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Everything posted by anna0852

  1. I thinks Deeks throws his share of comments right back at her. It's a balancing act.
  2. Sheldon's father died when he was around 12, so his mother's new boyfriend doesn't confirm divorce. Can you really call it 'coming from a broken home' if the parents divorce after the child is grown and out of the house? Leonard and Raj didn't grow up with divorced parents, just Howard.
  3. That makes more sense when you think about it that way HurricaneVal! Secretly, I'd love to get this confirmed by having it come out that during one of their spats, somebody dared somebody to 'fine, let's just elope if (insert reason here)!" It just seems like something that is just plausible enough to happen. Neither can resist anything that feels like a dare from the other.
  4. That was actually one thing that didn't ring true for me. Just a couple of episodes ago he put a bounty on Mattias head for threatening Hetty, completely ignored Granger (not new but more blatant) and was getting close enough to 'off the rails' that Sam was worried. But catching the guy that put her info out there in the first place gets nothing more than irritation? I was expecting some serious anger, from both Callen and the rest of the team, especially once you figure in that Eric got pretty hurt and Granger nearly died.
  5. I really liked Jane's point that her window to follow her heart and takes risks was about close. She'll have to put her child first and then that's that, at least for the next 10-15 years.
  6. I think that was Deek's gun we saw. Look like his sweatshirt riding up Apparently Eric has target date for working things out with Nell...agree, her weirdness was about whatever is going on between them. I almost expected to Sam or Deeks make a crack about remembering the boathouse has cameras as they were all leaving at the end of the episode.
  7. I don't think the wedding was planned at the last minute, I think Steve was told at the last minute. To keep him from being, you know, him for as short as time as possible.
  8. Wow I'm the first! Not a bad entry. I wish there had been a little more build to the mole, rather than passing remarks in the last few episodes. It makes sense that it was someone in IT, a lot of data passes through those hands. I would like to know who he is working for. Interesting to see how the episode played out versus what the promo's presented. For example the clip of someone trying to strangle Kensi was really her and Deeks working out the scenario of how a murder went down. The promo monkeys a very good case for 'it's all in the editing'. Nice continuity having the same doctor that treated Deeks and Renko after being shot also being the one to treat Granger. And I'm positive that the show has filmed at the hill where Granger crashed before. I swear we saw Sam jogging there back in Season 2. I am more convinced than ever that Deeks and Kensi are involved and just not saying anything.
  9. I think that the Skye obsession is coming from 2 places with Ward: 1. With Garrett gone, Ward is at loose ends as far as 'who to take his cue from.' Ultimately I think Ward is a weak personality and very much a follower, how much his surface personality seems to be otherwise. Should a stronger personality come along (maybe Whitehall) to provide that influence and give him a path to follow, then Ward may go that way. I also think a big, driving force for Ward in joining Garrett was the opportunity to get revenge on his family. A long game to be sure but one that we see paid off. 2. As much as the Skye-obsession seems to have come out of nowhere, how much of his true personality did Ward hide before he was found to be Hydra? He faked a lot, even down the football team he preferred. I don't think it's out of line to assume that while externally he mostly treated Skye like the rookie-he-might-be-mildly-attracted-to, internally he was growing obsessed with her and was simply making sure it didn't show.
  10. I thought it was a good entry for a 100th episode. Nice callbacks to previous character and storylines as well as a wrap up to Wo Fat. Mommy issues seems a weak reason to go bat poo crazy/evil but I suppose people have done worse for less. The 'what could have been' thing was cool, if for not other reason we got Steve and his dad in several scenes together. What I found interesting was that all the changes were for things that Steve actually had no influence on. Kono's knee blew and Chin was disgraced and Danny split with Rachel long before 5-0 ever formed and Steve being in/out of the Navy wouldn't change that. None of those events hinged on the murder of John McGarrett or Steve forming the task force. Very fun to see an Aloha shirt wearing and Hawaii loving Danno. Bordering on surreal actually, particularly when he shot Hesse. Twice. I'm assuming the 'immunity and means' got passed onto HPD in this alternate reality. What I took from the hallucinations were the things that Steve *wanted* for his friends. For Chin to keep his career and the respect of his peers, for Danny to be happy with his family, for Max not to have to hang around dead people. Although if that is true, then Steve's subconscious really doesn't like Kamekona or Jerry. Broke my heart when he asked for his Dad and Danny had to tell him he was dead. Overall, great way to mark the 100th.
  11. Tim Dekay will always be Peter Burke from White Collar. Which is why seeing him so creepy and evil is blowing my mind.
  12. A decent entry. I like the cell phone subplot. Very funny and yet very true for a lot of parents out there. I'd expect nothing less from Sam. I am absolutely convinced that Kensi and Deeks are dating and trying to keep it discrete. No one keeps touching on important topics (kids, homelessness, etc..) unless something serious is going on.
  13. Wow! Finally. Makes sense that Sam's son away at military school. Given the timeline mentioned (back in Season 4 when the Siderov thing kicked off) ofwhen Sam met Michelle, there is no way this is her son right?
  14. Age of Ultron comes out May 1. Unless they finish the season before then (and do you really think ABC/Disney would let this show skip May sweeps?), they will have to deal with another movie plot and the ripple effects.
  15. Oh wow. I guess we know that the Stuart and Debbie storyline will end. Such a shame we never got a reveal of her.
  16. This was definitely one of their funnier episodes. Liked that Nell acknowledges her weakness in the field. And she's right. A big part of the other four do involves physical strength and stamina she doesn't have. Nice to see Eric encouraging her rather than acting jealous about her getting out of Ops. Granger has grown a sense of humor!
  17. I don't think Luisa owns any shares in the hotel. I think Rafe offered his shares as collateral to her insurance company when they refused her policy due to her drinking. If Luisa is sued and loses, then the insurance company gets to sell those shares to make up the loss.
  18. I knew I recognized that voice! Definitely one of their lighter eps. Liked that the feds took Hetty along when the arrested Sam. Someone knew that neither he or Callen would go even a little bit quietly otherwise. Having smelled durian before, I nearly gagged when I saw it on screen. Deeks is lucky no one threw it at him. Kensi and Deeks continue to be hilarious together. I am now utterly convinced that something has shifted again in their relationship and they're just trying to be a little more discrete about this time. Granger was utterly hilarious with photographing the cheating couple for blackmail. He's really turned around his opinions of the team since we met him.
  19. Wow did the CBS promo people have fun with this one! Loved the comedy and that no one really thought Sam did it. Granger is really crossing to the team side nicely. The standard 'hands off' orders followed by the acknowledgement they won't be followed. Nice call back to Deek's cop life. Overall I liked it.
  20. Anything that starts with 'Deeks & Kensi go undercover' is bound to be a good one.
  21. I'm glad that Skye is shown improving but not perfect. Of course she's not going to be as detached as Nat, she wasn't raised as a spy the way Natasha was. As for Jane Foster, can I get a Heck Yeah!? I watched and loved both Thor's but my love was for Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston and Kat Dennings. Not Natalie Portman. She can play dramatic roles fairly well but has no place in action adventure or fantasy. She just oozes 'damsel in distress' and sticks out like a sore thumb amongst Black Widow, Maria Hill and even Pepper Potts.
  22. Just the thought of Christian Ward being a bad guy is making my head spin. I'm used to Tim Dekay as the most honorable straight arrow FBI agent ever on White Collar. I keep thinking 'But Peter Burke isn't evil!'
  23. One of the things I love about this show is that while you probably couldn't change out the genders, you could easily change the races of the characters and it wouldn't affect the storyline at all. Which to mean speaks of good writing.
  24. Oh how I wish HurricaneVal! Actually I wish these 2 shows would just do another crossover. I really want to Steve run into the brick wall that is Hetty and Granger.
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