getting these papers delivered, even the Inquirer, is a nightmare. The papers can't get drivers to work the routes, there are fewer customers who want copies, and there is no customer service at all (as most papers have outsourced and/or don't have phone numbers). It's hard for me to believe that it's easier to get a paper delivered in rural Alaska than the well-populated Philly burbs. I like this show, but I have absolutely no idea what is going on with the Gloria Namnac case at this point - and I even watched the first batch of episodes all at once off my DVR in January. Toby who? Who is Helen? What happened to Gloria the night she died? Why is her mother sick? This episode needed a good recap at the beginning, or even better, even a scene in which Eileen and Roz recapped everything they knew up till that point. That 4-month hiatus will likely kill this show, unfortunately. Stupid choice by TPB at ABC.
  5. Thank you so much!!! I figured I missed something, especially if no one was talking about that scene here. Much obliged!
  6. Haha! So did I! The whole scene reminded me of that scene in Mad Men when the Drapers meet with Sally's teacher. On another note, did Perry kill that dog just to get into the evidence garage?!? I'm hoping I missed something there. Geez, showrunners, he could have just picked a lock. I don't care if a dog was period-appropriate, I don't need to associate the show's protagonist with that.
  7. I thought the premiere was great. I even managed to rope my parents into watching it - they were big fans of the OG Perry Mason and loved the Burr TV-moves. But they checked out of S1 of this show because they thought it was too gruesome. So I'm glad there was so little violence in this one - we didn't even see Brooks actually get shot. Fans of the Goldbergs might recognize the courtroom defendant as Matt Bush, who has played one of Barry's buddies for the past 10 years. Definitely a "hey, it's that guy!" moment! IIRC, wasn't Ham Burger (heh) Perry's primary adversary in the original show/books? Justin Kirk is well cast and I love that they seem to be frenemies (and Ham and Della actual friends). The scene with the three of them crackled with energy.
  8. I wonder if they're laying the groundwork for Margaret to open her own firm, and of course Susan and and her other lawyer friend go along with her. I enjoy this show (mostly because of MGH), but often not too much makes sense, so that potential plot development would fit right in.
  9. I wanted to like this show SO MUCH. I loved Jack Huston on Boardwalk Empire and tend to like any shows with witches. But good grief, I am glad the next ep is the finale. I do find the show interesting when it focuses on the extended Mayfair clan and the Talamasca (and all the supporting characters' abilities). And even Rowan's power, when used, is good. But after 7 episodes, I have no idea where this is going and there's too much I don't understand. How did this get renewed?
  10. THIS. Given what was going on in Europe at the time, Eva's unabashed eagerness to celebrate Christmas, and the household's enthusiasm in giving that to her, didn't set right with me. I was happy that they made an attempt at a menorah and the prayer with the dinner scene. But I wish there would have been more of an attempt to balance both the household's Christmas traditions with Eva's Jewish traditions, even if it wasn't Hanukkah. In my view, there was a general theme of "let's teach the little Jewish girl the RIGHT way to celebrate December!" Maybe that wasn't intentional but I found it unsettling. Also agree with many other sentiments in this thread, especially having Siegfried actively going through with the horse decision and Mrs. Hall's inexplicable 11th-hour regret about a guy she hadn't wanted to get involved with until he was leaving. The episode was saved by Tristan's maturity and insight, and of course, by any animal that appeared onscreen.
  11. Did anyone else think some of the voices sounded "off" during the premiere? I noticed it right off the bat with Stan - his voice sounded deeper - and even with Cartman at times. I guess it's to be expected for Stone/Parker's voices to change during 25 years, but I didn't notice it last season. When did Token become "Tolkien?" Obviously I've missed some episodes somewhere along the line!
  12. Portia on the White Lotus was played by Haley Lu Richardson, and Camille is played by an actress named Alice Englert. BUT I had to laugh when I read your comment because I thought exactly the same thing through the ENTIRE first episode! Also, something about her speaking patterns reminded me of Jennifer Ehle, so my other guess while watching was that Ehle was the actress's mom. (Englert's mom is actually director Jane Campion.)
  13. Nice to see Jack Huston again! I haven't read the books, so I can't say if he was miscast, but he was my favorite part of "Boardwalk Empire" (he played the fan-favorite "man in the mask"). And Beth Grant! Just before I watched this, one of her "Office" appearances reran on Comedy Central (she played Dwight's babysitter/date in a few episodes), so I spotted her right away. And Erica Gimpel as Rowan's mom, who will forever be Semiramis on "North and South" to me, and who hasn't apparently aged in the 40 years (!) since that was filmed. Harry Hamlin! Persus himself! I liked Alexandra Daddario on "The White Lotus," but I agree that I don't buy her as a neurosurgeon who lives on a boat and sleeps around. I wasn't as intrigued as I was by the "Discovery of Witches" pilot but I'm interested to see where this goes. That said...obviously I do love the casting director for the most part.
  14. Yes, it was him, right? He also played Nick the IT guy on the Office years ago, and more recently the ad agency's son on Black-ish. If it wasn't Nelson Franklin, it was someone who looked a LOT like him!
  15. That's true, but most shows air more than 6 episodes before taking a 3-month break, in order to build an audience - especially new shows. I really like this show, but IMO, a break that length is not going to do it any favors. ABC maybe should have waited to launch it until January.
  16. Moxie Cat

    S01.E06: Tuffy

    I checked his Wikipedia entry. He did move back in with his mom eventually and he had cats. I'm guessing that the Tuffy story itself might have been invented, but was a nod to his real love for cats.
  17. I completely agree. This episode was tonally SO different from the last one. "Tuffy" reminded me of an episode of "This Is Us," pathos with a bittersweet but feel-good ending. This episode was like a horror movie. I appreciate the Liddy scenes, especially Shea Whigham's performance, but TBH, I fast-forwarded through some of it. It was just TOO much and went on for too long. And at the same time, I had no idea why Dean was going to prison or why it was at an army base...not enough exposition there for those of us who were born after Watergate and don't know all the details. What I do find amazing is how many of these guys faced jail time for being just remotely aware of Watergate before and after the break-in. Different times, I guess.
  18. Moxie Cat

    S01.E06: Tuffy

    I totally missed Elijah Cummings! But I did catch Hillary. It was subtle, but the giveaway was that closed-captioning called her "Hillary" (with a double L). The glasses were on point for all the old photos of HRC. I'm just catching up on these episodes, but I'm really enjoying this series. As a cat parent, though, my anxiety was through the roof during this one! So happy he found Tuffy at the end! I thought for sure he would get on the bus, and THEN the cat would show up and sadly watch him leave. Glad to be wrong!
  19. I love the Jean Plaidy books! I always wanted to read straight through from the William the Conqueror series to her Victoria books, and thus learn "everything" about British history. Oh well - there's still time, I guess! I wish we'd see more about the Plantagenets in addition to the Stuarts. I appreciated the White Queen series because it was (finally) a pre-Tudor show. (Of course, we eventually ended up there anyway.) Maybe someone will eventually dramatize the John of Gaunt/Katherine Swynford relationship (as in Anya Seton's famous book "Katherine") and how that period led to dynasty's split and the Wars of the Roses (and Margaret Beaufort herself).
  20. I give the actress a pass right now too. The showrunners must be planning to cover the next decade of Elizabeth's life at least (best case scenario!), until she becomes queen, so they have to adequately age the actress from about 14 to 25. I can imagine that direction, hair, makeup, etc. were all instructed to envision a teenager during this season. Otherwise, the time passage won't be believable in season 3 (hopefully!) when Elizabeth is waiting in the wings for the throne. I'm surprised too that we've already seen Edward's sickness, given that as far as I'm aware, this entire season has taken place during the first year of his reign. He's got a couple more years in him yet! I'm guessing that the second (please!) season will time-jump to approximately 1553. The only thing I don't like about this show is the animal abuse. It may be period- or historically-accurate and/or for characterization, but I have to FF through those scenes. So far we've had a cockfight, a dog shot, and a falcon skinned alive. I hope that's it for the rest of season.
  21. Toward the end of this episode, I was like "Is it going to be in the swan bed?!?!" - and sure enough, it was! You'd think Christopher, at least, wouldn't be that dumb.
  22. Christopher: wow! Did anyone else think he looks like Christopher Reeve? I was so distracted by the resemblance! Same chin and smile. I loved that we finally got to see the growth of Christopher and Corinne's relationship...that was a real missing piece from the book series, since it was all from Olivia's perspective. Kate Mulgrew had a ball camping it up in her scenes in this episode!
  23. So, did any Riverdale fans here watch Sleepy Hollow? The final season's Big Bad had sold his soul to the devil, and spent most of that season figuring out how to become immortal to exploit the same exact loophole. Once he accomplished that, his grand plan was to turn the US into a fascist totalitarian empire. Sound familiar? (Granted, that villain had more impressive goals than just a dinky town.) I guess we'll know someone was really inspired by Sleepy Hollow if in the finale, Archie sells his soul to the devil in exchange for a weapon that destroys Percival. And I guess that's one way the final season could go.
  24. They changed that here, maybe to generate more sympathy for the character and counter the "why didn't she just leave?" argument. I do wonder if Malcolm would have just let her leave in the book though. He didn't care about the two boys, but he was concerned about appearances and propriety. I can't imagine he would have tolerated his own wife leaving like his own mother did - and taking his public heirs, to boot. I don't remember: did Olivia ever plan to leave Malcolm and go back to her father in the book, as was shown in the movie? I actually don't remember that happening.
  25. One of my long-time middle-of-the-night fears is that someone will sneak into my house when I'm out and will hide in the attic...which my daytime, logical brain says is obviously an irrational fear. So my reaction to that ad was "You mean that's REAL?!? I don't need to know that!" "Garden of Shadows" was the first VC book that I ever read and always one of my favorites. I thought they did a GREAT job with the movie! (And I was really disappointed with so many aspects of the others - and catching the end of the Heather Graham FitA reminded me of that.) The script, pacing, acting, actors, cinematography, direction, location filming....all excellent. Jemima Rooper and Max Irons are absolutely perfect. I haven't spotted her in anything since Hex and Lost in Austen, so I was happy to see her starring in this. I do wonder why they cast two Brits in the parts though - was this filmed in the UK, does anyone know? Paul Wesley on the other hand...don't get me wrong, I like him a lot (TVD viewer) but I never pictured John Amos as...hot. (Or inappropriately into Olivia!) Harry Hamlin! In addition to LA Law, he also appeared in recent years in Veronica Mars and Mad Men, and back in the day, starred in the seminal classic "Clash of the Titans" (one of my favorite flicks as a kid and still a guilty pleasure!) I usually don't like unnecessary plot changes but I did like the addition of Nella and the daughter...guessing she is Malcolm's because I can't see how making her Garland's works for the plot. Malcolm wanted a daughter: check. Malcolm is a jerk and rapist: check. Plus, it's been specified that Corinne gave birth to Malcolm when she was 17, so it's totally possible he got a girl pregnant at the same age. Also, we didn't see any evidence that Garland was rotten (I honestly don't remember from the book). I never thought Olivia was unlikable in the book, though it's been a long time since I read it...just that she became worn down and bitter over the years due to Malcolm's cruelty and infidelity, loneliness/isolation, later family events (which I'll be vague about to avoid spoilers), and John Amos's religious influence. Super happy there are three more weeks to go!
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