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Everything posted by anna0852

  1. That was actually a more succinct explanation than the 'previously on' segments. :-)
  2. Saw that coming with Rachel and Charlie from miles away. She really is a terrible person, isn't she? If Charlie hadn't gotten sick I got the impression she would have taken that secret to the grave. It was possibly the best way to hurt Danny she could have come up with. He loves being a father, he's crazy about Grace. His life revolves around her. To have lied to him about Charlie was just the worst. I do have to say good for Danny for working to keep his issues with Rachel away from both kids and for insisting that Charlie (and by extension Grace) be told the truth. I can't imagine what Grace's reaction is going to be. She's old enough to understand what is going on and have her own opinions about it.
  3. My theory on the ring is that Sheldon got it after the Flash incident. Amy walking out demonstrated that he has to work at their relationship if he wants to keep it. And I think his pushing Leonard and Penny about their engagement was his awkward way of both working up the nerve to ask and mental checking himself that he wanted to make that move. I think it would have been a genuine proposal, not something he saw as a social construct. We've seen Sheldon's special brand of bluntness when trying to obey society and this wasn't it. If it was, I think he would have argued with Amy instead of acceding gracefully when she stepped back. Those are just my two cents and the return this fall could totally prove me wrong.
  4. I thought that Penny's 'I'm not doing anything tonight' was wonderful. And I can kind of see where Leonard was coming from with wanting no secrets although his timing sucks. I have the feeling though we're going to see them happily married when next year picks up. I think so much comedic gold is going be found in just sorting out the living arrangements. I called the Shamy breakup right away but I did not see the ring coming! The mere fact he bought that ring (and kept it secret) along with his calm reaction shows how much he has grown in just the past year even. This time last year he was literally running away because Leonard talked about moving out. My heart broke a little when Amy was speaking at the end though. It's evident that she loves him but she isn't getting what she needs from the relationship. Sometimes 2 people can care for each other deeply but have goals that can't mesh.
  5. I had the impression Manny was born in the US (for some reason I keep thinking Miami) and there aren't any citizenship issues with him. As far as Javier being upset that Manny no is longer a fluent Spanish speaker, well I would say that vanishing for four years while on a diaper run pretty much means he get no say anymore. I'm having trouble understanding how Manny lost the language though. Clearly Gloria speaks Spanish in the home and I'm willing to bet that prior to her marriage to Jay, there was little English spoken in the Delgado household. I would think that Spanish was actually Manny's first language, even if he was born in the US. Even today a lot of first generation immigrants kids (kids born here to foreign parents) start off speaking their parent's language and their first long exposure to English would be going to school around 5-6 years old. Gloria married Jay when Manny was on the cusp of middle school. Even if he was speaking English at school all day, he's going to come home and converse with his mother in Spanish. At this point of his life, Manny would have had to work to lose Spanish.
  6. I don't know. Her powers would have dealt with the earth, buildings, etc but could she dealt with vibranium?
  7. Which I feel strengths my argument for massive cast. That and I think it'd be cool :-)
  8. I really liked seeing Jay's motivations for Gloria to become a US citizen. I can see how her ties to Javier can undermine his confidence a little. Although one scene of Javier was not enough! As distasteful as I found Manny's TH about estate taxes, he did pick up on something I was thinking. Gloria has 2 children under 18 that are US citizens when she is not. What happens if Jay dies? That could be a terrible tangle to sort out especially when you consider all the references that have been made to Gloria being illegal at some point.
  9. To be honest, by the time we get to Infinity War (which is meant the the crashing crescendo to the whole MCU) I'm hoping that it is so huge that all the various facets are drawn in. Even in small roles supporting the whole. Meaning the all the Avengers along with our Team Coulson, Team Thor (Selvig, Jane, Darcy, Loki, Sif and the 3), Team Iron Man (Happy, Pepper and Rhoady), Team Cap (Agent 13, Maria Hill, Falcon) and Team Guardians. I'm thinking that with Thanos presenting a major threat to entire universe a lot of contentious factions are going to stop fighting with each other and deal with him together. Actually I'd settle for a huge group picture of all the various casts together (maybe at comic-con or something).
  10. Oddly enough I think RDJ might do without the money truck. I remember from first Avengers that he was pretty vocal about equal pay for the rest of the cast, including taking a pay cut for them if necessary. I think if it were written well-enough, he might appear regardless of money.
  11. I kind of read that as not that they were laughing at her but more at the some-what absurdness of the situation. I truly don't think any of those 3 are so cruel as to laugh at someone openly like that.
  12. It's not unusual for LA to film the first couple episodes for next season at the end of the current. They've done that the last 2-3 years.
  13. Is it just me or did Paulette look like a dead ringer for Taylor Swift?
  14. I can't wait to see them work together and stop bickering. I'm not sure they couldn't move the earth if they tried.
  15. Just got back from my second showing and I do have to say I loved. There is one thing I would have loved to see though: Team Coulson in the background on the helicarrier. Not Coulson himself, I get that Joss said he has to stay dead but the rest of them. Mack and Fitz and Simmons at various control stations with Bobbi, Hunter, Skye and May on the lifeboats as some of the guards we saw. You have to figure Fury called an 'all hands on deck' to get that helicarrier flying in time. I know it's a pipe dream but would have been awesome to see. Also, I'd really like to get Natasha in a room with May, Maria, Bobbi and Skye (maybe Lady Sif as well) and give them a common enemy to beat down.
  16. I have to say I loved seeing Sister Mary Cynthia take charge and order the police out of the campsite. Girl has stones! Nurse Crane continues to grow on me. My heart broke a little when the girls were laughing after she left the room. Can someone identify her accent for me please? I have the untutored ear of an American. Why did Timothy need name tapes on all his clothing for the grammar school? The way Shelagh was carrying on, I thought he was off to boarding school or something. I understand the school wanting things like coats and hats marked but socks, really? Seems a bit overboard. Thought it was very realistic see her trying to juggle home and family all at once. But her husband's 'hello nurse' more than made up for it.
  17. I get how different kids have different personalities. What one might shrug off might reduce another to tears. But I believe the one of the marks of a *good* parent is to recognize those personalities and deal with with each child base on that. Parenting isn't a 'one-size fits all' deal (unless you only have one kid). I see that as one of Bev's principal failures as a parent: her inability to see to see her kids as thinking, breathing individuals and recognize that each should be dealt with accordingly.
  18. Well remember during the clean up after the Battle of New York, HYDRA was still deep-cover within SHIELD. They probably snitched the Leviathan during/after Winter Soldier, when HYDRA stepped out of the shadows and into the light. Remember the Sandbox got raided pretty good? Not to mention with folks fairly high-up the food chain (like Alexander Pierce) it wouldn't have been too difficult to funnel certain tech to certain places. I'm assuming that is how Strucker got his hands on Loki's staff, since the last time we saw it, Nat was using it to close the Chitauri portal.
  19. I love that Mary always has a reply for when Sheldon questions her faith. You know she must have gotten plenty of practice when he was growing up. It's also nice to see a character (particularly one in a sitcom) not only being religious but being comfortable with it and yet not over-the-top.
  20. I felt so awful for Leonard watching Mary and Bev both fawning over Sheldon. And I'm so glad that Penny was nothing but loving and supportive. I think my heart broke a little when Mary went to make dinner and he said like he felt he hadn't earned it. I continue to hope that when we meet more of Penny's family they are immediately welcoming to him. We know her dad likes him a lot. Nice to see Howard finally owning up to the fact that Bernie is babying him. And that she was able to convey her annoyance with resorting to total shrew-ville.
  21. Aside from Legend 1/2 (which technically were episodes of the mothership, not LA) we've seen Abby on here twice (once in person, once on the big screen and both first season) and Vance 4 times (one first season, one second season, one third season and one sixth season). Outside of these appearances, there really hasn't been mentions on either show regarding the existence of the other. Which makes a DiNozzo visit all the more exciting. Putting him and Deeks in the same room will be epic. I'm really hoping they bond, especially since Tony was street cop and detective for many years. There is a lot of common ground here. The only way this could be better was if we got a full crew crossover in both directions. Wouldn't you love to see Gibbs run smack into Hetty/Granger and conversely see our LA crew's reaction to 'grab your gear'?
  22. It would have to be next season. Which is unofficial confirmation of renewal! The only thing better than putting Deeks and Dinozzo in the same room is seeing Sam's reaction
  23. The crossover gods are smiling on us! http://www.cbs.com/shows/ncis_los_angeles/news/1004150/dinozzo-deplanes-in-los-angeles/
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