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Everything posted by anna0852

  1. I was really hoping for that too. I'd love to see Grace really lose it about the all the upheaval in her life and I'd like to see her and Danny ultimately bond over it as well. Because while Danny was not innocent in his affair with Rachel, he had nothing to do with her lie regarding Charlie's parentage. Heck I'd like to see a little jealousy from Grace having to share her dad with Charlie. Until now, *Danno* has just been hers. As for Steve, I agree. I think he's clung to what he thought was a happy and pretty ordinary childhood and that in his head he needs to Doris to stay that good mom. Because if she doesn't, then he has to face and deal with her betrayals. Like leaving her husband to grieve and believe that her death was his fault. McGarrett Senior thought he wife had been murdered to send him a message, and as a result sent his kids away and rarely saw them since. It must have torn his heart out to do that and it turns out there was no reason to do so. That thought has to have thundered through Steve's head a few million times by now.
  2. Steve likes to watch Child's Play, ever since he used to successfully put the moves on a girl when he was in high school.
  3. He stumbles at times but Homer really is a good dad.
  4. I was really expecting more of a fuss from Grace. I was thinking that her lying and sneaking out actually made sense in the bigger picture. Not only is she hitting those "I know everything" teenage years but finding out her mother lied about Charlie had to have been a tremendous blow. And there is no way Grace doesn't know about it. Not if Danny is routinely visiting the hospital and Charlie is calling him Danno. I'd absolutely believe that Grace would be acting out in response to that information, plus what is very likely a divorce in progress between Rachel and Stan. When Danny started up about being her father and protecting her (which incidentally seems the wrong tact, I've have gone with 'how dare you lie and sneak out'), I was really expecting Grace to respond by asking if he was sure that he was her father. After all, if Rachel lied about Charlie who's to say she didn't lie about Grace. While the yearly appearance of a Halloween slasher killer squicked me out (whoever said they've been talking to the Criminal Minds writers is probably on to something), I really liked that Steve immediately recognized that Max was upset and why, as well as comforting him at the end. While Doris is alive now, Steve lived for 15+ years thinking she was dead and not knowing why. I don't think Steve gets enough credit his empathy or emotional sensitivity sometimes. That being said, I hope that brief discussion at the end does not foreshadow Doris returning. I just can't see that going well at all, especially since Steve killed Wo Fat, whom Doris considered a son.
  5. Because only Stuart was single until Amy and Sheldon broke up. Why would Penny or Howard or even Raj be looking into dating apps?
  6. While I don't like the creepy loser thing, I do have to admit the writers don't show it working. Howard did not get Bernadette until he matured and grew up. The same with Raj and Emily. Stuart might be a loser but it is certainly not being portrayed anything but what it is. I'd be much more upset if this sort of behavior was being rewarded.
  7. No Sam doesn't. He was perfectly polite to both Chin Ho and Danny during the Hawaii Five-0 crossover and neither of them are anything close to special forces. There is no reason for him to be acting like that for a member of his own agency. I do agree that Hetty should not be judging anyone until she faces her own failings first.
  8. The crossover you are thinking of was with Hawaii Five-0. And it was much better in its execution.
  9. I really liked this. It was nice to see the girls hanging out and it was high time someone explained to Stuart that he's his own worst enemy. See Sheldon and Amy working on moving on from each other felt very organic. The awkward talking in the hallway very natural. I really liked seeing the guys together as well and the they didn't suck at fencing. This might be a good fit for them to be more active. And Kripke! Always like me some Kripke. All though not as much Kripke as Amy got apparently. MB's was perfection in that scene.
  10. Not totally contrary. I've always thought that the cast and chemistry didn't truly gel right until Deeks was added to the cast in the second season.
  11. I have mixed feeling about this episode, mostly because I was looking forward to it so much that I think I let it get a little too built up in my head. I think in some ways the comedy was amazing. Callen and Sam play off each other really well and it was nice to see that continue. Rio cracked me up. Can't say the dude isn't a slick talker. Definitely one of their more memorable perps. I had higher hopes for Tony fitting into this group though. I really thought he and Deeks would get along better, especially since they share very similar personalities and backgrounds. Unfortunately that didn't happen. A lot of the dialogue felt awkward and didn't really fit with the existing relationships. I would have thought Tony would get more on Granger's nerves than Deeks. For example, in the backdoor pilot Callen, Sam and Kensi all worked with Gibbs. They seemed to hold in high regard. They've met McGee, they've met Abby. There is a history and familiarity with the Washing team. Tony's name would have come up. There is no reason to think they'd (especially Sam) would treat Tony as anything other than a fellow agent, especially knowing his link to Gibbs. And there is no reason on this earth Kensi should have been acting the way she did, especially considering that this season has already seen the 'I love you's' and a parental meeting. I've have expected that kind of flirting/mess with my partner sort of thing prior to mid-season 6 but not now. I think the overarching problem is that they shot this episode at the end of last season and out of order. I get that to make the schedules line up, it had to be done then but no one seemed to take the scripts for this season into account or that relationships have evolved since last May. Nor did anyone stop to consider the history established between the 2 teams back in Season 1 or really take the time to maybe review Tony's character with some writers from the mothership. I do like that call back to Jenny's death and I totally buy that she and Hetty would have been friendly, therefore making Tony not one of Hetty's favorite people. Unfortunately you had to have been watching the original series 8 years ago for that to make sense. What we saw last night was Hetty being rude and referencing an event a lot of viewers might have no knowledge of. I'm not touching that Eric and Nell conversation with a 10 foot pole. Overall I think the idea was good but the execution was poor. There just hasn't been enough casual connection between the shows for a long time now and big crossover like this worked poorly because of it. I don't expect to see characters popping up on both all the time but references to Director Vance would be nice. Or maybe have some mention in LA when the Secretary of the Navy gets assassinated on the original series. Just small dialogue references would have made it more believable that the 2 show exist together. I did really like Tony cautioning Deeks about his relationship. Maybe it's wishful thinking but I do think seeing Kensi and Deeks together reminded Tony very much of Ziva and how much he misses her.
  12. I hope Rafael sues the pants off Petra and she's forced to cede her part of the hotel back to him in settlement. What she did was straight up fraud and theft. She was not his wife and had no legal rights to that sample.
  13. As cheesy at is was, I'm glad to see the acknowledgement that Cath leaving really shoot Steve up. I'm very glad it wasn't just business as usual, as if nothing ever happened. I liked Grover complaining about Steve driving. Danny can be assured that it isn't personal! And I really loved that scene with Grover and Steve on their way to the hospital to see Danny. That is a very nice friendship developing between the 3 of them (and Chin of course!). As cheesy at is was, I'm glad to see the acknowledgement that Cath leaving really shoot Steve up. I'm very glad it wasn't just business as usual, as if nothing ever happened. I liked Grover complaining about Steve driving. Danny can be assured that it isn't personal! And I really loved that scene with Grover and Steve on their way to the hospital to see Danny. That is a very nice friendship developing between the 3 of them (and Chin of course!).
  14. Phil may be weird but danged if he can't find the joy and wonder in the world that most of us lose at puberty. I have to admire the guy for that, not to mention his determination to install those same traits in the kids. There is something to be said for being happy.
  15. Hetty! Gibbs-slapped DiNozzo! Hetty Gibbs-slapped DiNozzo! That alone make next week a win!
  16. Nicely done. I like how it took the team approximately 5.9 nanoseconds to figure out that something was wrong and start working on a solution. Callen and Sam are always amusing when they have to go 'off script'. They are a very Macguyer like team. Loved the small personal scenes. And I'm thrilled that there was no jealousy from Deeks about Kensi working undercover in that dress (and that said dress goes to wardrobe! So that's how Hetty stocks the place.) but rather a tinge of melancholy that he's never going to earn that kind of money. He really does have some self esteem issues. Just hides it pretty well most of the time. I think it's a measure of trust though that Kensi is allowed to see that side of his personality. Nice to Eric still working on that whole 'combat' training thing. I'd prefer to see him do well with it though, rather being a joke. The callbacks to previous seasons continues! Not only did we get flashed back to Three Hearts but to Traitor as well. Methinks the mole storyline will have it's roots in the Citadel scandal.
  17. Can we post about the trailer for next week?
  18. I agree with pretty much everything said here. The people in Steve's life have a long history of betrayal whether intentional or not. The only one I don't really agree with is when Danny was ready to move for Grace. There is no way Steve would have held that against him, consciously or unconsciously. Having lost his parents (or so he thought at the time), I can't see Steve begrudging Danny that time with his child.
  19. I really felt for Sheldon tonight. And I agree, he wasn't trying to guilt trip or coerce anyone into anything. He was genuinely trying to find a way to cope with a great amount of upheaval in his life. Certainly he's handling it much better than he did a year ago when he ran off. I also think he was very astute in predicting what would eventually happen to their group. And I think that is something that most young adults struggle with as people marry and settle into careers and have kids. They do spend less time with their friends. People do move and divorce and relationships change. I think it speaks volumes about Sheldon's growth that he recognizes this fact and that he doesn't like it. Loved Bernadette trying to foist Stuart on Sheldon and there being no way Stuart was going to fall for that. And her conversation with Amy afterwards was hilarious. Loved that Amy's friendships haven't altered just because she broke up with Sheldon.
  20. I haven't watched SVU in years but I'm tuning in for that one.
  21. If she ever comes back, Danny might kill her. I think Cath now ranks up there with Rachel on the 'do not like' list.
  22. For the character's sakes, I hope Cath stays gone. I think she's hurt Steve badly and he's never going to move on if she keeps popping in and out of his life. I sincerely hope that whatever Cath is up to, it does revolve around something she has to do to keep Steve safe (either on a personal or national security level). Because otherwise she's causing a lot of pain for no reason. As a viewer, I want to see this continue because I find it entertaining. As I will find the inevitable comfort from Steve's friends to be heartwarming. The poor guy just keeps getting jerked around, ever since Doris supposedly died.
  23. Oh man, poor Steve. I guess Cath either rejoined the Navy or is now CIA. Either way, far to reminscent of Doris leaving her children all those years ago. Hope Cath stays gone this time and Steve is able to move on. Nice to see the Jersey nephew has actually followed through on becoming a crime tech. I'm going to handwave how he was able to get the education necessary and just enjoy it. Nice to see he's good at it too.
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