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Everything posted by anna0852

  1. It could be something medical that has already happened. Say, Charlie had his blood typed for whatever reason. It comes back as something that the combo of Rachel/Stan either *couldn't* or at least would have a long shot of producing. Stan get suspicious and has a DNA test done. Rachel's secret is blown, they're divorcing and Stan had cut ties. Hence, telling.
  2. Cool! Didn't think they were allowed to do that.
  3. Does anyone know why Fandango is listing showtimes for Age of Ultron for April 30th?
  4. I agree, I don't think there is any paternity question about Grace. However I'm convinced Charlie is Danny's son. I can't think of any other secret Rachel could be keeping that would blow things up at this point. I'm curious as to why she is choosing now to tell though. If she and Stan are divorcing, she might be using the paternity to cut Stan out of her life. Or if she thinks he's a bad or neglectful father, this might be her way to put an end to it. Really looking forward to seeing the episode.
  5. Never going to happen, thank god. Chris O'Donnell is committed to and very busy with NCIS: Los Angeles.
  6. Given the experiences I've had dealing with teenage boys, alcohol and their 'junk' are both high up the priority scale.
  7. If Derek is dead, doesn't that mean a funeral? That presumably Cristina would attend. Or those close friends of his in LA - Sam and Naomi. Not to mention Amelia's documented best friend (and Derek's ex-wife) Addison.
  8. Thank you! That is exactly what I thought when I read this on TVGuide. It's either this or Grace isn't his child and if that were the case, then I would have thought Rachel would have used it during the custody hearings in Season 3.
  9. They could be saving that for CA:Civil War. Something to use to make peace between Stark & Cap? Just a thought.
  10. That is the best reason I can come up with Betsy
  11. She gave him the application back in Season 2,when he was fairly new. I believe Deeks was really flattered but said being a cop was part of who he was and wanted to stay liaison. I don't think it was done for this particular story line unless the writers are playing a very long game.
  12. I agree with all of this. I'm pretty sure Arkady has been ruled out as Callen's father though. Didn't they establish that his dad was Russian soldier that vanished into the gulags back in the 70's? Loved Granger showing initiative in protecting Deeks from IA.
  13. Let us all thank the ever-loving TV gods that Chris O'Donnell is locked into and very busy with NCIS:Los Angeles. I highly doubt he has the time or inclination to return to a show he did few guest spots on nearly a decade ago.
  14. I think it was sake of drama, hilariously pointed put by Granger about 30 seconds later.
  15. I thought that too but I could have sworn an earlier episode ruled that out.
  16. Can I just say how awesome it is that Dr. Turner has such admiration for his wife? I really love how supportive they both are of each other and seeing the glimpses of the happy home they've made together. That little scene with Timothy telling Angela that their parents were doing 'their mushy stuff' and that she'd have to get used to it was just so sweet.
  17. Solid episode tonight. I feel we're being very well set up for the last 3 (omg, it feels like the season just started, how can we be be staring at hiatus already?!). Hints of Callen's story coming into play again as well as the IA investigation for Deeks. I can't figure what is going on with Deeks though. Did he do something (and manage to hide it from all including Hetty) or is he just as puzzled by this as they are? Time will tell I suppose. I do like that Kensi seems to know when to push and when to back off, and that Deeks is not keeping secrets from her. Love Granger being the loop and not caring! Also his utter exasperation with the dramatic tendencies and pauses. Right there with you Owen.
  18. So is the thought that Amy didn't die as a child or that the woman pretending to be her is back?
  19. Yep, that seems to shore up my theory.
  20. Especially since the movie comes out before the TV season ends. We should have an episode or two dealing with the aftermath.
  21. My big question would be how Ulton and AOS will fit together. We know that the movies affect the show. Depending on how much time the movie covers, we might have a time skip coming up.
  22. I think it's her own sense of duty as a wife and mother that is holding her back. Renouncing her vows as a nun was incredibly difficult for Mrs. Turner and left her with a lingering sense of having betrayed/turned her her back on her sisters. We saw her struggling with this during the second Christmas special. I think she sees being the best homemaker possible as the route to 'make up for that' as it were. Given his comment about her 'being wasted' as his secretary, I don't think Dr. Turner would be opposed at all to Shelagh working part-time as a midwife. My theory is that it is her own sense of duty to the home and her commitment to being a wife/mother that is holding her back.
  23. Yeah, the promo monkeys are getting old. But it's what they always do. I take comfort from the fact that the promos and marketing are done by CBS and not the show staff themselves. At least we know Shane and Co. aren't trying to mess with us deliberately (at least about this!). Yeah, the promo monkeys are getting old. But it's what they always do. I take comfort from the fact that the promos and marketing are done by CBS and not the show staff themselves. At least we know Shane and Co. aren't trying to mess with us deliberately (at least about this!).
  24. Me too KPC! If for no other reason, I can't come up with any on-screen reasons we've seen for IA to investigate Deeks in the first place. Did that that IT mole guy (can't remember his name) plant some electronic evidence or something? I'm really racking my brains about what could have prompted this. Especially if it is something that neither Hetty nor Kensi is aware of.
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